eh heh


CRank: 5Score: 6260

"MS are already working on their own VR tech and it will be revealed at E3. "


" how could it be a 2 man race when none of the VR headsets is out yet?"

Both will be out long before microsoft ever finished R&D and released.You know, what i said before you took that part out of context.

3742d ago 18 agree7 disagreeView comment

I assume you're speaking to me? How am i brainwashed? Everything i just said is common among big businesses.Yes, it sucks.It's unfortunate.But considering their fiscal year earnings are coming up in April, it's crunch time.

Nothing defensive about that.Carry on being an arrogant shmuck tho

3742d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks like Morpheus wins by DQ

3742d ago 16 agree7 disagreeView comment

This counts Microsoft out of VR in my opinion.No way they'll pour millions and millions in R&D just to show up late in a 2 person race.

They tend to buy their way into these things.I figured they would of bought Oculus just to enter the VR market and stay competitive, after they waited to see if VR is a success or not.

Not looking like they'll be buying their way in now lol

3742d ago 31 agree13 disagreeView comment

It's just the usual trimming of the fat.And as a big publishers with some 17 studios with hundreds of devs per studio, they have a lot of fat to trim so to speak.

Sucks for the people that lose their job but that's the business.Sometimes you don't need 15 graphic designers for a new game, just 5.Or you don't need 20 program coders, just 10.In this case, you don't need a creative director that has directed the game into a 6+ month delay.


3742d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

So retailers desperately trying to rid stock? Weird

3742d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

If i've learned anything from history it's that PS always beats Xbox lol

3742d ago 27 agree3 disagreeView comment


Where was the official statement? The source?
All there is, is this low tier website that says his "Amigo" at SCE told him so.

Not doubting, just saying it is literally a rumor at this point.

3743d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't have a PS3 but i'll buy one for a signed copy of TLOU!!

3743d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wasn't the million pre-orders just a rumor?
I'd keep expectations low and be pleasantly surprised instead.

3743d ago 6 agree17 disagreeView comment

"when did we ever count PC when talking about console gaming?"

Usually when a multiplatform game on console/PC is touted as an exclusive.

3744d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought a PS4 just for this game.Had to order through Amazon even tho i hate buying things online but god damn was it worth it.

By far the best looking console game i have ever seen.Head and shoulders above too.It's incredible.Rushed through the good playthrough quickly and now i'm taking my time being evil, and enjoying every second of it.

3744d ago 20 agree0 disagreeView comment


What has kinect done..? There is literally not a single game that justifies it's existence.There's no reason for it at all.What, voice commands? Camera isn't needed for that.

Just the Mic.Like using the UI on PS4 with a $5 mic.

"Kinect gives MS a serious advantage if this VR stuff takes off because kinect is already included and it detection and interaction is the best you can get in natural input or motion gaming.&qu...

3744d ago 36 agree18 disagreeView comment

I must have learned the wrong definition of Exclusive growing up..

Not sure how something that can be played on 3 separate platforms can still be exclusive to 1..

3744d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

@Irish i didn't notice anyone from that link in this thread.

Is N4G a single person all of a sudden? What person says in the voice of all? Stop generalizing everyone into single categories and maybe you would find other people being a little more pleasant from time to time.

You seem to have extreme Bi-polar issues.

3745d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

"As opposed to if VR doesn't take off right now"

Not my point.I'm saying they would Never be bold enough to be a leader in this forefront to begin with.

"MS is a software company first and foremost."
..who also happen to have a dedicated console hardware team with a massive R&D budget.And look where they put that budget with Xbox one.

I can switch between my tv and games on a single hdmi!

3746d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

How did they take a risk when they didn't commit?They had a bold vision of a an all digital future and turned heel and ran at the first sign of trouble and as soon as they realized Sony was sticking with no DRM.So much for their great plan, eh?

Edit below:
People also flipped out when Sony introduced the PS1 and Discs instead of Nintendo's standard cartridges.Same with DVD in PS2 and Blu-ray with PS3.Going against the vocal crowds and committing to your plan,...

3746d ago 16 agree5 disagreeView comment

One thing i don't like about MS.Rarely willing to take a risk and try something bold.

They typically wait for someone else to break the mold and set the standard, then they buy their way in.

3746d ago 20 agree10 disagreeView comment

I stopped listening to critics when most of them gave White knight chronicles a 5/10.That was a turning point for me.I have just over 900 hours in that game.The online was absolutely amazing and completely fresh at the time yet not one single review even mentioned it.

Sure, i'll glance at their useless numerical scores for a laugh from time to time but do i let their opinions sway my decisions? Never.

3746d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good job cherry picking.Canada's high price hike isn't the standard norm.

3747d ago 39 agree6 disagreeView comment