
CRank: 5Score: 11560

And less rabid insecure fanboys that need to spin everything to feel some type of comfort.

5443d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

And no, I like didn't Transformers either. District 9 is probably one of worst movies I have seen.

5443d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yet how could you call something real when you haven't even downloaded or played yourself? It goes both ways. Anything could be in that file, no one knows. It's misleading without any solid proof or confirmation. Remember, it's just a torrent file making a claim. It's not hard at all to fake this type of stuff.

5443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why would they post this as news when they don't even know if it's the demo or not? Someone could of at least confirmed it. MW2 doesn't need a demo anyways.

5443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But trust me, if you want the best solution for FPS than you'll use a keyboard and mouse. It'll give you the best accuracy and response if that's what you're looking for. Great for fast paced games like cod and ut. I haven't had a problem with PS3 or 360 controllers. I been playing MAG beta and U2 with no problems at all. Unless you just started gaming on 360, your performance will be the same. You get use to it and you forget about it.

5443d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Do a barrel roll! =)

5444d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought it was just speculation until Sony revealed Agent as the real Rockstar PS3 exclusive. If it was exclusive, I think they would of said something about it by now. I'm guessing it's 360/PS3/PC like the article mentions. Could come on 2 discs on 360, who knows.

5444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your definitely reaching there. DOA has simple combos and the ability counter. The gameplay is really shallow. Also, Tekken tag > SC, DOA, and all of the newer Tekken games.

5444d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tekken 5 DR on PSN looks much cleaner and runs native 1080p/60fps. That game was released two years ago and looks better than this. Wtf happened to this game?

5444d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

But they managed to get it looking like an entirely new next gen game on PS3. The difference between the two is like night and day. During the cutscene of all those enemies on screen, the framerate is pretty low and the didn't look too good on 360. More enemies would of enhanced the cutscene, not the gameplay and overall graphics which is better on the PS3 version and makes it superior. If you actually think it's not superior on PS3, than you are probably just as smart as the person who made ...

5445d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't hate any of the Half-life games, but they weren't as good as everyone made it seem IMO. But then again, the game is old and the engine is dated, right? If I played the game on PC during the time it was released, I'm sure my opinion on it would of been different. I owned the Xbox 1 port and it was horrible and unplayable for me. I enjoyed Left 4 Dead more. I played it on 360 and PC and it's definitely a game that plays much better on PC than consoles because of the controls.

5446d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't care what it is, just shut it off. It's annoying hearing someone blast music through a mic. If I wanted to listen to music, I would listen to music! Before Home got rid of voice chat in public areas, people would do that and it was annoying.

5446d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

GTAIV is far from a bad game, it's very good and we all know that, but it's not THAT good. Moreover, it's interesting people are saying the new DLC expansions are better than the actual game, which says a lot considering they scored lower.

I think it's all because of hype, expectation, and anticipation the game built before it was released. People were expecting it to get the highest scores ever, it was like the reviewers were just telling us what we wanted to hear instead of giv...

5447d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Trust me", lol.

Although I don't think I'd buy a Mac anytime soon. Not saying they're bad computers but I don't have a reason to buy one.


I agree. The Windows commercials are boring and uninteresting imo.

5447d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

More games for me to play, more crying for socomnick to do.

5447d ago 12 agree0 disagreeView comment

But really, who the fck are you? Last time I checked, this article is showing screens of a video game that HASN'T BEEN RELEASED. Remember, SCREEN SHOTS. I think there isn't a better time to appreciate the graphics, which contributes to what this game promises, REALISM. It has to look REALISTIC(duh) and of course play realistic too. And stating most of us never sat and drove an Audi R8 is so fking irrelevant and stupid. Like the guitar hero arguments, I think you're forgetting what GT is — a v...

5447d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

When people are comparing it to Halo and R2 failing, they're talking about the gameplay, not sales. What are you talking about? I don't think the fans give a crap how much it sells, it doesn't change what people think about a game.

5447d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

2 million sold means it was mediocre and not original? And marketed like the next coming of god? If anything, it wasn't marketed enough, just a lot of excitement from the fans. I bet you were one of the people saying this game would flop because the first one didn't score so good.

"BUT, BUT, BUT.... the controls are sluggish!" smh.

5448d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

God forbid people start speculating, smh.

5448d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Something tells me it's not going to be anything too big(ME announcement). No point in setting yourself up for disappointment. Mods would definitely interest me in the PS3 version and I have no idea with this game is or about, lol. I loved using mods in UT3 on PS3. It worked really well IMO. I hope it's not something small like mouse and keyboard support, which is cool but nothing to really get excited about.

5448d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment