
CRank: 5Score: 6530

He could have at least put in the effort to come up with a consistent metaphor.

If the PS3 is "best on the menu", then I'm still hungry.

6280d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

All these comments about how wonderful KZ looks, and I just can't see it.

It reminds me a bit of F.E.A.R. but instead of being grey, it's brown.
Also seems blury compared to gears and quite "boxy" in its layout.

I know its an "unfinished product" but they had better put a lot of hours in if this is going to get anywhere close to the hype.

6280d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Perhaps the PS3 needs a ten year life span so that there are at least a couple of good games available for it.

The rest of us will be playing with xbox720 or something. Whatever it is, it will blow the PS3 away in 10 years. In fact in 10 years my phone will probably be more powerful that an PS3.

6285d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why are sony's top employees such fanboys. Just keep pumping out this garbage. Makes you wonder whether they are trying to convince the public or convince themselves!

If HD dies so what. Why should microsoft care?
If BR dies then the PS3 is dead.
That is one advantage of the 360. It allows us 360 owners to sit on the fence as far as the HD/BR argument goes.

But then as mentioned above - both PS3 and 360 will be junk in ten years.

And ...

6285d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

If the AI and Collision detection are bad on one system, they'll be bad on the other.

The only likely differences would be handling the frame rate if one console is slower and dealing with graphics. The underlying logic will be identical.

So unfortunately if the 360 version is rubbish then the PS3 version is too.

6286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So gears is not the game to compare to, based on a load of games you think look better, but you can't actually play?

Hey I've got a photo on my wall that looks better than gears, so gears must be rubbish.

Don't compare sonys "future plans" to microsofts "delivery". Wait until sony deliver something that you can stick in your PS3 and play, and then compare.

6287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

is that we can actually play Gears, right now.

KillZone may turn out to be really good, but we've got to wait until 2008 to find out, so comparing the two really makes no sense.

So far the game is only playable in the hands of a Sony rep.

6287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The lack of aliasing on the helmet is poor and does suggest in-game to me, but those of you who think this looks stunning need to change your rose-tinted glasses.

6288d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

if some ex-sony guy tells us.

Am I the only one sick of these partronizing statements from sony and their 'friends' - like we can't make up our own minds.

Just remember kiddies - sony knows best.

6289d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes the 360 is ahead, but not by as many as it should be considering the number out there.

But then who cares.

Not meaning to start a fight, but maybe PS3 owners are preordering so they can feel like they're buying something now (as the games are a little thin at the moment); maybe 360 owners aren't so into GTA as it was heavily on PS2 before and it will need more marketting to attract them; maybe sony owners are more used to games selling out at release and fee...

6289d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ban in europe? yeah right.

Stop trying to scare people with such rubbish.

As long as microsoft can offer an explanation and show that they have fixed the problem at some point, then admitting this problem is a good move on their part.

A 360 price drop along with a solution to the 3 rings would really cause Sony some sleepless nights.

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mine is the same.

I've been quite paranoid about mine overheating, but after a couple of hours of play I often check it and its almost cold.

Perhaps the issue is dependent on which supplier built it, or even whether you stand it on end or not. I had a zip drive that only worked horizontally but was supposed to work vertically too.

6292d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

- so as well as writing incomprehensible english, can't even get the story right.

But then what do you expect from such a ridiculous organisation. I guess they get down on their knees every morning and pray to their god sony - idiots.

6292d ago 5 agree8 disagreeView comment

need some lessons in english.

This news item is barely readable.

oh look, someone disagrees with me. How can you possibly disagree?

6292d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

no wonder it's so boring waiting for them.

This isn't a marathon, or a sprint, its an ungoing process.
Us gamers need constant attention to keep us interested. A new game once in a while would be a good start.

6292d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

down here in the south my local GAME has pushed the PS3 stuff to the back of the shop. I haven't seen a single one sold.

Me thinks you're glasses are a bit rose tinted.

6292d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

You Guys - so predicatable.

When there's some bad news you resort to the red lights story. I guess its the only thing you can think of that is bad about the 360.

Perhaps there would be more hardware issues with the PS3 if anyone had a reason to turn one on.

6293d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

So you got a PS3 for a load of games that don't even exist yet.


MOH may not be the most important game in the world, but if I was a PS3 owner I would be really annoyed at sony for selling me something they couldn't be bothered to support.

6293d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The fact some games are delayed on 360 as well isn't the point. The ones you mention are "exclusives" from what I gather. Remember those?

We're talking about a multi-platform game that is only delayed on the PS3. That's the important point.

6293d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

are too dependent on Blu-Ray.

Obvious really, as they don't think they need any games this generation.

6294d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment