
CRank: 5Score: 6530

"Do you guys and girls really realize what the PS3 really is?"

By the contents of your post - it isn't a games console is it.

The idea of spending all that cash on a piece of kit so you can run someone elses software for them is just laughable.

Have you played any games recently?

The 360 may have reliability problems but at least 360 owners have a reason to power them up in the first place.

6253d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yep america make their own sports, then have a 'world series' where LA plays against New York.

Sometimes I think that americans don't care about what the sport is as long as an american wins it.

6259d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Considering its the X360 version that can run at twice the frame rate of the PS3 version.

But I guess fanboys like to wear their rose tinted specs to watch these comparisons.

6259d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Can't rememember what the 360 review was, but I think it was higher than 6.

There's probably no difference in the two versions, but the reviewer may have already played the 360 version several months ago and just scored it lower because it didn't seem like anything new. I guess thats always a risk if one console gets a game earlier. BTW this is not a dig at the PS3.

6266d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well you'e got to pat Nintendo on the back for the sales, but this is a very short term tactic.

They've gone for the ultra-casual market and once the wii is old, what are they going to come up with to replace it?

360 and PS3 will be well established and nintendo can't hope to bring out something comparible and compete with them. So what on earth would wii 2 be?

My only fear is that lots of developers stop developing 360 or PS3 games and start deve...

6266d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

would be reviewing the xbox version. The hint is in the title of the magazine.

6266d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I used to play games on my PC - last one was probably quake 2, but just got irritated having to tweak settings and the hard work of getting some games to work. At least with a console the game will run exactly as intended.

Also its much easier chucking my battered PS2 in a bag for a session at a mates with a few beers in front of a big tv. Haven't tried lugging my 360 about yet, but its still easier than a PC.

And it is an aweful lot cheaper!

6266d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny that this turns up a day after the bioshock review scores. Could it be that someone just liked the idea and jumped on the back of it?

Not slagging off the game or anything as it may be really good, but perhaps we could have some actual news for a change rather than links to fanboy blogs and articles where the title is based on one single line or statistic that doesn't backup the main conclusion at all, but just makes one platform look better than the other.

6267d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I'll accept that the cutscene does look awesome, the gameplay looked really average. Lara Croft thinks shes dante.

I mean, I did enjoy Prince of Persia and God of War, but this is just more of the same.

Also had the bad guys been watching too many kung fu movies? Why did they all hang around and then attack one by one?

Of course I could be wrong and the game could turn out to be really cool, but it needs to impress more cos I wouldn't buy a ...

6268d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

does that mean that the winner is whoever sells the least?

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess a lot of chavs must be buying BR discs.

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


"Sony's Playstation 2 accounted for 42 percent of video game console usage during June far outstripping the Xbox, which had the second highest usage at 17 percent, according to Nielsen's latest GamePlay Metrics.

Rounding up the list of consoles was the Playstation 3 with just 1.5 percent of usage and the Wii with four percent."

6271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've never understood why this is microsoft v sony.

I'm sure microsoft don't really care who wins. If BR wins then a BR drive will surely appear for the Xbox at some point.

Sony are the only company of the two that have a lot invested in the result of this battle, though I guess it may be in microsoft's interest to keep it going as long as possible but if HD losses it isn't going to cripple them.

6272d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and Sony's games are pretty much all way off in the future!

But seriously, will this guy just shut up.

One day I will probably buy a PS3, but if this guy is going to make one cent out of it, then maybe I just won't bother.

And he still looks constipated to me ;-)

6273d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Darkness is likely to do better on the PS3 as there are fewer games to choose from.

Until sony build up their library, 360 owners can be much more choosy.

6274d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Us '360 fans' are sitting on the fence until the devs 'show us'

We're still waiting.

6278d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The early games were not as good because the devs didn't know all the tricks.

They were using all the power, but their code was inefficient. It wasn't that they couldn't 'unleash' the power.

A world class chess player doesn't get better by finding bits of brain they never knew they had, but by learning how to use their brain better.

6278d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Foreigners are satisfied only with killing. Japanese are not that stupid."

True. The Japanese prefer undressing schoolgirls in their games.

6279d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

is playing R6V (last man standing variation) and dead players using the player views to tell their mates where the other players are hiding.


6279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats why you have so much trouble with Forza ;)

6279d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment