
CRank: 5Score: 6530

As a 360 owner (previously a ps2 owner) one of the most irritating things about this generation has been how sony fans have based the superiority of their system on games that don't actually exist yet, and KZ2 has been the central game in that argument.

The PS3 was supposed to blow the 360 away, and so far it hasn't, but we still have to listen to the same old hype.

KZ2 may turn out to be brilliant (as Sony tried to have everyone believe with their 'ingame/target...

5751d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

Is the most politically correct / leftie piece of junk in the uk, so from their point of view if an article isn't pro women or minorities it isn't news.

5937d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

From your name I assume you're american.

Do you include the Mayflower in that list?

Brainless Idiot - if you were from my country I'd be embarrassed!

5937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Has anyone noticed that the rubbish games that no one plays ever cause RROD?

This is like claiming that the latest Britney cd broke my cd player.


5957d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

All I can say from reading most of the posts here from christians:

A lot of you sound like you're really unevolved. :)

5958d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I guess my XBox 360 should allow me to play PS3 games.

6107d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I read on a news story that the two had been drinking heavily and said they started hitting their victim because they were drunk.

I guess the people who blame videogames, don't play games, but enjoy a beer in the evening.

6124d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

than configuring my system,

installing game software and configuring some more,

removing viruses,

wondering if the game I'm about to buy will run at a reasonable rate (if at all),

buying the latest hard drive and videocard every 6 months,

and watching as it becomes obsolete.

That was why I bought a PS1 in the first place, and kept my PC for email and excel.

It's also much easier to st...

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well if the BR camp include PS3s when they count how many players are sold, then the HD camp are perfectly right to include PS3s when they calculate attach rates.

Not sure if the BR camp include PS3s or not though.

6161d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

If Sony had actually delivered anything that blew the 360 away, then there would be no need for this article.

Its only the fact that they haven't that means that this kind of desperation is required.

Maybe the cell is the dogs, but not in the PS3 - not yet.

6162d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

The 'lightweight and no rumble' controller was one of the deal breakers that made me cancel my PS3 pre-order and go to the darkside (X360).

If they stick this in the box as the standard controller sometime soon (and get their backwards compatibility sorted) then maybe they'll be room for a PS3 under my tv some time next year.

6163d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They pay companies to create bloody good games. And if that isn't good for the consumer then I don't know what is.

Its only Sony who are arrogant enough to think they only have to make a machine and developers will come.

Maybe the PS3 will come good possibly around this time next year, but like many other people, I'll wait and see before splashing the cash.

6165d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice Picture.

I'd hate to see the ones that weren't good enough to publish!

6167d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Remember the world doesn't begin and end in the good ol' US of A.

Some of us have a date order that actually makes sense.

6169d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"1.4 -
I find it funny that all the negative comments are from xbox owners.

I Personally have no problem with this at all. I know that UT3 is going to keep me busy for ages. Plus of course COD4 and Haze just the name the multiplayer games. "

I have to say I find it rather weird how all the PS3 posts here are acting like its a good thing - waiting even longer for a game. Sony must have got you wrapped so tight round their little finger.

6174d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Out of all three consoles, the wii has the shortest shelf life. As soon as most people have HD tvs, its days will be numbers.

So that means that the 2 'last gen' consoles, will outlast the only 'next gen' console.

Perhaps if we could work out what next-gen actually means in the various contexts its used, then this kind of rubbish wouldn't be happening.

Such as, when does next-gen become this-gen?

6179d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

then how about the Maze game on the ZX81. The one with the T-Rex.

Now that was scary in the dark!

6187d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The more people buy a game based on the hype rather than on what is delivered, the more shortcuts developers will take.

We should be forcing them to sell quality rather than buying whatever rubbish they put out.

I'm not saying AC will be bad, just that you should wait and only buy it if they deliver a good product.

6200d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

as much as Sony do.

And that is one of Sonys major problems right now.

The 360 is holding its own in Europe and the US, and was never expected to do well in japan, but the PS3 is being destoryed by the Wii in it's own backyard.

So the wii is globally much worse news for sony that it is for microsoft.

MS should just concentrate on the US and europe and leave nintendo and sony to fight it out in japan.

6214d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Actually being welsh is being british.

If you're going to post a comment that someone else is wrong then at least make sure you're right.

6223d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment