
CRank: 5Score: 7640

if this controler is to work with the ps2 i anticipate it will work with the ps3. they have had the patent for this technology for some time so i doubt it is detracting from anything ps3. i dont think anything that sony will do for a while will not have ps3 in mind. i think the idea is brilliant. the wii is last gen with next gen controlls so why not add next gen controlls to a last gen ps?. wahat i do wonder is if the motion will work with anygame or will there be a new brandname game that c...

6300d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

there is a rumored list of games microsoft is announcing: “Bungie working on new title/series not related to anything in the Halo Universe.”, “Epic Games to show some form of Gears of War 2 Trailer.”, “Microsoft buys up Star Wars Battlefront 3 rights. Trailer to be shown.”, “Microsoft to fund a new game based on Jason Bourne. It’ll be based on the books and not the film with Matt Damon.”, “Team Ninja to show off Ninja Gaiden 2. Labeled as a 360 Exclusive”, “Dead Rising 2 to be shown. May not ...

6301d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

i wouldnt mind a new exclusive from those guys but i would love more for ut3 to be fully exclusive. maybe they mean that but i guess only epic and sony know. by the way. most of the reasons people think halo is COOL is what was stolen from ut. what is better besides ut's gameplay is the sexy voice calling out "double kill" or "dominating" or "rampage" instead of the dude saying it. HALO HYPE RIDERS DONT DESERVE TO PLAY SUCH A GAME AS UT.

6301d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

seems like THIS fianl fantasy will stay excusive for a while. "influence". they want the game to sell the console but if it doesnt it sure as hell will go somewhere else. atleast a year later if sales after the release happens are slow. AT LEAST A YEAR! but i doubt lack of ps3 sales will be a problem by the time this comes out. stop crying.

6301d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

i had my grandma(japanese) read the actual article. funny what xbot lies can stir up. i suggest anyone that gives this credence should look for "360" in the japanese news clipping. lol

6301d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

the next xbox is coming out in 2 years. the specs will be better than the best gaming pc avalable now. just thought i would throw that out there for everyone to swallow. lol

6302d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

that sucks. i was really considering getting one but i dont want to spend that money for something that keeps having issues. the games are great but not when you cant play them. i might get one and just keep returning it every year or so just to be safe.

6302d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have never been into final fantasy games! but i always loved and wished the cut scenes were the game! i would love to play the cut scenes and i know that is where they are going/at with the gameplay.

6302d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this mod looks spectacular. i just modded a ps3 controller and now i want to mod another one with carbon fiber.

6302d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am playing the WARHAWK BETA right now! although i wish i had the story of the difference between the 2 races and why they are fighting it doesnt really matter in the end. every game i buy and actually plan on keeping has to have multiplayer. i hope more multiplayer only games come BUT NOT AT SHADOWRUNS HIGH PRICE! half a game means it should be half the price!

6303d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

i highly doubt it will be $90. CLOSER TO $70 probably. and the gun will be bundled and seperate probably. and it will more than probably be toooooo much fun.

6303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3 version of The Darkness is better than the 360 version because of the added content! plain and simple.

6303d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this scenerio is unlikly. having 2 types of discs on the market will increase cost and either one will isolate the buyers of the opposition. just concede hddvd! btoh formats cost too much right now. package deals with hd and regular dvd dont make sense especially if they ar $40 and the average price of any hd format is 25-30.

6304d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

what a pointless article!!!!! although i do own all of what was mentioned(i have gold tiped hd cable though:). this doesnt seem news worthy at all. i would also suggest flow for motion sensing. nad MOTORSTORM! oh and proxy that hot new beta quick before time runs out!

6305d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

warhawk will be my battle game and ut3 is most deffinatly going to be my fps of choice. i spent $300 on a controler for the game(logitec keyboard and mouse). i hope ut still has the sexy female voice!!!

6305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i'll buy it used. and the guetar hero controler has 5 less buttons than this one. i wonder if there is a solution or you HAVE TO BUY A NEW ONE. but i thought they said it would work and now this guitar has ten buttons

6305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dint think they were that bad. its halo! what would you have thought the achievments would be? humping pwned players faces!? actually that would have been good. lol

6305d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i dont think sony was very open at all. those were their "we dont care about saying these will be shown nor do we care about showing them" games. well besides the agency. or maybe they know we all know what the big games they are going to shw are so they didnt bother including them. instead they want us to feaverisly anticipate them.

6305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

no motorstorm up date yet. it is 3 in the afternoon. what the heck! oh well. i dont care too much about it anyway. sony needs to STRONGLY PUSH for demos though. especially considering that they own rights to a movie!? doesnt make sense but oh well. atleast sony will make some profit off the surfs up game even if it is sold to x360 owners

6305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what comes to mind is the interview where hte guy said that all of what xbox 360 has is in sight. then this saying they want to do stuff people havent even thought about. that rumored firmware update with custamizable backgrounds and other such things not found on the x360 support this. before this holiday season i think we will see a HUGE firmware. maybe at e3 some things will be shown or even made avalable shortly after. time will tell.

6306d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment