
CRank: 5Score: 7640

look at the xbox...more powerful than the ps2 but the potential for the console was seen early on in the consols life.

look at the ps2...the first games were nasty! and then the devs got the hang of it amd maxed out the power gradually over the years.

the way sony designs its processors is for them to be powerful conceptually so that they will be relavent grfx wise for the 10 YEARS OF GAMING. competing with pc and the rest of the consols.

with micr...

6283d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

it is almost too good to be true how candid THE SENIOR VP OF MARKETING's interview was with such a big issue! i knew this was going to happen considering they equiped the tv out for the psp( so that you can transport hi-def video on such a small portable). what i didnt expect was a before hand definitive statment from him.

this shows that sony is starting to listen to and try to figure out whats wrong. whats really telling about his statment is that he may be hinting that the ...

6283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

whats really cool is the exclusive star wars battlefront game coming to the psp. whats really funny is that the rumor was that microsoft bought the rights to the franchise and they were having a new game for the 360. hahaha. didnt happen at all.

i will be buying the starwars psp....battlefront is kick arss

6283d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

phil harrison may not be talking about something in the works with grandtheft auto. he said with rockstar. rockstar has announced their 1930's crime drama del noir to be coming to ps3 exclusive. that news came out the same time as the news of 360 exclusive content was coming. but i hope rockstar just puts extra on blueray.

6284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

sony has acknowledged that it is both! but they are fixing both those problem and in a big way. if you havent noticed sony keeps insisting THAT THEY HAVE NOT DROPPED THE PRICE OF THE CONSOLE. they just introduced a new sku. lol. ok... so i can see a TRUE PRICE CUT happening before christmas. and they may even have the 65nm chips in by that time so it is very plausable.

by christmas ut3 will be out(timed exclusive), lair, warhawk,etc..

6284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i just wished they would release the game already!!! it isnt as big as sanandreas because the wide open areas are not included in the size. all the populated areas in sanandreas combined will be as big as liberty city.

6284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its not an xbox 360 exclusive. the same game has been on dvd format for forever. it was mediocre then and i really dont see it changing because of a new controller.....but a new controller worked for wii so it may sell well but it wont be a selling point for console itself.

6284d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"the impression that we've gotten is that they're proud of their achievement, while recognizing that they still have many miles to go."

miles to gi means everything about the game will surpass the old trailer.

6284d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol. ut2004 pwnes gears anyday.(not grfx wise but the multiplayer is soooooo fun). ut is deffinately better than halos multiplayer. that is yet to be known about halo3 and ut3 but my mony is on ut. halo stole from ut anyway!

6284d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

i liked the site view aswell. the best part of the game was watching the helghast get shot and it looking like real people being shot! they way their bodies jerked and how the turned back in reaction to the first shot and then their bodis shaking after each initial shot! since this is prepre alpha i can see the looks of the faces vastly improving to atleast look as good as mass effect and the fire will probably be tweaked aswell to look more like the cg trailer.(those 2 things were the only t...

6284d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it is really hard to fathom how you could possibly question how bias this site is and place the blame on the ps3 and its fans. YOU OBVIOUSLY DONT FREQUENT THIS SITE! you got it mixed up all the bias comes from the xbox camp.

oh and this is what i have to bring out about the article...
"Moore repeated his insistence that the Xbox division will move into profit next year; having shovelled the billion-dollar faults back into 2007."
most likely in 08 they wi...

6285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the gfx are not what i wanted nut if gameplay is great and the blood splatters realistically it will be good!

6286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

whats that ski game in the sony picture? i love i was disappointed in microsofts e3 but the stuff mentioned above was good. that band sucked!lol

6286d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

its grey! why?...i dont know....

any xbox with a hdd should be iptv ready. i doubt it is specifically just that. and all xbox360 will get the falcon tech so it coulnt be just that.

if its grey its a mix between white and black. the core should be white the premium grey and the elite black. or it could be a new sku but we will find out tonight.

6286d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

caugh...microsft...cough... only 1.6 mil sold since the launch of the wii and ps3...caugh...your in no position to cut prices now...caugh...


a 3 YEAR WARRANTY COUNTS AS A PRICE DROP! (losing 1.15 billion aint easy!) lol lol lol

6287d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

i love this game too! BUT i will not buy it again. they better offer the extra content on psn. but then again i got burned out on the original so i may or may not care depending on how many other games catch my attention by then(probably a lot)

6287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but i never bought it. i cant play the guitare and i dont care to try but i WOULD LOVE TO PLAY THE DRUMS! i might get rockband or rent it but i am not counting the game as a heart stopper at e3. gtaIV is incredible and i anticipate halo will hide its splendore but by the time the extra content comes out it will find a revival in that crowd but maybe by that time ps3 will have proven itself and R* will release it for ps3 too(unless there was any contract signed keeping it exclusive)(which is ...

6288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GAMECUBE HAD A LOT OF INTEREST AT FIRST! why that eventually failed is up in the air but... atleast that console wasnt betting on A CONTROLLER!! wii is great and is something non gamers will enjoy but as a gamer i dont want to play it(unless with friends) and non gamers wont be clammoring to play it in the near futur. its NOT A FAD but it is close. games will come that make gamers realize why they bought it (just as zelda did) but other than that there is nothing...

online is t...

6288d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

the end of the world theme is so hot right now! have any of you noticed! (is it a tell tale sign of imminent destruction?) i wouldnt doubt if mario or metroid both went in that direction. both are set accross the universe. anything that is in that area has been following the direction of the end of the world type story.

6288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i am worried 3yr warranty isnt enough. a couple of my friends god 360's and then returned them to the store in exchange for a new onejust incase they bricked before thee end of their year. but theirs did brick early on in them owning them so they decided to be safe and exchange them before their year warranty was over.

6288d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment