
CRank: 5Score: 7640

the rumor that spurred this article was taken from joystiq on June 15th, 2007. before the the 1.15 billion loss was announced as well as before all the news started coming in from retailers about the ps3 price drop. people are already getting ps3 at the lowered price! so no, if ms drops the price it wont be before the ps3. duh!

6194d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i will spend my $200 somewhere else anyway. but this is deffinately not an exclusive. microsoft has too many bills to pay now so i doubt it gets this as an exclusive unless they put all their cards in this to get out of debt(gaming division aatlest) but i doubt it. sony made this genre popular to begin with. microsoft love stealing sheeit from other corps.

6195d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you say nothing about microsoft buying peoples souls left and right but you have a problem with sony getting blue-ray exclusivity in hollywood. news flash sony has a lot of power in hollywood and i am sure these studeos were more than happy to go exclusive with another company in the biz rather than microsoft!

6195d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

$100 is not enough!

6197d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

wow. i was surprised how fair the review was. the only thing is that the warhawk beta has eveything in it the end game will have(besides polish issues and glitches being fixed). halo 3 will have a lot more. i hope there are more maps in warhawks end game that we know nothing about!! or this game may not be the halo hype killer i had hoped for. i still loved the game and will play it more than anything else but i dont know about others.

6197d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

i went to israel this summer for the second time and all i could think about was how i couldnt wait to play this game. actin a fool in the holy land will be so much fun! this will be epic and a must own. i always wondered what the tip of the hood was all about and now i know and i think his clothes are incredibly clever.
edit:by the way Jade was hot. just cause you just watched a porn with some naked chick doesnt mean every other girl you see on an internet video is going to strip for...

6197d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

just for the record.... sony didnt state that 3.7mil sales figure. that was provided by a bias writer. and i love how they felt the need to throw that in for no reason but to stir sheeit up between fanboys. ps3 is on the same plan as ps2. sell it for seemingly forever.

6197d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"there are millions of original xbox owners that have not bought a 360 because they are waiting for Halo3 to come out." -DrRage77

hahaha. millions!? xbox owners have most likly already bought a 360. i wouldnt count on a bunch of halo 2 fans to go out and buy a 360 BECAUSE MOST POSITIVELY THEY HAVE ALREADY DONE SO! not many new sales will come from this. count on new adopters. and btw, socom does have more players than halo(last gen) so if socom fans are waiting for c...

6197d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the ps3 is going to have a price drop from the 20gb $500 price point meaning $400. remember a few rumors stating a $200 price drop? and to further solidify this consider the lowered price of hd-dvd players from toshiba to $300 and a $400 price tag on the xbox elite. the blue ray diode droped in price from $125 to like $5 and the removal of the ps2 emulation chip. that is almost your $200 right there! now couple that with a NEED to compete with hd-dvd players and the xbox elite at around the s...

6197d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this game deffinately deservs higher score than retro evolved. this game has strategy involveed with the ability to switch weopons to blow certain stuff up. the simple fact that your movement isnt confined to a square makes this the best arcade shooter not even considering the realistic break up of the astroids and that the game is hi-def. this game really seperates itself from the rest of the arcade shooters. the emergeny bombs and boost are a nice touch as well.

6198d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this game deffinately deservs higher score than retro evolved. this game has strategy involveed with the ability to switch weopons to blow certain stuff up. the simple fact that your movement isnt confined to a square makes this the best arcade shooter not even considering the realistic break up of the astroids and that the game is hi-def. this game really seperates itself from the rest of the arcade shooters

just cause there are a million first person shooters doesnt mean that...

6198d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

has anyone ever thought that because the wii attracts new people into gaming that would never care about games else wise they are creating a new extention of the market. like they have said they are targeting non hardcore gamers. but when these casual games get more involved and BECOME GAMERS they will realize there is more to games than JUST A WIIMOTE! they will purchase another console. by that time the leading GAMING console will make a sell to them. if it is xbox that is ahead then that ...

6199d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

360 has a lot of games! duh! what is questionable is that 360 games get higher scores than ps3 despite many of them having more features (such as more content, added motion functionality, etc). why is this the case? look to the gaming sites paychecks. you can find 360 adds all over the place. you can say that is because microsoft markets better but you cant denie it!!! i'd like to actually see how much each of the top 3 give to their income. i guarantee microsoft allows them to pay the bills ...

6199d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"And I doubt anyone will cheer the addition of some foolishly tacked-on Sixaxis functionality -- shaking the controller to magnify the power of your ninja magic just feels silly."

and i say, "ign isnt paid by microsoft!" everything they review for the ps3 will have some sort of mention of the xbox360 sereously! look at all of them. rewarding extra points for stupid sheeit like xbox live and controls. it is really showing through how much microsoft has infult...

6199d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have no idea what you are talking about!? my buddy has forza 2 and the same thng happened to him. if 600 other people said they had the same problem in one thread that point to a problem. atleast the developers said there was a problem and it wasnt software. soooooo..... it points to a hardware problem.

this is deffinately not fanbate. if the 360 cant handle the game THEN IT CANT HANDLE THE GAME! why would you be surprised that this happened!? redring bs has been happening al...

6199d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

i posted positive earlier in this thread so dont flame on me for saying this...
maybe sony knows the gameplay isnt going to live up to the trailer and that is why they have a 2hr presentation of the physics and lighting effects in the game.

6200d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

this site has sooooooo much 360 bias that if i were a 360 fanboy i wouldnt say sheeit at all!!! i like all consols because they ALL PLAY GAMES! but after saying that i hate how bill gates got his money so i personally would never root for microsoft to win anything at all. he is scum and nobody cxan denie that if they already know the story of his rise to power...
onto the point of this "NEWS"(lol)... e3 will tell(of cours so no need to mention it again.


6201d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

kingjames and hayabusa:

go fu(k yourselves. its funny how you didnt say anything about the article being extremely bias.

and by the way that number was NOT JUST IN ONE SOURCE.

6204d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

why would anyone want to hide the chrome! if someone has the 20gb they might want to but its pointless. and how the he11 does someone scratch that piece. if it was a top plate(somemay not know but they do come off with out voiding warranty)then this would be cool. maybe that next

6205d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

5.5mil... more than one source has stated this and they all say sony released that number to them. if you go to vg charts you will see that the x360 hadnt sold that many units by then.

i like how the intro of the article completely discredits anything they go on to say after the 1st paragraph. "this is not a PS3 bashing article. We got most of those out of the way late last year, and a little bit in the early part of this year. Still, many readers tend to think that the PS...

6205d ago 9 agree12 disagreeView comment