
CRank: 5Score: 16970

Considering how much I loved smash bros the older ones, im excited to see some of my favorite PS3 characters, who are we kidding, these games are fun expsecialy with tons of friends. People say clone. Ya but i mean in a sense every game is a clone. We wouldn't have some of the best games we play if they didn't borrow some ideas from other companies! Long Story short im willing to give this game a whirl or two!

4514d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Your "one" thought XD

4516d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ Cerv I don't believe it is drastic. Blizzard has had this problem before, If something is on the shelf for sale, I expect to be able to play what I just bought. Its been 24 hours and i got to play maybe a hour before getting DCed and not being able to log back on.

4516d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

The fact we cant play at all once we bought it should be a thing of a past. But it ain't

4516d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed brish! This isn't Blizzard's first rodeo! If you release a game, and people pay their hard earned money i expect to play the game i purchased. It's like buying a new game and not being able to play it....oh wait ya . Blizzard can give whatever excuse they want, but long story short it is a 0/10 if its unplayble. Get your act together Blizzard.

4516d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought Cod 4 MW2 at launch and BO used for 10 bucks same with MW3. They are spitting these games out every year. As a fan I would like to see some improved graphics including a new engine! I like the gameplay but when is enough just enough! People like me who like COD deserve better from this $$ hungry giant. I understand its a business but even a business can give back and do a little more then expected. Which isnt much. Like Matthew says below me they can afford it and it wouldnt even d...

4517d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

$$ is the only thing on their mind!

4517d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Damn. a 6.2 billion loss, thats like 2.00 lost per share! Most companies start sweating when they loose 20 cents per share! But the good thing about posting loss is you have i beleive up to 6 years to post loss (in japan), not have to pay taxes, and a brand like sony will easily recover! As for nintendo 1 Year out of what 20 i think they will manage to survive!

4518d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ya i dont own a VITA which is why im really hoping they decide to port this to home consoles! This is the PSO fans have been waiting for!

4521d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My first online RPG! If they could bring these to any of the consoles i would love that! This looks amazing! After PSU which was laughable at best the fans deserve this sega!

4521d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought they had a few heads helping 2k Marin from IG, anyways IG knows what not to do now!

4522d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have nothing against more features, and I'm sure they know they bombed Bioshocks 2 MP , so maybe just maybe they will get it right this time.

4522d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yes i own a Kinect and so far every game is klunky and not very fluid. I only really use the kinect for when people are over , socially long story short, but my hardcore games i would hate to use the kinect. Gunstringer is also a rail shooter but not very RPGish. If they make it work then trust me, im all for it, but am i doubtful? Very much so.

4524d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's already locked in. But they arnt selling them at retail yet i believe. My friends xbox got the RROD yesterday and he called and his warranty was 2 years past due, and the Ms rep said if he went to a Microsoft store in San Diego he could get the 99$ deal with the 4gb and 2 year contract. So as of now you can only buy them at the MS stores but 4gb is a joke!

4524d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is a better approach for those who can't just drop all that money at once, But MS could of at least thrown in a bigger HD. I mean you can't even install one game with the 4GB hard drive. But besides that I dont really see this being a negative thing. As long as they still give the option to buy it for a big price for those who can afford it and want to save the 50 or what not bucks. Curious to see how this plays out for next gen.

4524d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Have you played Panzer Dragoon? It was more of a RPG in my opinion. And i thought they did a good job on how it was made. It does not make sense to be a kinect game.what am i gonna point to the attack or item i want to use? They may make it work but judging from the games i have played and bought for my kinect i am not a fan. I would of liked this to be a non kinect game since i am a fan of Panzer Dragoon. I think Kinect has potential but this aint it. just my $0.02

4525d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

A dragon on rails Kinect game. Thats just what my xbox library was missing!


4527d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

RIP dream cast :(

4537d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Darkride, The game now is alot better then before, but check out a few Daedric quest, i had 2 of them that were just rediculous!

4539d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I wont buy any COD new but i will pick it up for 30 bucks at gamestop :) . Kid wanted to sell his copy they said they would give him 28 bucks in store credit adn even less for cash, i leaned over and said ill give ya 30 for it cash, Game stop gave me a dirty look, kid said for sure. Win win, screw both those companies! :)

4542d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment