
CRank: 5Score: 16970

This actually has been done before, I remember when EverQuest 2 had a pizza command you could type in and order pizza right from the game.

Ctrl F : pizza

4173d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Torchlight was really well done. Torchlight 2 is looking even better.

Edit for Torchlight 2 gameplay video

4173d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

HAAHA +Bubble for you sir!

4173d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Hopefully those few nights will make up for those 18 months shes going to spend away from her family!

4174d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

pic for reference

4174d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I always thought Aya from Parasite Eve belongs on at least one of these list!

4174d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Hammad

Services go down, it happens. My internet connection I pay alot more for and it can be very unreliable at times. I see all these people just attacking other gamers with this. Fact of the matteris , it wasn't down for to long and, I remember people saying " stop being fan boys people can spend their money on what they want to spend it on". But thats all that is a memory, cause as soon as a anti PS3 or Anti 360 article hits again, we are all back at squa...

4182d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was playing the demo and it froze. Glad to know it can be fixed tho. Was holding out on purchasing but now there is nothing keeping me back!

4188d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ya they should of integrated the controller to play all of Androids games instead of making their own app store. I know the article talks about that and out of everything that is what I agree with 100%.

Play Store has some quality titles coming out for it and just having that at your disposal would have been a huge sales factor, but like someone mentioned before you have to start somewhere and who knows what third party hardware or developers will bring to this system.

4191d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

This would be great news if someone can confirm this!

4192d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Same here! I just watched the up at noon interview with Troy Baker and I am soo hyped for this game!

A little long but worth the watch

4209d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Are you serious? Showing the controller was a good move yes, but as a consumer I would like to see the cosmetics of the device I am buying too. I agree with you this early the controller was a perfect thing to show, as it has the most significance change (of that we know) and the specs of course.

But we will get to see it all in good time, but to say it "doesn't matter"....I can't say I agree with you on that.

4214d ago 25 agree151 disagreeView comment

Don't get me wrong this article is a hit seeking article for sure! But I mean look at how much attention this brings to N4G. This site eats up these opinion and fanboyism journalist. I guess I just find it funny how many people our quick to claim the latter but really everyone commenting on this article and getting worked up over it is just as guilty for being a fanboy. But ya you are right, we know little but I mean that's all we can do right now is speculate.
BTW I didnt di...

4214d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

He did state some really good facts about the PS3 so I don't believe he is being biased.

But your right opinions are so over rated! I much rather live in a world without any. Damn this so called internet!

4215d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I use my ps3 and 360 for more then games. I still feel like the real winners our the ones who get both. If you don't you will be missing out on great games; and through all this noise that is what it really is about the games. To favor one is fine and all but the fact of the matter is their is great games and all systems and I just hope everyone gets a chance to play some of them! This bickering and picking sides is just childish and petty. Research and choose the product to better suite ...

4215d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ya the author clearly put "alternative entertainment" but the first comment just took the word alternative out of his inaccurate quote

typical troll strategy

4215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ KarmicDemon
As i agree with your initial idea but he did say "alternate entertainment" so i mean I see what you did their, But if your gonna quote , quote it right.

On point, I do love the entertainment aspect the xbox offers which is gonna be a living room machine, but the ps3 is my time along with all my games!
But I always get both systems anyways so I guess it doesn't matter much.

4215d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Fine line between passion and obsession

4230d ago 10 agree6 disagreeView comment

I hope this game comes to NA! I wish it got announced for the consoles.For the fact I don't have any portables. I much rather have this then that joke of a game, "Phantasy Star Universe"

4230d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can't believe how easy he made Dr. Robotnik; I remember as a child that game would stress me out!! I am going to have to break out the Sega now.

Great list, a few common bosses but overall was a fun article. So happy to see old school Sonic!

4230d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment