
CRank: 5Score: 16970

Without him there would not be alot of things. Things we dont even realize . Pixar to be one of those. RIP Very selfless man

4645d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment


4645d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I pledge to go Commando on the 20th of September!!

4666d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Noobsesh. you are so right. Cos when my parents bought the ps3 they went to best buy and the employee told them its the best Blue ray player you could get. So i mean they bought it . Liked it and now everyone they talk to uses their ps3 to watch movies with blue ray or netflix.

4684d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ya dont use it.

4695d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


There is a reason why those people get laid off. Also there is a reason why that game didnt sell "well enough". No one forced them to choose that occupation but they had to know the risk of choosing this job. Used games arn't some new trend that game stop started. It has been around for ever.

Im not trying to promote game stop because they just dont know their heads from their rears but their is no real way to spin this. The companies who...

4718d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Used market is a huge part of culture and how things work. It's a little ignorant to say It only hurts them. Well i know tons of good men and women who have lost their job or had to get a less paying one just to put food on the table and to pay rent or mortgage. So when they want to do something for entertainment and save up that extra cash they buy used. who the hell are they to take that away from them because they want to see another penny. These developers have no problem taking out ...

4718d ago 11 agree0 disagreeView comment

@cereal we speak with our wallets. and if you think that a game 20 dollars cheaper is worth only 12 characters with a few minor tweaks then you are seriously mistaken. There are game companies that like to offer alot for DLC , more game modes story modes and even multiplayer maps for less then half of 40 dollars. shoot some even less then that. This is just a spit in the face to all the Hardcore fans out there who have to dish out another %66 of the cost of the original game for 12 characters...

4721d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ blumatt yes i would. Just for the reason for cross game chat. I use that everyday im on the xbox. Everything else is cool. But its nice talking to a family memeber or friend that is in the army or away on business and still being able to shoot the shizzle with them even if you dont wanna play the same game. its all a preference and for me the features xboxlive bring make it worth it to me.

4721d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It just seems like they could add the extra content without making you go spend another 40 dollars. either way i feel like its hurting the hardcore fans more. If you bought MVC3 day 1 its cause you are a fan and support your favorite game. They need to get their shizzle together.

4722d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

good. these console spin off games on other systems kinda sucks when your into the story but dont have all the systems

4722d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I enjoyed the story. bummer you guys didnt. But if so then why are you checking the release date for the second?? anyways im more then stoked for this.

4724d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol there are lots of places to get used games that are way less then 5 dollars off. And this is america we started by trading and bargaining. the fact is we should have the option. thats the bottom line.

4733d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ sarshelyam when in reality we are just gonna have to pay for more DLC and what nots. even tho we were dedicated fan and bought it day 1! i dont buy your statement for a minute. as years go by all i see these devs doing is whats best for their wallets. and who can blame them. but like we said with the whole cod elite we gotta vote with our wallets. that we like the used video game market. usually when i get a game used or for cheap. i spend the money on some DLC i want. so these devs are st...

4733d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

My exact feelings on DLC. there already nickeling and diming us there! now the actual game it self. how much money do these companies really need. they are still keeping fed!

4733d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

After fable 1 we saw a down hill slope direction of the game. so this shouldnt really come as any surprise.

4735d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ panda mobile. that was the reason they gave us with DLC. u cant buy used DLC. then they start to take away content just to put in DLC. last i checked most Devs that have people bank rolling there 20+ million dollar game are doing fine. Not sure if you havnt looked at stocks or records. But sales of video games are going up. people cant afford to go out every night. But its alot cheaper to buy a used or new family game and enjoy that. last longer too. First cut content for DLC and now this. ...

4736d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

How many different ways are they going to try and save this topic. We seen it already.
lets get original here news people.

4738d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

HAHA! and how rescuing a princess as a plumber is just so stereotypical these days.

4739d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol @ N4G . you guys try to stay calm and collect until a article like this pops up then its like guns blazing!!

4739d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment