Can't wait to see WWZ
CRank: 5Score: 11490

If it wasn't for the Kinect, we wouldn't have that price tag. But for what they are offering, I know that could be just right for some folks who want those features.

4069d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yea cause gamers only choose PS4. That is such a stupid statement in todays world. It really is.

4069d ago 21 agree35 disagreeView comment

LOL these fat spoiled rotten gamers need to sometimes get off their butts and do some exercises!!!

How can you not be into sports??? SMH...

4069d ago 18 agree19 disagreeView comment

Wow, you brainchilds are multiple in numbers.

But since the same argumentative point is being stressed let me say this...

My argument has nothing to do with the idea that because you have "big brother" scenarios with everything else, why not add on one more.

No, you Einsteins. That wasn't even close.

My argument is this and has only been this: There are way more eviler entities that work the big brother aspect...

4069d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment


Yea because you don't have your image on public record and you don't Facebook. God forbid webcams before Kinect.

If you were actually smart, your baiting tactic would have been executed better.

4069d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

I'm not sure. The future isn't certain but Ken already voiced his feelings about DLC as a whole. He doesn't like em too much.

I understand what you are saying but lets be honest here. The second DLC pack takes you back to Rapture? The roots? Yea, its nothing about story here, its about the devs having more material to work with within Rapture than they do Columbia.

I would love to see a re-review of this game later on down the line and see ...

4069d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well if the author said, "FPS titles that shaped the contemporary FPS market", then you would have a point. But if you notice, the title reads "games".

Also, you mean open world. Which started in Myst. Did you play Myst? It was an open world and you would travel different places with alot of backtracking. You would also get notes on what happened to the mysterious land, just like Bioshock and you finding the tape recorders. Also, much like Myst, yo...

4069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LOL at that first line because the same can be said to you.

So let me get this straight, I should receive personal attacks because I am an individual that knows what I like and what I don't?

Nobody is forcing you to read, click on, or otherwise reply to my comments.

And I didn't say people praising the games are idiots. You idiot.

How could you be so dumb to think I actually said that when my words, unedited and ther...

4069d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I do get it. I'm mature enough and intelligent enough to get it.

The question is, do you get it?

Ironically you don't because you chose to let MS be the scapegoat for policies that you have longed since agreed to long before they brought about this "invasion of privacy" people are so concerned about.

You're typing on the internet - duh!

You use Google to search - duh!

City cameras trapp...

4069d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

Another idiot.

So riddle me this, brainchild. Is their some way that N4G can allow you to block some article submissions that you don't like?

So riddle me this, brainchild. You effectively do what you try to ridicule me for?

So riddle me this, brainchild. What is it with the internet cookie cutter responses and the logic behind, "if you don't like something, don't say anything about it, just ignore it for it to go away&q...

4069d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Uhhhhh, its Netflix. How else are they able to suggest movies to me without tracking the movies I have watched?

And this is a post 9/11 world in the US. EVERYTHING is being watched. That's been going on LONG before Xbox One and their kinect.

4069d ago 5 agree20 disagreeView comment


4069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree with this article. Each one of those games were a benchmark for me that I will always remember.

4069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The author included Myst because of its non linear path, which can be later found in other games that follow its same format. Namely Bioshock, back in Rapture

4069d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

A very good read. Completely objective.

4069d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Of course you're not going to see a drop in digital prices when you still have software being sold for such high prices. LOL, c'mon now, they have to stay competitive!! It wouldn't make sense to sell TLOU digitally for cheap and in stores for 60.

I'm not calling for the end of the physical discs, I am accepting what is the future.

Just tell the old school folks who thought 8 tracks and cassette tapes will still be around. The only ones who ...

4069d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

"You guys"? Idiots always assume such idiotic things. First of all, I'm not a fanboy. I am merely offering the objective viewpoint without claiming allegiance to any side.

Sony changed what story? The point of the matter is that Sony were interested and has been interested in going the DRM route. The PSPGO shows this. The copyrights that Sony went for furthers solidifies that statement.

And yes, I'm getting an Xbox One and a PS4. What ...

4069d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh my God!! I love this article! You know, it just hits the nail on the head and its unfortunate that many posters here can't see what the author is conveying to them.

The point is, Irrational knows...THEY KNOW...that Bioshock Infinite and its city, in hindsight, is not even close to being timeless as Rapture IS! That's just the truth. Many loved it for its bright colors that looked good on their HDTVs. For having a FPS game that provided merely the surface of wh...

4069d ago 8 agree13 disagreeView comment

Consoles are for freedom??? That's just plain stupid. You obviously don't know that Sony wanted to push the digital age too. That Sony copyrighted some DRM policies. That the PSPGO would have been the precursor for their digital age if successful. That corporations make choices for you, just ask Steve Jobs.

So no its not fanboying. It's objectively viewing the situation and maturely responding to what it offers.

Seriously, when do you ever u...

4069d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

You do know that Sony, Nintendo and MS wants the digital age to come already, right?

The consumer base are the only ones still holding on to yesteryear.

The cost of just making the CD case and the disk itself; we foot that bill.

4069d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment