Can't wait to see WWZ
CRank: 5Score: 11490

No she did not!! I was there!!

4068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wish gamers would actually read the fine print that it is up to the developer's to decide what content is included in the season pass and that not all content will be included in the season pass. Instead of just reading "SEASON PASS" and thinking it to be like a football program offer that gives you everything. Direct TV doesn't run the industry.

DLCs are becoming more frequent. The more and more gamers use it, the more and more the industry pushes towa...

4068d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

You typed all that after the member said they had no interest in Sony games.

Really, what is it to you? Do you get a referral bonus? A free Vita game on Plus?

Just stop it. I laughed @Ni No Kuni. And you pulled out a ancient game (Heavenly Sword) that not even you and the rest of the PS community really liked? LOL are you kidding me?

Hey I like PS and own a PS3. But man, some of you guys really need to be quiet when it comes to another p...

4068d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Xbox is gathering their army. People don't see it, but they are silently building something to go for the long haul. They missed the short game but the long game is still in question.

4068d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

LOL you are baiting!!!

4068d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

^I'm voting this post of the year. You are the one Neo.

4068d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've never read so many happy comments since my time being here on N4G.

The only thing I feel that will become a necessity is the PSVita. Smart move Sony. You are making people purchase that. Quite intelligent compared to the campaign of PSP.

No comments on the all seeing eye people? No invasion of privacy talks?

The smart phone feature is real cool for those who want a second screen, but better yet, wants a keyboard without purchasi...

4068d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What's with all these stipulations to being a gamer nowadays? Imagine that, gamers has gone the way of elitism. The very thing gamers were against at the inception of the video game industry.

I disagree with the F2P argument. I do the same thing on a RPG, in a sense. I grind and put in time to get items that I want or need to have. Seeing that there is a short cut for players who want to pay for it doesn't dampen my experience at all.

But yes, ju...

4068d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lol! There is no spoon!

4068d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

You can't be serious. The influences of those games are quite apparent in TLOU.

To say that TLOU is completely innovative and without influences is totally absurd.

“Good Artists Copy, Great Artists Steal” - Steve Jobs

4068d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Can I just add this? The problem here is the majority of people have no sense of decorum and/or tact.

Like that kid posting that on Facebook, how did he even think that was okay to say, especially in an era where that topic is so sensitive? Scratch that, there's never a good time for that.

My trash talk consist of things concerning the game itself. "Aha, you can't aim!" "Oh I'm coming for you, run if you must"

4068d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


LOL! No. I actually I got that from some women I've dated who said that too much of a good thing they can't trust. It's well known that is the human condition. We expect tragedy even when there is none to be found.


Trash talk is trash talk. It can be found anywhere and even in commercials. Twitter and FB are just outlets for these people to express themselves. With that said, some things should be kept to you...

4068d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

if it would be a perfect world, we would all jump off the building because our minds can't accept it.

Trash talking can be fun when done in a right way. When I played football, trash talking was good to get a competitive game going. After the game was over, the rivalry was still there but there wasn't any ill intent for the player.

To me its a matter of fortitude. When you leave trash talking to go onto berating someone and being racially insensiti...

4068d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol, you guys will defend TLOU to the end!! Fall on a sword if yall must!! LOL! Out of everything that could be discussed out of my post, you chose that to talk about...

4068d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

The link posted sends you to an article about the top ten Nobuo Uematsu Compositions.

Going off of headline, oh yes. Of course. Gamers often don't try the new. They like the tried and true. And the most glaring point of it all? Gamers only follow the majority. It takes a unified voice of approval for some gamers to venture into uncharted territory.

If people are not on forums giving it praise, the rest of the gamers won't touch it.

4068d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Of course this submission would have over 200 comments of community members spewing their disagreements with it.

I just find that interesting. Any article that praises the Xbox One or shows it in a positive light, the majority of N4G community rushes in to spew negativity.

These same ones who more than likely were all pro 360. Now they are pro PS4.

It's rather sickening. Cause the majority are the ones swaying the direction of develope...

4068d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment


I don't understand what you're saying.

4069d ago 21 agree3 disagreeView comment

So you're argument has now shifted to an internet cause to wake people up to the injustices and invasion of privacy???? Oh please with that horse crap.

LOL I made it sound like that was what I was suggesting? Smh, so you ASSUMED that was my argument. You know why you did so? Because you didn't read my post objectively. You read it ignorantly and assumed such. That's why you didn't understand it. I know what I said, I can read that. That doesn't equ...

4069d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's about time something is done MS. Just the announcement of this alone should quiet down those folks. There's trolls everywhere in online gaming but from my experience, Xbox Live takes the cake and the presents on that one.

4069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yea it's really bad I noticed and I just signed up this year. The immaturity levels are so high.

4069d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment