
CRank: 5Score: 24410

I clocked 1800 hrs into Destiny 1 and can say I hate everything about Destiny 2 so far and I can easily tell the reasons why.

1: the one strike they gave us is super bland and boring and very uncreative. And judging by destiny 1 I highly doubt many of the others strikes will be much different.

2: they went right back to the bullet sponge crap and now its even worse.

3: slowed down the gameplay significantly, and the jumping abilities on the char...

2607d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I clocked 1800 hrs into Destiny 1 and can say I hate everything about Destiny 2 so far and I can easily tell the reasons why.

1: the one strike they gave us is super bland and boring and very uncreative. And judging by destiny 1 I highly doubt many of the others strikes will be much different.

2: they went right back to the bullet sponge crap and now its even worse.

3: slowed down the gameplay significantly, and the jumping abilities o...

2619d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol gears curve all the gear is exactly the same. The raid gear you obtain isn't going to have any different perks then the raid gear all other people get. And now thats exactly the same with the guns. Now theres nothing in this game that will make people feel special or even unique now no one can brag about their god roll shadow price or anything like that. Everyone is going to have the exact same stuff and thats even what they said they want everyone to be the same so they can balance e...

2640d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can someone explain how this game is an RPG if everyone and everything is exactly the same. Idk about other people but when it comes to a looter game the fun part for me is obtaining loot that has really good rolls and is ultra rare. Destiny offers none of that everyone has the exact same stuff so nothing makes you feel special nothing feels rare or even unique. Destiny isn't and RPG its nothing more then another basic FPS no different from call of duty.

2641d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Does it play my cartridges

2646d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But is it still 30fps

2656d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Thats great and all then why is horde still 30fps

2658d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

If people didn't know its 24 Gb because they're making you redownload all the updates all over. They said due to community feedback they decided to compress the updates to make them smaller if they didn't do this the game would be well over 100Gb now but since they did this it now only take 70Gb

2665d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Ive played the technical test a few times and this game is very average as of now. Good thing is though they're constantly adding stuff everytime. But as of what ive played theres not much in this game.

You just spawn in have a map and set sail for the treasure once you get to the island you dig up the treasure then sail to another island to trade it in then rinse and repeat thats literally the game. Theres very little engagements with other people so the world feels so...

2705d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Now is the time to take a break from the Halo franchise and let 343i try and do something new. Seriously I think 343i can make one of the best syfy rpg games like mass effect. All coop/mmo

2723d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I feel like they'll show the game then say its available starting today cause this would be the 4 year State of Decay 1 came out june 2013

2724d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

An OG xbox game and its running at 30fps lol come on

2733d ago 27 agree3 disagreeView comment

Lol seriously you think Destiny has a lot of guns haha don't make me laugh. Reskins isn't a new gun. You take reskins out and I'll bet Destiny has as many guns as a call of duty game does.

Now you want a game with a lot of guns look at borderlands. Where every gun you obtain is completely unique in its own way and behaves completely different from others.

Yet borderlands a game with like 15 million guns never had nearly as many balancing issue...

2734d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

Most of this will be because of Cinematics.

2734d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Had this update for a little over a month now and have to say its one of the best updates yet.

Makes things so much faster. Don't know how anyone could stand the last Dash it was so slow and buggy.

Would hit the xbox button only for it to do nothing then like a minute later it finally registers and would go to the home page. Or you would double click the button to open the overlay menu only for it to like freeze the console up.

How ...

2735d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this is any indication of Destiny 2 then it's already a letdown. Everything in this is exactly the same.

Same cabal models
Same looking map
Same looking gear

Destiny 2 is going to be nothing more then a big DLC.

2736d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Didn't they already say that there wasn't going to be a Ryse 2

2738d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

People do realize this was intentionally held back right. This is the unidad outfit season pass holders get its nothing more. You were always going to have to pay for it. Next week they'll release the santa blanca cartel pack season pass holders get it free rest pay.

2743d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Who cares this generation of gaming has been garbage because all community cares about is graphics. Learn to worry about gameplay at least wildlands offers that and a good amount of content compared to a majority of games. Any developer can make one of the best looking games out their if they cut content and just worry about graphics. Seriously look at all the games that have had super graphics they literally have little to no content. Now compare that to games that worry about their gameplay...

2757d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So stupid. These games aren't even close to being similar. Anyone that says this clearly has not played one or the other.

Name 1 thing between the 2 that makes them alike except for the fact their both 3rd person.

Wildlands is a tactical shooter with a huge open world where you can fly planes helicopters drive bikes cars boats etc... Theres stealth, real team tactics, one bullet to kill and so much more.

Division is a fake RPG with ...

2762d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment