
CRank: 5Score: 24410

Or you can take a break and watch tv with your girlfriend or get an xbox one and wouldnt have to worry snap tv for her while you play your games on the big screen still. :) so either way its a win win for both consoles.

3875d ago 1 agree22 disagreeView comment

Obviously you didnt hear shuhei confirm you cant leave your house. That video from TGS was just false advertised.

3875d ago 1 agree18 disagreeView comment

Why would anyone want to do this? Why would you rather play on a 7in screen then like a 40in. This feature is just a way for sony to try and sell the vita and make more money. Its so useless you cant even leave your house and your ps4 (probably has to be on at all times) so why not just play the game on the Ps4.

3875d ago 2 agree20 disagreeView comment

But yet in this case Microsoft didn't shoot them self in the foot is my point but people are acting like they did. When Microsoft come out to say the rumor aren't true people don't believe it when it comes straight from the console creators mouths. But when a simple internet rumor comes out saying one little thing that no one knows anything about they automatically assume its real. So why is it that when Microsoft come out and tell you straight up people don't believe it but t...

3876d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

My god i have never seen such a bunch of sony fanboys in my life. You keep questioning the day one update like, why doesn't the console work straight out of the box blah blah blah. Just stfu already your acting like the ps4 doesn't have a day one update to. Everything these days have day one updates my damn tv had one. Day one updates are to get the software up to date. Which is exactly what is happening in this case. Go ahead and down vote me and all that is a typical fanboy maneuver...

3876d ago 7 agree8 disagreeView comment

Sorry to tell you but this rumor was already turned down hella fast its saying its not true. So nothing to see here people move on. Just another dumb rumor that was made up to try and make xbox one look bad. Sony fanboys are on a roll this year with the rumors.

3876d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

Lol this cost more then the xbox. Xbox is only 429€ and you get more with it. Sony ripping all these other countries off lol. Only good deal is the U.S.

3877d ago 1 agree17 disagreeView comment

But he doesn't have the right to leak all that info simple as that, yes its his console but its not his info to leak.

3878d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

But 80% of the time theres a sell. I have not payed $60 for my gold membership for about 5 years now because i always find a deal on them where there like $30 or something.

3878d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I keep seeing everyone say its not his fault that he'd got the console early he didn't deserve the ban. But seems like you guys forgot the part where he kept leaking info. Im a go ahead and make a bet to everyone that his console would not have gotten banned if he didnt leak all that info. So its good to know his console is only temp banned. But you sony fanboys will look at microsoft like there the devil still even though they said its only temp.

3878d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

PS4 crashes to a Windows 7 screen lol way to go Sony is ok for them to do it but not Microsoft huh.

3917d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

With programs like this i wouldnt be surprised if they make all those and even new IP every year.

3937d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Microsoft is spreading there seed. Lol doing this is really good idead now your looking at possibly new game studios all over the world and now your gonna be looking at probably new exclusive xbox one game every year. So looks like xbox one is gonna have a crap load of exclusive games this time around.

3937d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

See this is messed up, they didnt even use gameplay footage for Deep Down but they took Pics that were from a Cgi trailer and comparing it to actual gameplay on Ryse. Of course Deep Down is going to look better using Cgi Pics. The way they compared this would be like Comparing the new Dead Rising 3 Cgi trailer to Killzone. Until you get a side by side comparison of actual gameplay then there is nothing to say. Also I want to say Deep Down is Using a brand New game Engine while Ryse is using t...

3937d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tomorrow dont believe they announced a time but if they do Pretty sure it will be normal time like E3.

3960d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

All you guys keep saying Fifa but did you not read it said Third Party Xbox One Exclusive. Fifa isnt a Xbox Exclusive. So try again.

3960d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

Xbox one's friend list is unlimited you can have as many friends as you want.

3973d ago 8 agree15 disagreeView comment

Dont see how the release date is going to matter its gonna be almkst impossible to get a console if you didnt pre order one. So honestly the release date is nothing really if you pre order you getting the console if you didnt then good luck. The pre orders are there sales after the day one launch then it matters.

3982d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

@reverent: eeeeeeeewwwwwww Killzone ShadowFall are you serious I can name an Exclusive right off the back that makes that game look like the 30fps trash it is. Ever heard of a game Called TitanFall, it makes Killzone look worse then call of duty. The only thing killzone can offer is graphics which is sony major problem. Do they honestly think everyone in the world only cares about graphics really? They used the GDDR5 RAM which helps the GPU and now were even hearing PS4 has a 3.5 GB OS wow yo...

3982d ago 3 agree22 disagreeView comment

Not real as titanfall isnt a launch title these just seem to be the exclusives mostly.

3984d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment