
CRank: 5Score: 24410

Now get rid of loot crates entirely and make a better system something where we actually know what were buying rather then gambling for. Just make cosmetics directly purchasable with money or have a reasonable in game price tag attached like 50k credits.

That way people that don't have the time to grind for that cosmetic item can just buy it directly no loot crate junk. Adopt the system that rainbow six siege used. If were going to spend our hard earned money then I wan...

2503d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah once the items have been adjusted. So sounds like their going to make them cosmetics only

2503d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

This really surprised me. I actually thought this game was going to get good scores. Not from community cause they cry about everything but I played this on the EA access trial and thought it was really fun. It felt like the good days of need for speed were back so idk. Guess people are never happy with anything anymore.

2512d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

They already posted that it has all changed and progression is now based around using classes and not relying on RNG.

So for people to still sit here and think the old system is still in play just really shows how out of touch the game community is.

2512d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll never understand why so many people hate on this game seriously. I had a blast playing the beta and we barely even touched what they have in this game. In the beta alone it felt like it had a lot of content and it wasn't even everything. So many unlocks in this game to keep you playing for a while.

I for one am excited for this game. And I was actually one of the few that enjoyed that last one as well. Only 3 days till the early access trial begins with origin ...

2512d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wait were people really looking forward to this. i was never going to buy this. Looks like a cheap knock off of Mario and crash.

2516d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So far the price tag for the One X is not justifiable imo. All these comparison videos show very little to no difference. The only thing that you can see a difference in is when you run it on performance mode and thats cause its running at 60fps

2516d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

Guess a lot of games are going to get skipped then cause Microtransactions will be in every game simply because people buy them. These companies probably make more money off of microtransactions then they do the game its self.

Thats why they do it.

Microtransactions are here to stay and you can thank the ones that support it the like all those youtubers that pay $100 on them just so they get views on their video then the people that watch it see and go d...

2520d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

These types of games are not even close to dying the only problem is, is that most companies now days don't have a clue as how to build an online RPG MMO.

2530d ago 2 agree12 disagreeView comment

EA is trash but no one crys about how a call of duty campaign is the same length. I don't get whats with all the hate towards EA sure they make stupid decisions. But why do people act like EA is the devil about everything.

Oh they have loot crates fuck EA. Meanwhile games like Overwatch, Gears of War, call of duty etc... all have loot crates and no one ever really makes a comment about it. But oh EA puts loot crates in their game and uses the same system as all these ot...

2530d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

No single player people cry

Gets single single player people cry its to short

And name one time DICE has ever been a company to focus or give you an extensive singe player come on. You want single player buy a game from BioWare, Rockstar, CD Project Red, etc... But Developers like DICE, Bungie, Treyarch, etc... will always have their main focus be multiplayer even Respawn no one complained how short Titanfall 2 campaign was but it was a great story and wa...

2530d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Unfortunately Battlefield sells battlepacks which are no different from loot crates. And Titanfall 2 locked most of its stuff behind paywalls like prime titans, new camos etc...

2534d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Then what game can we buy cause like 90% of games have some form of microtransactions in them. Theres nothing we can do. If we were actually making a difference then we Would have seen less microtransactions by now but unfortunately we're not its actually the complete opposite.

Not buying the games isn't going to change a thing you need people to stop buying $100 deluxe versions of games and to also stop buying $20 worth of loot crates in games. Thats why companies ...

2534d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

People complaining about loot boxes but in the end its never going to change.

People complain about microtransactions in games again nothing is going to change.

No matter how much people scream and yell no company is going to change their ways. Why simply because people buy them. How much money you think overwatch has made by selling loot crates, how much money you think battlefield 1 has made selling battlepacks.

This is gaming now day...

2537d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

What game is everyone playing cause the Destiny 2 I bought is the exact samething as the first. Maybe my games broken or I just didn't get the right game idk.

2569d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Lol I already have like 30 hours on the game and it is Destiny 1.5 You're crazy to think its not. You're literally doing the exact samething again like in the first game.

If this game wasn't destiny 1.5 then bungie would have atleast added some new things but nope.

No new classes
No new enemy factions

Almost nothing is new. People keep talking about how these planets are new but me personally they all feel exactly t...

2571d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's really not mind boggling. Every decision they make is just so that they make people grind more.

2571d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment

All yall arguing about this but in the end this game looks terrible in general even if its on a high end PC this game will look trash.

2577d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game looks garbage. And before anyone starts trying to defend this game just go look at the gameplay from comic con. This game looks so bad.

Some of the worst animations in a game
Everything is beyond blurry
Character models look horrible
Cars look horrible
Etc, etc...

For once wish people would stop trying to defend trash and start actually being honest for once maybe then we can turn gaming around and stop gett...

2594d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thank god. And any xbox fanboy that wants to try and say otherwise is delusional. This game has looked straight garbage and needed to be delayed.

2594d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment