
CRank: 5Score: 24410

if you to play the game as intended, play ME1 first

4996d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

"Lol, you obviously did'nt play that goty 2010, since your console can only run his poor clone, dante inferno....gow3 it's only possible on xbox720"

i have a ps3 and gow3, unlike you i can afford both consoles you poor douchebag.

4996d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

lag switching has nothing to do with the game your playing. the host of said game uses a device that interrupts his connection to the rest of the players resulting in everyone "lagging out" until the switch is reconnected, either by timer or the user himself.

...and since when are little douche bags on xbl/psn that find ways to cheat via youtube considered "hackers"?

4996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how was gears hacked? please explain

4996d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

going to stick with fixed camera angles and QTE like the first three games?

watch out where you use the word outdated...

4996d ago 18 agree9 disagreeView comment

its 360/ps3, now that you know this, uncross your fingers and proclaim it a shitty game all because its a multiplat title.

your friends on psn must think your a retard for only buying "exclusives".

4996d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

considering FFXIII used 40GB out of the 50GB on a bluray disc your looking at either another disc or cut content if you think there is 15BG's of missing data.

keep wearing the tinfoil, some day one of your conspiracy theories might come true.

4996d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

or what? nothing you can do about it im afraid.

4996d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

i bet if the next feature to be implemented is a FWD/RWD feature you'll be praising it and thanking PD for the addition.

4997d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Don't kid yourselves if killzone were on Xbox you'd be all over it like stink on shit."

why would i be all over it? i already have KZ2 for my ps3

"You can keep halo...bunch of kids and lousy graphics. I'm not really a resistance man but I think it looks better than halo"

this statement just proves your like the rest of the cesspool that is n4g, a bunch of biased ps3 retards who are more interested in how a game l...

4998d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

its killzone not call of duty.

4998d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

if you don't want to pay for xbl that's fine but why sell the 360? it's not like a silver membership bricks your console and when you run into some extra penny's you can get a month or two of live. I think the only reason you sold the 360 was for rent/food money.

4998d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"what is Tim Hortons?"

its a religious movement here in canada

4998d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

unlike you i have both consoles, pennyless douche

4998d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

funny, i thought sales were indicative of how well a product performs on the market and how its accepted by its users.

if the killzone games don't start making more revenue by selling more units it will die off in favor of a more profitable series. its not a charity its a business.

and way to show your ps3fanboy intelligence with that shit you just wrote. im sure you'll get a ton of agrees due to the fact that this site is a magnet for morons.

4998d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that's not a reason it will rock, and if you really think that way i feel sorry for you.

i also find it sad you got 17 agrees for that. n4g, home of the biased fanboys...

4998d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

your kidding right? n4g sucks ball for gaming news, have fun looking at uncharted3 articles for the next 10 months...

4998d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes moron is right, and it's the typical ps3fanboy mentality around here. they think that their console is still the super computer sony claimed it was back in 2006.

bluray =/= better graphics
cell =/= unlimited processing power
console loyalty = you being retarded

4998d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

i hear you man, im getting fuking sick of all this uncharted bs. from the constant babble of ps3 fanboys mentioning uncharted2 in every single article over the past year all because it happened to win GotY to the guaranteed top 3 articles being uncherted3 related these days.

i know you ps3fannies would love to try and bash me for not having a ps3/UC2 but i do

4999d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i find it hard to believe any company is capable of accurately predicting how many items are truthfully sold to consumers. factoring in returns, promotions, and old stock/sku's.

i don't see what the big deal is about reporting shipped totals anyways, how many units do you think are on the shelves at any given time? its not like if they both reported shipped units the gap would change all that much.

5000d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment