CRank: 5Score: 3160

She obviously has never played one of these games, because if she did---well, actually, never mind. She would never understand the entertainment value of these games. She's so vehement against something she has never experienced.

I do, however, agree on that state. I believe that M games shouldn't be sold to minors on the bounds simply that the ESRB has these ratings for a reason. I think they should card kids. Simple as that. Some places have started this practice.


5969d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Activision copying Rock Band, much?

Just like Guitar Hero III, Neversoft and Activision will turn the Rock Band idea into a piece of sh*t too. Just watch, they'll make it bad enough with a bundle that costs $200 and hope it'll sell like hot cakes because of the brand name. And they'll make the timing window so wide you could play perfectly on Expert---even if you had no arms!

I'll stick with Rock Band---the Original Rock Band game---thank you.

5969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You just got pwnt by a game that's already out, bizzotch. XD

Oh, sorry, I didn't know there was such a selection! I totally didn't know that Warhawk had less than what this game has---it only has Tanks, Warhawks that can function as both jets and helis (and also have nine offensive and defensive abilities), jeeps, and even a drop ship? Oh, I'm sorry, I also didn't know that Warhawk also has an Assault Rifle, Pistol, Binoculars that launch an air strike, Sniper Rifles, Proximity m...

5969d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's an example of a company being lazy. There are problems, but problems can be overcome. Don't put crap in my face that can change that quickly, because you know that other companies have overcome their problems and if they don't then they're being lazy and favoritist, just like you.

Problems doesn't mean it can't run it. They're just being lazy in programming, so why don't you cram that up your ass. Other companies have proven that their problems can be overcome with a littl...

5969d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Forget that. The Xbox is already a hardware nightmare for what it costs, and you think that a large amount of people would buy a system that has hardware worth $800-$1000, and risk a lack of extensive testing to beat Sony to the market again?

All that aside, I doubt Microsoft would ever make Blu-ray its standard when Sony is its rival in the gaming industry. It's a dangerous thing. They could let the next console use it, but Sony could choose to take it away and destroy Microsoft...

5970d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Okay, you need to be quiet. It's got nothing to do with the ability of the PS3 to play it. You're full of crap for saying anything about it. It either has to do with developer preference, or Xbox buying out the game's exclusivity.

No need to talk about your lies here because you'll just sound like a moron.

Either way, it's only a mediocre shooter that no one cared about until it became an exclusive and everyone had to fight about it, so enough crap out of you.

5970d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

All they're doing is extrapolating data. Basically, it's just looking at current information and using it to try to predict the future.

While I would be happy to see PS3 win, their data seems logical. Wii's novelty, without super titles to hype and a load of shovelware, its sales numbers may go down after the initial "OMG this is so cool" phase wears off.

Meanwhile, Xbox 360 has its own hurdles to overcome, including the predicted decrease in hardware sales...

5972d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I definitely think we need this in the US and Canada. It would be amazing, and yet another reason to pick up a PlayStation 3 over here. Why use anything else but your PlayStation for HD gaming, HD Television (if it can, that's the only thing I'm unsure about), as well as being an overall media hub?

And if all it takes is this peripheral to watch HD Television without a monthly fee, then you wouldn't believe how popular that would least in theory.

5973d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree! I believe they said in another article that the only difference is the exclusive DLC---and even after that, they said it's definitely possible that both platforms will get new DLC after that---just PS3 won't be getting that content that 360 made exclusivo. It's no skin off my back. The game will be fun enough on its own. ^^

5974d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I noticed it too. It all comes down to syntax, the way he said it, and that's what happened. I think he's trying to itch the answer out, and either it's true and it breaks our little PS3-users' hearts, or it's not and we can all move on. XD

5974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not saying that it was a misquote. I'm saying that the reason it's confusing is because of syntax, in how he said what he did---it leaves his statement ambiguous. Listen to what I'm saying before you post.

5974d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

That's a matter of syntax definition. While this person could mean what you think---that is, that both multiplayer and DLC are exclusive---it could also mean something like 'multiplay, as well as DLC only available on Xbox 360', as if he were to say that multiplayer was a feature (though not exclusive), as well as DLC (which is an exclusive feature).

I think that they've just been too ambiguous about it. I'll just wait for Rockstar to give a clear and concise answer that isn't c...

5974d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think that the guy was misquoted and the words were meshed together. The quote could be completely wrong. People do it when they cite things all the time:

"Xbox 360 has not sold the most consoles" can easily become "Xbox 360 has . . . sold the most consoles"---just those three dots will make a reader who takes things at surface value go ballistic, when the sentence is still correct; that technique alone allows writers to use a quote while choosing what's 'un...

5974d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't know. While it's no different from burning a CD or filesharing off the internet, I side with Square Enix. They're really on top of this and they are adamant about their intellectual property before the loss of their intellectual property gets out of hand.

That aside, these guys really deserve to be taken in. Can you imagine people with Buster Swords? One show-offy guy + Buster Sword + Friend = Limit Break = Omnislash = man meat = tasty, but bad---really bad.

5974d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know. I think that their swan-song was the blast-processing days of Sonic the Hedgehog and the Sega Genesis. I mean, after that, it was all about bringing Sonic to 3-D---He's not the blue blur anymore, he's just another typical platformer genre character.

I think a buyout would be good for Nintendo, but it could really go to any company that wanted them badly. However, their franchises just aren't the singing masterpieces they used to be, and it's sad. Really, anyone coul...

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm excited for this; while it's not really news, at least it's comforting that they're not just throwing out their engines when they're done with them, or developing two different engines for one franchise or the other. It's good that they are simply modifying the single existing engine, so that every game is an improvement from the last, no matter what the franchise is.

Now, we just need more people on the PSN. Play B3YOND!!

5975d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, you can have up to four people at once on your console, but with the online, there can be up to eight people. That definitely doesn't mean that you need eight people at your house clamoring over each other on microscopic segments of your screen! (Besides, the PS3 can only support up to seven controllers anyways. XD)

So, from how I interpreted it, you can have up to four on your console, but with the online function, your game can have up to eight people total in the online c...

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Y'see, this is why ports don't work. "Xbox 360's version is better. It pwns all."

Developers have proven that they can work wonders with the PS3 hardware. It's time that they grow up, stop complaining about the difficulties they have and just deal with them.
If the companies make the game better on one system than the other, they make copies of the game for the crappier version which aren't going to sell because the consumer would rather get the better version, an...

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was Xbox 360's fault for not including an HD drive right from the start. I bet they're hitting themselves in the head now! "Oh, the future is in digital distribution!" Yeah, the distant future. People still prefer tangible media, and for not realizing this, you fail.

I wish this was an announcement of HD DVD's harakiri, not just saying, "Oh noes, we lost support, we feel sorry for Netflix and Blu-ray leaving the sheltered wings of our god-given legacy. Long live...

5975d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

A great song selection! All master tracks, too...I know I'll be enjoying the new songs this week...and my wallet will not. XD

5976d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment