CRank: 5Score: 3160

Haha, it's really funny, because I actually took the picture of the Duke of Gravity for the article. Great to see that it's there. XD

Don't believe me, ask the author yourself. :P

But overall, decent article, though not all of them are the same ones that I (or my girlfriend, for that matter) would choose.

I mean, come on! Where's Nathan Drake!? He would MAKE this list. XD

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Introducing the peripheral for Miyamoto's newest AAA title:

"Wii Cool-Your-House"

Getting this game day one.

5792d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Tuba Hero ftw.

5844d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

So then, this beckons a very interesting question. The interview talked about DLC and getting exclusive DLC getting released in other regions. Like, UK stuff getting released in the US.

So, what would happen if that were true, and the PS3 version hasn't been released yet in the UK? Does that mean that PS3 owners wouldn't get it until that version was released in the UK? Or would we get it at the same time as Xbox 360?

I guess that's just a question that will be answe...

5916d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm dedicated to PS3, but let me say this: Basically, there's no point in asking this.

Xbox 360 and Wi will come out on top, for different reasons. Wii has Mario Kart coming out, and Mario's name alone shifts copies. Then, everyone knows that on a multiplatform release, Xbox 360 comes out on top with sales. It just plain happens.

We all know PS3's in for third place this month. Madestar has the right idea: It's basically who will sell more, and we know that's a dumb ...

5930d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

Why did this happen? Because Macs don't need to be as secure. It's not as widely used for hacking as Windows so it makes sense that there will be holes in security that people can exploit.

Still, 120 seconds...Holy crap, I want some of whatever they're smokin'. XD

5930d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I agree! I have no clue! Bubbles for you.

5930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I couldn't agree more. Basically, as soon as info comes out on which console Star Ocean is going to...

Oye. I have my aspirin ready. As long as it comes out on PS3, I'll be okay. :D

5930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, I must say that there's still something I can't get over. Everything was good, except for the cat. That cat looked terrible. Otherwise, I can say that this was an amazing tech demo, and Santa Monica definitely knows what they're doing with the PS3.

Now, if only it were able to turn some fanboy heads to go multiplat, then I'd be satisfied. But we all know the chance of that happening. XD

5932d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, I think that they could do both. Release a new, ground-up redone version, and maybe release FFVII as a PLAYSTATION classic, for nostalgia's sake. It would be a double whammy, and very smart for them.

The only reason I would say that a remake makes sense is because the original is the only version that, graphically, looks completely different from the others. They are the only ones still stuck in the chibi forms, and don't actually look 'human' compared to the rest of the Co...

5936d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, here's the hole in the theory of platform...I don't know how it works for remakes and whatnot, but as far as I know the rights go to the publisher...The original game's publisher was Square in Japan and SCE internationally. That can at least guarantee that the original FFVII isn't coming to anything but a Sony console.

Remakes, however, I'm not sure. Maybe we would see it on another console, but I think that Sony is aware that FF is an important series and would snatch it u...

5936d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember reading a news story last year about the effect that advertising has on the consumer, and they said that it doesn't matter which platform the game is better on, or even if both logos show up in the commercial. Like, it doesn't matter if every logo under the sun shows up, none of that matters to a casual gamer as long as the first thing they see is the "PLAYSTATION 3" with that crazy noise, or that "Jump In" tag for 360.

People will see the 360 Jump ...

5938d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think that The Beatles would suck for Guitar Hero. It really would be better for Rock Band. There are four members, four instruments, it's a perfect fit.

Guitar Hero would destroy it because it was like a chrysalis to Harmonix. Guitar Hero brought Harmonix into the homes of millions and created something beautiful. But, just like a chrysalis, once the butterfly (Harmonix) leaves, it becomes a mere husk of its former inhabitant.

Guitar Hero was great, but then Harmo...

5940d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay, I wasn't entirely sure on this...

When Kojima said that he didn't have enough space on a Blu-ray disc, was he talking about a 25GB BD, or a 50GB BD? I've never really been clear on that, because the standard for PS3 games is the 25GB but this news says he had 50GB of space to work with.

5944d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment
5953d ago

I've always been under the impression that Xbox 360 is a shooter console. I can never see it as anything else, so I think they should stop trying, and just make nothing but shooters for it.

If they have good RPGs, good for them! But it won't change the fact that the console is known mostly for shooters, and nothing else gets the same ratings. But nothing moves Xbox systems except shooters.

Opinions? You won't hurt my feelings. :P

5953d ago 7 agree14 disagreeView comment


Hey, you just sounded like a moron. If you knew anything, Francis Drake is completely and totally English. Not Spanish at all. Born and raised, and working under, Britain. Though Nathan Drake may have some Spanish blood in him from other family members or ancestors, I can absolutely assure you that it did NOT come directly from Sir Francis Drake.

But yeah, definitely, they did not take into account that it's basically not racist killing, it's "Holy cr...

5954d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, trying to pre-empt the Sony insult wave?

...You're an idiot.

5955d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They've only been using it because that's the popular console in the military bases. They went with what was popular with the troops, not what was best (even if, in your case, the 360 controller might be).

It's just a matter of "Hey, let's do something ridiculous today! Make war machines work with came controllers! But which one? Oh, everyone's down in the lounge playing Halo 3 on the 360..."

Controller chosen in two seconds. They know the controller so th...

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh yeah, totally. I agree with you there---the insults by some Sony fanboys really do suck, and I can't argue against it. But so do the Xbox 360 fans. They have people posting comments just as stupid and uncreative. It's like the fanboys don't even try.

I stick to facts though---I don't care if they hear them a million times, they'll keep hearing them until they're fixed. Like yeah, some of our multiplatform titles suffer compared to their 360 counterparts, and at one point we di...

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment