CRank: 5Score: 3160

After reading this article, I think it's funny to imagine Activision and Guitar Hero talking like Stephen Abootman, head of the WGA, from that episode of South Park, where Canada goes on strike.

"We want . . . more moneh."

5582d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubbles. Thank GOD I wasn't the only one who noticed that. Bubbles for you.

God damn, where is this going... poor grammar has SHAKEN gamers and the industry.

5583d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I agree, NinjaRyu. The Japanese are interesting in that they won't necessarily say they like or hate something, but if they do, they're very vocal about it; I remember last week, there was an article about Japanese reactions to people's issues with JRPGs, and they responded COLORFULLY. They were, needless to say, rude, but some of it was very much like any gamer would say: "If you don't like it, don't complain, don't play." Or, "Well, Westerners don't get the genre because West...

5602d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

As if that somehow negates the fact that this is an article about Japan, and it's not about NA, EU, UK, etc.

I appreciate your effort, but save your energy to fight your enemies on the stuff that's actually news. I agree, it's Japan though, and yeah, 360 is doing better in pretty much all other regions. XD

5603d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Okay, I have to stop you there. Just because you lived there doesn't mean you can say such garbage about Japanese people. Do you seriously think that they all hate foreigners? It has nothing to do with whether we dropped two bombs on them either. Yeah, it didn't help, and there will be some people that resent the West for it, but do they all hate us? Hardly. Your comment here is just as bad as being a fanboy on this site.

The truth is that many Japanese people are very interested...

5603d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's obvious you didn't read the article, G.E.Lobster. Because he's talking about the already-released PSP-3000, not a completely new PSP SKU. Not to mention, he didn't just talk about that, he mentioned good games for it too. If you READ the article, you would know that.

You just made yourself look like a complete fool. Read once in a while; it saves you from complete and foolish embarassment.

5647d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hey, it doesn't necessarily mean that he's going to China. While a good majority of his travels are documented from China, afterwards, he visited Sri Lanka, Sumatra, and India.

In addition to the first trailer's inclusion of a Phurba (the dagger in the snow) a ritual item of Tibetan Buddhist culture, in addition to the snow, the high mountains, and the lack of Asian people in the screenshots, it would suggest that the large majority of the game will take place in India and the H...

5668d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

What are you talking about, an R-Rated version? He said S**t in the first game. Plenty. Doesn't mean he has to say it every time.

I mean, think about it, you have to admit his string of "Crap crap crap crap crap!" was funny when he jumped out of the plane and there was a hole in his parachute. I thought that was priceless! XD

I think it's more "Nathan Drake-esque" for him to say crap. The choice of words just made it that much more fun. And to top...

5668d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

50 cent challenges your mother.

5669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment


So you can download five of how many good tracks? Three?

Seriously, ten games per year with no DLC? Come on. Neversoft, maybe you'd actually make a decent game if you made one Guitar Hero game a year and used the other time to get tons of DLC.

Sorry, RedOctane, you really dropped the ball when you split from Harmonix...good hardware can't compensate for broken music games.

5669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hear hear! Harmonix actually knows how to get things done and do them right. More isn't better if it's crap. It's pure truthiness.

Bubbles for you, my good sir.

5669d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really think articles like the CNN article he references are completely wrong to talk about the success of a console until the console generation is officially over---that meaning, that it is after all consoles of the previous generation are no longer sold at retail. I think that determines whether a console has succeeded or failed.

But right now, I agree with what the article says, definitely:
1: Undeniably, it is the most expensive console. Can't say much, but it can de...

5670d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

I honestly think that while Guitar Hero: World Tour is probably trumping Rock Band in sales (undeservingly, in my opinion), I don't think that they have factored in the DLC sales, which are direct profit.

Rock Band recently announced passing the mark of 28 million DLC downloads. When you consider that the average cost of a song is 1.99, they've made at least $50 million on downloadable content ALONE.

I'm still playing Rock Band, not even touching Guitar Hero at all (...

5670d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony's Home service isn't Sony's Answer to Xbox Live. Xbox would need to have something like Home in the first place, which, at present, it doesn't. So right now, Home isn't really an answer to anything more than the ability to foster a sense of community that could extend beyond just the gaming aspect of a console.

I'm not saying either option is better. Some would say Home gets in the way of gaming, while Xbox Live is the perfect solution. Meanwhile, others would say that Xbox ...

5672d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

True, good post. Bubbles all around for you. Thanks for saying that. :D

5672d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um, I don't know if the guy who wrote the description for this article even read the article. SONY did not confirm one million sales, Michael Denny of Evolution Studios did. If you're going to report on something, at least get the source of information correct.

On a more positive not, congratulations to SONY and Evolution Studios on getting to one million on MotorStorm: Pacific Rift. Good for them!

5673d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, I just think that it makes sense for the system. Even being a greater fan of the PS3, Microsoft really shouldn't be too worried, because its audience is there for what it is: Xbox 360 is a game console. Meanwhile, PS3 (and PS2 before it) are formally known as 'computer entertainment systems'.

I'm not saying that one is better than another, it's just that it makes sense what each console is doing. Xbox has its agenda and it's working for them, and PlayStation has its agenda ...

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bubbles to you just because your literal approach to that made me laugh.

5673d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow, because you're not a total jerk.

Seriously, come on. Don't go insulting her as a person just because you don't agree. Or, you know, go and write your own article about it. That's what the internet's for, right?

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know! I think the Duke of Gravity should have been higher on the list. I mean, he's got that geeky kind of sexy. Those Steampunk aviator glasses just pull it all together. XD

5673d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment