
CRank: 5Score: 5550

His opinion matters about as much as everbody else's here. Try stuff out and get what you want.

6391d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What most of these gray market countries don't realize is that failing to instill respect for the intellectual property of others kills any incentive for local talent to create original ideas and inventions of their own. This would ensure that new products and innovations will continue to originate exclusively from wealthy industrialized nations.

6394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Even when it was an original idea, it was a stupid and wasteful thing to do.

6394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Hmmm... In order for a gambit like this to work, it has to be done before a title goes multiplatform, not after, so the developer can weigh the potential gain in 360 sales vs the potential lost PS3 sales. Oh, and there also have to be more than 3500 signatures. Waaaaay more.

So, SONY fanboys, lets get those MGS4 and FFXIII petitions going YESTERDAY.

6394d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

In any race, sprints or marathons, if you give the other guy a headstart, it's not enough to run a little faster than him. You have to run fast enough to actually catch and overtake him to win, because the finish line is not relative, it's absolute. So it's useless to compare the PS3's current sales to the 360's sales last year. In order to catch up, Sony has to begin outselling the 360's monthly sales not this time last year, but NOW, and every month onwards. It has a year and about 10 milli...

6394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony and MS themselves have invited these comparisons, first by targeting the same market, and then actually going after each other through their PR and marketing departments.

Fence sitters should be able to find these sorts of comparisons useful. They're done with cars, microwave ovens, dishwashing detergents, sanitary napkins, etc. So why not game consoles?

The only people that would be bothered by these things are those that have some ego investment in a parti...

6394d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If they're smart, Silicon Knights will continue to keep expectations low until just before the game releases. It's harder to blow people away if they've been prepped to expect something great.

6395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft pretty much let us know that it will release a Blu-Ray add-on if that format wins. The only reason they won't say it outright just yet is because HD-DVD is not yet dead and they don't want to do anything to weaken its position.

In the end, a win by Blu-Ray will help Sony, but I don't see it significantly affecting Microsoft one way or the other.

6395d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think Shane Kim alluded to the reason for the new color. It's necessary to prevent consumer confusion between the premium and the elite SKUs. Note that once the old premium stock is sold out (probably on the cheap) everything will be white again.

I'm still waiting to hear if the elite will be using the new 65 nanometer chips.

6395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I may not disagree with his conclusion, because nobody really knows how all this is gonna shake out, but I totally disagree with his reasoning. I don't believe Ngai Croal is biased but I do find his analysis consistently shallow. In fact, I don't find him a particularly deep thinker, so I wonder how he came out of nowhere and suddenly became an authority on the industry. He used to do movie reviews, for pete's sake.

At any rate, he assumes too many things will stay the same (i...

6395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No third party developer should have any interest in seeing a console manufacturer fail. After all, they need somebody to make the consoles on which to play their games. If Sony goes bust, Microsoft would gain an enormous amount of leverage against developers in negotiating licensing fees and such. If you think Sony was arrogant when it was king, then you don't want to see what Microsoft can be like when it acheives market dominance. I happen to like the way Microsoft is playing ball in the g...

6395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I couldn't make any sense out of his explanation unless I read your interpretation into it. Common sense tells me that making an exclusive title at launch, when you aren't really sure how briskly the console will sell, is a lot riskier than making an exclusive after the console has successfully penetrated the market and sold enough units. So I don't get the logic behind his whole "timing" thing unless he is indeed implying that Epic has gotten too big for anything Sony may have to o...

6395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm actually hoping it is a joke, otherwise it would show that Microsoft would have learned nothing from Sony's recent PR missteps. It never pays to hype up expectations because this could only diminish the impact of any announcement. If they really do have something big to announce, wouldn't it be better to just spring it on us?

6395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

One other way to look at it is that there really is no reason to rush or even pre-order because Sony was successful in getting a sufficient number of units into the supply chain. So most everybody that wants one is feeling pretty assured that they can walk into a store anytime and pick it up.

6395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm hoping for a quick victory by either format, although I tend to favor Blu-Ray because it's the greater technological leap, and it would help ensure Sony's survival as a company while it struggles to make the PS3 a financially viable product.

6396d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The headline would have been less problematic if the question mark came right after "not exclusive" instead of "2007." But the statement about ongoing discussions is actually the most newsworthy part of the interview because it's the only bit of info that we haven't heard before, and it's significant that it came out of the mouth of a Sony rep.

6396d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why can't they just keep quiet until the launch is done? If the launch goes well and they sell many units, then they can crow all they want. But even if the launch is successfull, if it's anything short of spectacular it will still seem like a dud because Sony executives have set it up with so much smack.

6396d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"And with the question of downloadable content on PS3 still unanswered, this version is, at least in some small ways, inferior."

I want to experiment and see if some jackass is going to disagree with me for quoting directly from the article.

6397d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's pointless to argue about these sort of analyst comments becuase we will know soon enough if the so called "analyst" truly knew what he was talking about. I just hope somebody is keeping track of who said what, so that in a month or two, when the real numbers are in, we can give credit to those that called it right and heap scorn on those who were just pulling stuff out of their butts.

6398d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's not begrudge Sony the good buzz. I don't want to see the PS3 fail, and right now it needs all the hype it can get. I still don't see any reason it will do better in Europe than it has in Japan. But I want it to give the 360 and wii a good fight, because a limping PS3 may cause its competitors to slack off, and that won't do us gamers any good.

6398d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment