
CRank: 5Score: 5550

First, let's clear up some of the FUD here before it spreads and gains a life of its own.

A basic fact that any seasoned PC Gamer will tell you is that the speed of the RAM is not as important as the total amount of RAM. Check out the test results here:

For those of you who are too lazy to read, the bottom line is: it is better to have ...

5707d ago 18 agree7 disagreeView comment

We should have a rule here. Anybody that claims he has had software that does not run on Vista has to name it. And specify if it was 32 or 64 bit. Just name the freakin software so the forum will know what works, what doesn't, or if you are just full of sh!t.

5710d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not to disagree or agree with any of the previous posters but...

Did any of you read the article? Crescente's latest 360 casualty was the result of a busted DVD drive, not RROD. And it's a debug unit, which I don't think any of you, as members of the general public, would ever get your hands on.

So the pro-360 crowd would be correct in saying this piece is not really about the RROD and debug units are not counted with the commercial sales, so this is not the prop...

5734d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

In the console war, you can measure progress/victory in terms of absolute total units sold YTD, which is the tactical view, or you can measure it in terms of improvement over the preceding generation, which is the strategic view.

In head-to-head competition (that is not counting the period before the latecomer was released) I don't think the original Xbox ever outsold the PS2 for a week, but I'm sure it never outsold the PS2 for consecutive weeks, and I'm abso-freakin-lutely s...

5736d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

"Those of you who have an SLI motherboard will probably find staying with Nvidia’s video cards a cost-effective choice. For you folks, two GeForce 9800 GTX cards are about as good as it gets, OFFERING PERFORMANCE A BIT LESS THAN TWO RADEON 4850 CARDS IN CROSSFIRE FOR ONLY A LITTLE MORE MONEY."

LOL. That's like marrying the girl who gave you herpes. Since you're stuck with her anyway, you may as well try to get the most out of her.

5794d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was a meh little throwaway blog post but boy, compare the comments section of the article with the usual lot of comments you get here. I wish those chaps would visit here and grow this place up some.

5832d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ pimpstation:

"Japs" is an ethnic slur. Look it up online. Do it before you embarrass yourself in polite company.

Let me get you started with this link:

You owe crck an apology, as well as every Japanese person that read your post.

5849d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

There's no mystery here, and the writer didn't need to waste more than a few lines talking about it. In the first place, it's a wonder that Halo 3 ever managed to top the charts at all. The writer himself pointed out that Halo 3 got lucky in coming out during a week when there were no other big releases, so a measly 60,000 was enough for it to take the top spot. It would have been real news if Halo 3 had remained in the charts.

The more important discussion (which the title of...

6088d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, this game already cost $80 million? If that's true, the first episode needs to sell more than a million units to have any hope of breaking even. Otherwise, Silicon Nights will have to reuse a lot of the game assets so that they can spread that development cost over all three episodes. That means that there won't be much improvement between the first and the following two games. For this to work, the first game has to be a hit, and the next two games must follow quickly before things begi...

6089d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sometimes this guy is on the money and other times he's full of crap. That whole thing about Halo 4 as a condition for allowing Bungie to leave is just pure BS. MS learned the hard way that forcing developers to do something they don't want to will not give them any hits, and is probably the surest way to kill a franchise. Also, MS already knows very well that its internal culture is not conducive to fostering creativity for in-house game developers. Bungie already had its own separate build...

6089d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Historically, October sales are usually stronger than September, November sales always stronger than October, and December sales stronger than November. So these figures will only get bigger as we head deeper into the 4th quarter.

6089d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

EA has enough resources to put together a separate team from scratch just to port this game as long as there's money to be made. Look at what they did for the Orange Box. The Orange Box would be an MS exclusive if EA did not get involved. It'll probably be a quick and dirty job instead of a labor of love, but it will get done.

MS just lost itself an exclusive unless it can work out a deal with EA. Having Peter Moore over there may have its advantages. But the bigger a hit Mass ...

6092d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Revenue losses from piracy in India, China and other developing countries are not as big as publishers will have us believe, because the vast majority of people that rely on piracy don't have enough money to purchase the genuine articles. The real damage done is to the homegrown software industry of these countries, which will never properly develop unless people there learn to respect intellectual property as much as other kinds of property.

And any of you losers cheering this...

6092d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's a good point you make, but as these comments from MS itself confirm, MS's gaming division does not even have to be rationalized as a self-sustaining unit. I don't believe MS expects gaming to supplant its core business of software services, so while they may want to minimize losses or even make a tiny (relative to total gross revenues) profit, even if that doesn't happen, I don't expect MS to ever drop out of the console business. "Convergence" is the key catchword of MS's lo...

6092d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I mentioned previously that MS's game business is just a tiny piece of the big picture, and this is just more confirmation from the horse's mouth. I realize most people that come here don't care about anything beyond the gaming aspect, but understanding what MS is really up to will give you a better handle on what they are trying to accomplish through their gaming business. All you people that keep talking about how unprofitable MS's game division has been are just not getting it. If you have...

6092d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will never get tired of bashing stuff with that wrench. But instead of running all the way over, I usually do the boomerang move and just have the nuts fly back to me. I don't know why, but this stuff just never gets old. Talk about innovation some place else but leave R&C well enough alone.

6092d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Mighty Douche, read up on IPTV. MS's IPTV platform has been available since at least 2005, when it was adopted by SwissTel for its IPTV service. In June, 2007, the IPTV software suite was rebranded as Mediaroom. You may not have heard about it because IPTV penetration is still low, but MS has been working on it for several years already. It used to stink, but in typical MS fashion, they kept tweaking and tweaking it, so that by the end of this year many IPTV providers all over the world will ...

6095d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IPTV on the 360 will be offered by existing internet service providers, not MS. MS will provide its software platform along with integration with the 360's hardware and xbox live interface, but your local ISP will decide what mix of programming and services to offer and how much they will charge you.

Some of you seem to think IPTV is just another weapon in the console wars, but you all need to think a lot bigger if you want to understand what MS is up to. MS wants nothing less ...

6095d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This may in fact be the way MS figured out it can preserve and cultivate Bungie's freewheeling creativity, and may serve as a model for the way MS will manage its relationships with creative talent in the future. Don't be surprised if MS creates more Bungie-type relationships in the future.

6098d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I won't repeat what rooftrellen and Gina have already said (good points both of you). My whole point is, Sony MS and Nintendo have different purposes and motives for being in the game industry. As far as gaming goes, Nintendo has the advantage of being the most focused of the three, because that's all it does. All Nintendo has to worry about is making its gaming experience as good as possible. Sony's game division used to be that way too, but that all changed with the PS3. In line with Howard...

6099d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment