
CRank: 5Score: 5550

What is with this obsession with "casual gamers"? By definition these people don't care as deeply for playing games, and hence can't be expected to spend as much time or money on the hobby as serious gamers. If MS was reliant on hardware profits like Nintendo then I can see why going after these lousy customers would make sense. But since software sales are the key to the 360 business model, I don't see any benefit to bringing casual gamers on board. Just look at wii software sales....

6114d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a hunch the guy's just playing dumb. It's a very subtle dig at his counterparts over at the competition, who he knows are going to read his comments eventually.

6115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Other game developers will be looking at these figures as well. If an installed base of less than 15 million can support sales of 5 million for a single title in just one year, developers will know which platform has won over the segment of the market that actually BUYS games.

This should also serve as a wake up call to PS3 supporters. The total hardware sales numbers would not sting as badly as long as software sales keep up. But thus far, they haven't been. When its installe...

6115d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am looking forward to this game and I hope it does well enough to ensure that this excellent series continues. That's why I hope Sony don't do something so foolish as to put it out during the height of the Halo hoopla, where it may get lost in the intense marketing and saturation coverage of the 360 flagship. Sony should time the release of this game and its reviews when things die down, so that this game can have the place in the sun that it deserves.

6115d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is just flat-out false.

6115d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've loved this series ever since the first Ratchet & Clank on the PS2. I'm curious to see what major improvements they've added that would make a game swell to 22gb, seeing that all the previous games were tons of fun despite fitting handily on a dvd. I hope it's not another game with just 4gb of actual substance and 18 gb of unnecessary junk. I'm not at all sold on the whole "blu-ray is necessary for gaming" hype, and no game that's come out on the PS3 has demonstrated this to...

6118d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Excellent observation, and not an easy point for most people to understand, as we can see from the replies you got.

Let me add just one thing to make it clearer. Under the business model that SONY and MS follow, the real money is made on sales of software, not hardware. Having the bestselling hardware is desirable to attract more game development, which leads to more releases and more software sales on that platform.

But besides total hardware sales, when those s...

6120d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Ok, I've read the "out of box" review and this so called "re-view." After comparing the two articles I see no hint of any backpedalling or wishy-washy. The "out of box" or first review clearly stated that the full review was pending release of the final retail code, and gave no score to the game. The first article described the game as "decent, but not groundbreaking." The final review pretty much says the same thing. This assessment is reflected in th...

6121d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Something tells me that is the last time Gamespy will get an early crack at reviewing a release from Sony.

6121d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If that's truly Bioware's intent, then no matter how huge a hit this game becomes, there's little to no chance of it going multi-platform until the trilogy is completed. Finishing the whole thing within the next 4 years will suck up all developer resources related to the game. Bioware would have to hire and build a whole separate team from scratch just to do the ports.

6121d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It makes economic sense. Publishers may not find the tiny 360 market niche in Japan worth the cost of localizing multi-plat games for that country. Unless MS plans on giving up Japan they ought to sweeten deals with publishers to keep the Japanese 360 versions of multi-plat games from drying up. Japan is truly proving to be the 360's weak point for major damage.

6121d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this is true Sony is just now realizing the wisdom of MS's pricing strategy and is playing catch up. What is cheaper about the 360 is not the console itself but the "cost of entry" to the consumer. If all you had was $300, you can't do any gaming business with Sony, because the minimum cost of entry for the PS3 is $500 - ALL OR NOTHING. With $300, you can immediately start playing games on the 360. Sure, it may eventually cost you more to add on the feature set equivalent of the ...

6121d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

They aren't talking about installed base. Just look at the numbers. Wii is at around 11 million, 360 at 10.5 million, and PS3 at 5 million. Let's assume that the 360 suddenly becomes radioactive and its sales plunge to zero starting next month. Let's also assume "distant third" means a spread of some 6 million units, which is the current sales gap between the wii and the PS3 (that's not really "distant," but what the heck). Thus, in order for the 360 installed base to slip...

6122d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

I will buy this game eventually because something this pretty is well worth owning. But I will wait for it to hit the bargain bin, where it will surely be when the time is ripe for me to finally pick up a PS3. I'd say in about a year the 80 gb model ought to be down to about $300, and HS, Resistance and Motorstorm could probably be had for less than $20 each, if they aren't already bundled with the system.

6125d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wouldn't waste a penny on it myself, but I do hope other people get suckered into buying Lair, and a lot of them too. Factor 5 was not equal to its ambitions this time, but I think if they're given a second chance, Lair 2 may turn out to be the game that Lair 1 was supposed to be. I can see what the developers were reaching for and I don't want them to give up on that grand vision.

6134d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Here we go again. You'd think they'd learned from recent experience (LAIR, HS) that too much hype is bad. It's so bad that it could hobble even a decent game. It's possible to jack up hype so high that there's nowhere to go but down. Here's an idea. Why not make certain first that the game actually turns out well, THEN talk it up? Better yet, why not let the game itself do the talking, ala Bioshock? Until then, talk about something else. There are other things to talk about, aren't there?

6135d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Warhawk emerged as the best of three heavily touted games (Lair, HS) but only after a major compromise: shedding its entire single player component. I've read the developers' reasons for doing this, but these raise more questions than they answer. What made it impossible for them to get it right? It bugs me because whenever I see the game being played now I can't help but wonder about what could have been. With a single player campaign as polished as the online game, this could have been a ho...

6136d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A little cold water to cool down the hype would do this game some good. Expectations, like everything else, have to be managed skillfully.

6136d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, if this game maintains this score on average, does that make it..."AAA"?

6139d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The attempt to use this game to sell the advantages of cell/blu-ray has backfired big time. This game may suck, but it's not necessarily because of any inherent weakness in PS3 technology. This egg was laid by the software developer, not the hardware designer/manufacturer. However, because some a$$wipe at SONY pr/marketing thought it might be a good idea to use an unproven title to hype the machinery, Lair and the PS3 have become inextricably linked in the perception of the gaming public. If ...

6139d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment