
CRank: 5Score: 6150

because PS3 rocks

4912d ago 12 agree13 disagreeView comment

or Half Life 2

4913d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

my GOTY hunch:

1 infamous 2
2 last guardian
3 skyrim
4 mass effect 3
5 uncharted 3

uncharted 2 was almost perfect and there is little room for improvement, I suspect the phrase Uncharted 2.5 will be thrown a lot

4913d ago 39 agree10 disagreeView comment

the awkward controls is undeniable but it should be noted that those controls are only used for walking around and NEVER on any scene where you're actually in danger or need to do something difficult, those always use QTE

SPOILER: I was actually surprised that most of the twists make some kinda of sense, the only one that was really bad was that the mobster that the detective was "investigating" was actually the owner of the construction site where it all begu...

4914d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

IGN is saying "more Dance Central please"?

that site used to be big and now it's in ruins

4914d ago 35 agree10 disagreeView comment

PS3 is always the right choice because it will still be around long after the 360 is taken off the market

but regarding the co-op I would prefer a longer single player and no co-op

Valve said on Qore that the single player is twice as long the first Portal, which should put it in around 6 or 7 hours, and that sucks

4914d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

Crysis 2 is a great looking game even on consoles

but to suggest that it has better graphics than Killzone 3 is just silly

4914d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

not even close according to the vids released so far

both Uncharted games, both PS3 Killzone games, God of War 3, Metal Gear 4, Crysis 2, al look better than Rage

4914d ago 5 agree22 disagreeView comment

well, what can of zombies are we talking about?

if it's the classic Romero slow ones it would be easy, I might even go out to kill a few just for fun

if it's the slow ones but mixed with Resident Evil-style monsters then you best chance is to stay home quietly

if it's the Dawn of the Dead/28 days/weeks Later fast ones then you're probably screwed anyway but you should make a run for a gun store or a military base or some...

4915d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

sure, if what you need is just survive it wouldn't be that hard, if you live in an apartment and have plenty of food, you can easily sustain yourself until they all die of starvation

now if you have to travel to get to your love ones or something then you're screwed

4915d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Killzone 3 is the best looking console game so fare this year

4915d ago 16 agree9 disagreeView comment


4915d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

Portal 2 releases on the 21, not on the 19

4915d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

Nintendo was lucky with the Wii but they are totally out of touch

except for the 3D effect the 3DS is obsolete technology right out of the box

4916d ago 23 agree10 disagreeView comment

a new clone in the near future

**cums at the screen**

that's what he should do, Future Snake

4917d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

so games that are released on 360 and PC are 360 exclusives but not PC exclusives?

4917d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

another thing that makes me doubt this is that nowhere on the email says anything about confidentiality

because this is not an email to an employee who's already been brief on the matter, this is a job offer and they forgot to write don't say anything because it's unannounced? ummm

@waseem335 (above)

you think that in the case that this is real it's not because Sony paid millions to Square for it? Sony pays so they can d...

4917d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

WHY, WHAT!!!!!!

EDIT: Dear Sony: we were going to buy the NGP anyway, please do this for the PS3

EDIT2: I've read it carefully and if it's not real then it took a lot of dedication and research to make it look like that that, the part about multiplayer Chocobo races seems just what they would do with FFVII

the part that makes me doubt it is the item where they talk about the story:

"the supposedly best p...

4917d ago 9 agree5 disagreeView comment

how can he die if it takes place before RE4?

if they do it it might cause a time paradox that will in make all of us explode like in Timecop

4917d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS3 didn't have a slow start in terms of quality or number of games, the only thing slow were US sales, worldide on its first year were excellent for the price it had back then

it had a great start with games like Folklore, Warhawk, Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm, Resistance, Ratchet and Clank Future, Uncharted, Siren and more, all on its first year

the fact that some people still think that PS3 had a slow start it's a by product of the smear campaig...

4917d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment