
CRank: 5Score: 6150

so Fable now is a light gun game on rails?


4859d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment


4862d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

like always: US ONLY

worldwide (counting US sales) the PS3 keeps outselling the 360 like it has always happened since it was released

4862d ago 9 agree18 disagreeView comment


worldwide PS3 is otuselling the 360 like it always happened since it was released

4862d ago 15 agree27 disagreeView comment


that's the earliest for a new PS, a new Xbox might come out on 2013 but I'll wait some time after it releases to buy it because of MS's history with poorly put together hardware

the gap with the quality of graphics in PC gaming now is a lot smaller than in 2004 for example, and I don't want a new generation unless there's a similar jump in quality as in previous generations changes

4862d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have the data from an inside source:

Heavenly Sword 2 by Santa Monica
David Cage's new game
Zone of the Enders 3
Syphon Filter 5

4862d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's probably because it's coming to PS3 as well

4863d ago 8 agree11 disagreeView comment

the fact that this was officially announced today and not on MS's press conference on monday makes me think that it's coming to PS3 as well

also quality will suffer, 360 hardware can't handle the graphics shown on high ends PCs with this game

4863d ago 16 agree24 disagreeView comment

it doesn't have video output so there's no overlap with the PS3

each has it's own games which are meant to be played differently

4863d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


FF13 is by no means a horrible game, it is far from the best on the franchise but it's better a lot of RPGs, and it's an enjoyable game

what the previous poster sais is partially right, there's a tendency here and in most gaming sites to call something "horrible" just because it felt short of standards, as if there were no middleground between excelent and horrible

like it happened with Resistance 2 o...

4863d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

this is far from certain but if it's true then it's a very smart move from Microsoft

a 360 port wouldn't be that much work and it would make a really impressive non-PS3 game, which is what the 360 desperately needs

maybe I won't sell my 360 after playing Gears after all

4863d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment


Media Molecule are from Texas

4864d ago 0 agree21 disagreeView comment

this is just a nothing article, no really a preview, just a bunch a romours and stuff we already know

the writer doesn't even try to guess any of the surprise announcements

4864d ago 23 agree1 disagreeView comment

I guess the store is not coming back today

4865d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Epic owns the Gears IP and they can't do whatever they want with it, so it's possible that it might appear on a Sony console, most likely in the next generation

on the other hand, Sony owns the Uncharted IP so it will never appear on a non Sony platform, unless they stop making consoles

4865d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Kojima is not real, your parent should've told you when you entered puberty

they just take some skinny guys and put them in glasses, don't tell me you haven't notice how he never seems to age?

4866d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

don't forget that:

-the NES was more powerful than the Master System
-Super NES was more powerful than Mega Drive
-Nintendo 64 was more powerful than PS1 and Saturn
-Gamecube was more powerful than PS2 (not sure about the Xbox)

in 5 out of 6 generations they were the ones with the best hardware, it would be no surprise if this is true

4866d ago 15 agree39 disagreeView comment

works great on PS3

4866d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I love this game, I'll get all the DLC they put out

I want Rain, Mavado, Havik, Reiko(undercover Shao Kahn), Cyber Smoke and more new characters

4866d ago 8 agree0 disagreeView comment

too bad IGN has lost all credibility and it's just a joke now owned by Fox

4869d ago 54 agree41 disagreeView comment