Proud Irish Bastard


CRank: 5Score: 230630

I'll continue sticking with my A50S until they, inevitably, break. Then I'll see what's on the market.

386d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Is it though?

386d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


I have an easily accessible comment history if interested. Some day I'll figure out why you handful of ... eccentric users are so obsessed with me all the time and just regurgitate the same comments 24/7.


I don't fixate on what you write purely because I assume it's likely just some outwardly unneeded attack on something you don't like. I'm sure there's some legitimate gaming banter sprinkled in l...

386d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Console players talking about PC players in the internet - Neckbeards, Pirates 5k for console performance

Console players in their heads - I want one, but I don't want to spend more than $500 (up front) for hardware.

386d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Do you ever not act like this? Can you ever just make a regular comment lol?

386d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Really hope the Bloodborne PC release is true. I love the game, but damn is it jaggy on the PS4.

386d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

I don't support EPIC, so I'll play the game. I just will find my ways to not give money to EPIC, and give my money to Remedy.

I love Remedy; I love Alan Wake. I just can't stand EPIC'S business practices.

392d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So a disappointing sequel and a needless "remake" later ... can we have a new IP?

392d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

All major game companies are being jackasses right now.

393d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony can afford to let you put PS2 and PS3 discs into your console, but they don't do that. They have a bunch of remasters though. They have subscription services and remasters if you want that.

All these companies do crappy, anti-consumer things. Gaming is going to hell pretty quickly. I remember in highschool getting annoyed at the idea of $60 games.

Now there's loot boxes, remasters of remasters of games just a few years old, pay to win dlc in...

393d ago 6 agree24 disagreeView comment

General consensus, from what I've seen, is that people consider Gamepass a great value in general, and are assuming that prices would go up because it's already rather low for what it is.

Netflix costs almost twice what it was when I first had it. Nintendo is charging you for emulators that can run on potato phones at this point and still choose the games you get, PlayStation molded PS Now into PS Plus and walls off features into tiers I think should just be offered...

393d ago 5 agree19 disagreeView comment

Then also don't ask a $70 price tag, being development costs should have already been covered and you shouldn't be asking new game prices for something years old in the first place, and actually make proper ports so that everyone can actually enjoy the game when it comes to PC.

Yet to see that from Sony when it comes to PC ports. They're kind of entitled as well. The God of War port was good, but it was a generation old and selling for retail when the market val...

393d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Amazing rebuttal then. I won't down vote your opinion like you do mine, because I find the system dumb.

393d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Bringing their games to PC won't impede PlayStation sales in any significant way. People who just want a console will go out and just buy a console.
Sony knows that.

They have an entire other platform they could put their software on who are happy to buy their games, and Sony knows that too.

But it's the PC. There are options. If you keep trying to put $70 price tags on years old content, especially if you're doing terrible ports on ...

393d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

The rare day one for me.

393d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you can point me to any comment about Redfall I've made since the launch that wasn't me calling it mediocre I'm happy to see it and correct myself on the statement.

At the same time, that doesn't change the fact that Square Enix is all over the place when it comes to their FF releases, and I haven't liked the direction they've taken the series.
It also doesn't change the fact that making an article around the head of the game is sayin...

394d ago 7 agree26 disagreeView comment

So person who made game says game is great. Please preorder now.
Square Enix is all over the place when it comes to their releases. FF15 was a mess. FF14 needed to be totally remade. FF7, while quality, was a highly divisive reboot of a classic.

Time will tell with the game, but this was basically just an advertisement.

394d ago 4 agree34 disagreeView comment

PC players aren't going to keep paying $70 for last generation's games.
They're also not going to magically turn into console buyers just for Sony.

Sony needs to either be reasonable with the timing, pricing, and actually put out a quality product just get out of the PC space. Though I'm sure there's console only players who would love for them to.

394d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

A console takes billions just to come to market, usually takes years to see profit from the console, itself, and relies on services (just to play online) and the sale of games to levy the costs.

It's a numbers game, and they found it profitable to bring games to PC. They even bought a studio to do just that.
Those millions they make off of PC players was the decision they made in the face of whatever you think PlayStation gamers are bringing in for them.

394d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

15 sucked, 7 remake was just a reboot in 7's skin in order for sales and wants you to buy three games for it, and 14 needed an entire remake.

I hope they can actually do something proper once in a while, because it's only the Enix titles, and smaller properties, actually impressing when you sit down and actually play them.

394d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment