Proud Irish Bastard


CRank: 5Score: 230630

Deservedly so, and not exactly surprised. God of War is synonymous with gaming nowadays. Kratos, Nathan, Master Chief, Mario, Link, Freeman.

Images that pop up when you say videogames.

454d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Still the last one I really enjoyed.
Series is just all over the place anymore and, while people like the new arpg gameplay, it doesn't do anything for me.

454d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Not a good look, being many considered 15 bad in a lot of ways, and 16 was pretty much being named a strong return to form.
If that's the case this one is pretty much destined for the used bin going forward, outside of digital sales and an eventual PC release. Following Forespoken ... Eh. This thing really needed to hit it out of the park.

454d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

Article is BS lol.

Takes 60% of their development budget and puts it towards live service titles. Their biggest acquisition was for a developer that focuses on live service titles. Just trust them it's only to put more money into amazing exclusives down the road, as they're allocating all of that money and work hours from some of their biggest studios to work on a dozen GaaS titles.

We'll see what happens down the road, and I hope Sony stays ...

458d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'll break it down further.

Who owns more right to the product?
Someone who owns it and sells it within their means; or someone who simply pays to disrupt your competition from having the same access you do?

459d ago 0 agree11 disagreeView comment

I'm not. I own three PCs. Two of which outperform any console on the market. Own a Series S. Own a PS5. I have full access to what I want to play.

"As long as the Playstation fanbase keeps losing more games, they will be happy."

Also applies to Sony recently, eh? That's not a thing Microsoft put into motion. It's something that Nintendo did since the 90s, and Sony did since the release of the original PlayStation.

459d ago 0 agree33 disagreeView comment


I really don't care either way. I like seeing more games come to Gamepass, being I pay it monthly, but I have everything from a PC, to an Xbox, to a PS5. I can play whatever.
I'm, actually (unlike many here) a multie platform gamer here. I don't actually care what I play on. I care about what I'm offered.


I don't care about whatism. I don't care who you think did anti-consumer things first. I...

459d ago 3 agree25 disagreeView comment

You don't have something as low end as a 970 and a mid-range i5?
That's my lowest end rig, and it runs great on it.

459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Are you as upset when Sony pays to keep games from companies that they don't even own off of other platforms?

459d ago 9 agree45 disagreeView comment

Go to a coffee shop. Buy a coffee.
Do you owe that coffee to someone else?

459d ago 2 agree20 disagreeView comment

How do you feel on the idea that many here on this site want Sony to acquire Konami, Square Enix and Capcom?

They want Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Castlevania, Resident Evil, Monster Hunter, Street Fighter. The list goes on. How would you feel about that, then?

459d ago 7 agree38 disagreeView comment

Still confused on how outright buying companies and funding their development is considered "anti-consumer" when they only release on the platform of said owner, yet simply paying money to keep games off of a competing platform is perfectly fine. No issues. Totally not anti-consumer.

459d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

More powerful than a PS4 Pro.
Drops a bit beneath the One X.

Yeah. It can run this game at 30fps with no issue.

459d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't care
Have multiple PCs that run circles around the current consoles.
I have a series S and enjoy it. It's my traveling companion, and I'm usually impressed with what it does, in terms of performance, for the price of it.

It's one of my favorite consoles had within my 31 years on this Earth.

3 dislikes in 1 minute. I appreciate the tenacity of the regular weirdos and their multiple accounts.

459d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

Better glow-up than No Man's Sky.

459d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS2 couldn't even run Morrowind.

460d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

They released a CG trailer with nothing all that tangible about the game, itself, when the game, itself, was purely in preproduction.
The only thing the trailer showed was a grim dark color pallet that was pretty generic and conformed to the basic Skyrim/Witcher medieval aesthetic that virtually everyone goes with. Other than that the recent reveal faithfully held to the gameplay shown, and the knowing that, being an Obsidian game, you should expect a real RPG experience where you ca...

460d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


Yeah. I'm interested in a number of the titles that Microsoft are known to be working on. I guess I should throw that to the side and just get excited for a small few of the things that Sony is working on, then pray I love each and every live service title that Sony is working on; spending 60% of their overall budget for games that typically nickel and dime you just to enjoy.
Naughty Dog can't even successfully meet the greedy standards of both Bu...

460d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


Double post

460d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's still sort of the point though. We're asking a whole bunch of people to take risks spending a ton of time and money into an unproven market that shows up time, and time again, virtually every decade.

Only the really big companies can even fathom trying that, and they still go in not expecting to make anything significant in profit.
So VR is still nothing but easy to put out shovelware, with the odd big release sprinkled in once or twice a year.

460d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment