
CRank: 5Score: 84170

I'll probably pick this up on PC and that is my biggest fear. I know the consoles have hacking issues on occasion, but PC can be so much worse.

3771d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yep, MS has a lot riding on Titanfall, it seems. I personally don't think it will, but I am wondering if that cut will make it to the US.

3771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm usually not much for conspiracy theories, but the delay of the 360 version makes a lot of sense just for that reason.

"Have to play it right now? Buy an Xbox One."

3771d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can definitely see some people buying an X1, mainly those who were waiting to get it, anyway. A lot of people expected a Titanfall bundle and they just might buy the system now that there is one... especially if the UK's price drop comes stateside.

Past that, I doubt any PS4 users will suddenly abandon their console for an X1, especially when Titanfall is available on PC and 360. At most, some might get an additional console.

3771d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Generally, how these things work is that the bundling company, in this case MS, buys numerous copies of the game to put in with the systems. Since this one is digital, they just put in download codes and will pay EA their share of each one that is used.

3771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oddly enough, for both versions the framerate usually dips on the cutscenes, which you'd think would run the best. And it has constant loading screens (I thought we were largely done with those?).

Just sounds like garbage optimization to me, or total lack thereof.

:EDIT: Just read a few more reviews saying BOTH versions dip framerates quite often. Definite garbage work from Eidos, and this article is now seems decidedly pro-X1.

3772d ago 41 agree10 disagreeView comment

Especially Assassin's Creed games. Getting all of those flags, fragments, etc is pretty tedious.

3772d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A simple cleanup of non-played games will take care of any problems. I went through ACIV, playing the campaign, wrecking other ships for numerous hours, and finding every upgrade. I will not be doing the tedious task of finding every single item on those tiny islands, nor do I care for the MP. So erased from my hard drive, it was.

3772d ago 15 agree3 disagreeView comment

I had 40-50 ping average in my games running off a 50mbs connection. Then counting some of the people connecting from nowhere near the data centers, and there was a some decent lag at times.

Way more often than not a great experience, but I got jumpkicked through a wall at one point. lol

3773d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

While I certainly hope there are more modes, a pilots-only in a small map is pretty much COD. lol

I only played Attrition (time constraint), so I'm not sure what the other modes were, but I'd like to see a CTF. Holding a flag while riding an ally Titan sounds fun. Also, maybe having a base you have to blow up with the other team defending it.... blow up, mind you, not stand by and capture.

3773d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Same here. I can go to most Gamestops and find an X1, while the only PS4s in stock are on military bases.

3775d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm sure I'll do plenty of mucking around looking for easter eggs. If it's anything like the previous games, they'll be quite a lot of random things Kojima throws in, like models (and their codec reactions!) or the alien story and crop circles.

I need scissors! 61!

3776d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

With COD going to 3 year development cycles, I'm hoping it will actually make some progression in the near future.

Having said that, it will still sell bucketloads of copies every year. Titanfall will eat into it some, but who knows if it'll still have the legs to challenge COD for sales in 8-9 months when it really counts. If I had to guess, they'll sell a few million copies now and then Titanfall 2 on EVERY platform will be the real heavy hitter.

3776d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

McCaffrey is the same fool who seemed fine with NBA Live 14 until it came time to review it.

I don't have a doubt this will get good reviews, but the hype pays their bills.

3776d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

"...I still remember the age in which video game journalists weren’t afraid to appear enthusiastic about our hobby."

That time is long gone for those journalists, and it's their own doing. Now we have a large proportion of journalists who put aside whatever love they have in trade for a certain amount of clicks or to keep the corporate masters getting advertising. This is why the population is becoming more wary of journalists, that along with us being inundated...

3776d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've definitely seen lag. A lot of the matches I've been have everyone has 60-100 ping with some people on up to 200+. Some of the encounters definitely show it, too.

These servers run well, but I hope they become a little more widespread than they are now. There is a MS data center barely five minutes from my house in Texas, but it doesn't seem to be hosting Titanfall, as I always end up in East US.

3778d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


"Demo's don't typically involve listening to player feedback and purposely testing specific features, like server stability for instance..."

Unfortunately, sometimes betas don't, either. :(

3779d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The extra people coming in definitely hurt the experience. Once it went open, the lag start climbing up considerably.

And the smart pistol is by no means game-breaking. It takes several seconds to lock onto another pilot, more than enough time for him to kill you with an SMG, Carbine, etc. Run into a room with a shotgunner and see if you live long enough to lock-on.

Honestly, it's a good starter weapon, especially against bots. Against pilots, it'...

3779d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Decent total, although I'm more interested in weapons and Titan types myself. I want more variety in what I can do, not places to do it in.

3780d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I like it myself. I'll admit that COD feel is definitely there, but it's much better than the camp- and knife-fest that the actual COD often degrades into.

3780d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment