
CRank: 5Score: 35280

Seems I'm the only one who got what you were saying. And yes, those things were hysterical! :P

2403d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Um, plenty of PC gamers use the DualShock 4. I get that you're just trying to stir up trouble, but don't lie about stuff.

OT: That was a MASSIVE day! I remember it had that PS2 excitement about it. Everything felt right and fell into place. Then E3 2013 happened, that $399 price tag was revealed, and the rest is history!

2403d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's see...

Team Silent? No more.
Silent Hills? Canned.
Metal Gear without Kojima? No thanks.

Sorry, Konami, it's going to take something massive for me to have faith in you again.

2405d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yup, they do.

2408d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It isn't. Ever. Capcom made that clear a number of times already.

OT: Interesting little tidbit.

2408d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

Hint: It ins't. This same question was asked towards the end of last generation, as well. We see how that turned out.

2410d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


2410d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I, nor anyone else, made up defintions. Let it go.

2410d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment
2411d ago Show

Like I said, report away. You aren't putting fear in anyone for having a civil discussion with you, as well as, presenting facts. I trust in N4G's Moderation System to see that.

2411d ago 14 agree2 disagreeView comment

The only lie being told is the one you continue to repeat to yourself. You tell people to "get over it", yet, have a hard time with them calling the Switch a portable, in addition to, a home console (both facts). Calling it a "hybrid" doesn't prove either of those descriptions wrong.

2411d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

You can report him as many times as you want. The Switch can be used as both a handheld and a home console. That is a fact. A home console, "that you can take with you" (essentially, use on the go), is still a portable gaming device.

2411d ago 17 agree6 disagreeView comment

Then you won't have any issues with other companies keeping 3rd Party franchises exclusive to their platforms.

2411d ago 7 agree15 disagreeView comment

I didn't just focus on Japan. I told you that it did better, overall, on the PS3 than the 360, and thus, omitting the former wouldn't have been a wise business move (only stating that it did better in Japan on the PS3 week 1 - as a means to further my point). Regardless of where it "ran better". In this regard, that's irrelevant to commercial performance.

2411d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

VGC (though that's about as good as we have), put the sales of the first game as highest on the PS3 (with it selling 45k in Japan on the 360 Day 1 vs the PS3's 93k - as reported by The Sixth Axis).

So keeping it 360 exclusive would have been a mistake.

2411d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

Yes, BC is padding a fall, but it’s not enough. They need to do more.

2411d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

While I agree that competition is good, the response to it needs to be measured carefully. Backwards compatibility is nice, but not making a dent in Sony's lead, Game Pass has yet to really show what it will do, and the better hardware doesn't seem to be swaying many buyers to Xbox (certainly not enough to pull many people from their PS4's and Switch's).

The PS3 began to catch up to the 360 because the competition was showing what kind of impact it can have ...

2412d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Looks like you spoke too soon. :P

OT: As usual, PS4 continues to dominate!

2412d ago 19 agree1 disagreeView comment

You weren't stating a fact, because plenty of Sony franchises and games have solid gameplay. If you were to say that Sony doesn't focus on multiplayer games, well, I'd agree. It's also one of the reasons the PS4 spanks the Xbox One the way it does, because they offer far mar variety than them (also why Nintendo handily outsells Xbox weekly, as well).

Your viewpoint is your viewpoint, but you didn't state a fact at all.

2413d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Um, GT Sport has been out for just under 4 months, Forza Horizon 3 for over a year. Sport will eventually go on to sell more. That much isn't up for debate. In fact, I don't get what you're arguing. The Forza that released in 2017, a month after GT:S, hasn't even crossed the 500K barrier. Yet you'd rather discuss the game that game out in 2016 (which will also be outsold by Sport when all is said and done).

So, again, what exactly is your argument?

2413d ago 18 agree8 disagreeView comment