Loving LIfe


CRank: 6Score: 78485

They should be fearing Bubba because that's who they'll be dealing with when they hit the big house.

4889d ago 64 agree10 disagreeView comment

Happy to see Sony is keeping us in the loop. It's going to be crazy when it goes back up. Anyone up for some Killzone 3?

PSN: Lifendz

4891d ago 9 agree4 disagreeView comment

Kudos to Sony for doing something to restore its customers good faith. Unfortunately, this won't be enough in the eyes of many.

4892d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow...the Mart. We used to go at it back when PS3 launched. Was checking up on some of the ol' PS3 haters and I was surprised to see you actually gave the PS3 a chance, let alone are defending a PS3 game. Bubbles up!

4894d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Coming to America and Trading Places are classics. Like the poster above said, the old Eddie movies are insanely funny but the new ones were just Eddie capitalizing on the fame he built up.

4894d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nah. I love the series too much to wait till 2014 plus for the next one. I do think they could let Brotherhood breath a little bit more before they drop the next one.

And I don't think it's milking the franchise if all the games are quality. It may be over-saturation, but that's different.

4894d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course I am. I think the gaming media is trying to incite a riot over this but if you're reasonable and fair, you gotta realize this wouldn't have happened in the first place if it wasn't for some butt hurt hacker trying to get revenge.

4894d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Will I go back? Of course. For what it offers and the fact that there's no mandatory fee to use it, I don't think anyone would really say "I'm done with PSN after this fiasco." In fact, if there ever was a time to use it it's going to be when the service returns.

Sony will step up security and maybe even use this time to implement some features.

Despite everything, I'm still not really mad at Sony. I see them as a victim just l...

4894d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know. How dare I even broach the subject! I mean, it's not like I just spent money on a game whose multiplayer I'm now unable to play! Shame on me! /s

4900d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

Frosty, do you realize that the price of PSN is included in the purchase price of the PS3? It may not be as much as say the cost of the blu ray drive, but it's there. So we did pay for PSN.

And I don't know what arbitrary distinction you're making there. The prospect of a refund is suddenly more reasonable if the outage is weeks or months? So on the 13th day at around 11:59 p.m. I can talk about this w/o you disagreeing with me?

As a launch PS3 ...

4900d ago 8 agree56 disagreeView comment

Yeah the TOS insulate Sony from any real liability for this, but is it too much to ask for an estimation as to when the network will go back up? Even if they don't have one that would at least give us more than mere silence.

And it's a little unrealistic to expect Sony to suddenly have system features at its disposal that it hasn't released yet but will release as an apology of sorts. I think it's much more realistic for gamers to expect a PSN credit or somet...

4900d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

It might be too much to ask for a free game, but we should at least get a credit towards the rental of a movie. I know I don't pay an annual fee for PSN, but I still think I should get some sort of compensation because of this.

4900d ago 9 agree36 disagreeView comment

I read the article and the author makes several good points. PSN is free but for many gamers, our time isn't. I expect outages for maintenance or whatever else from time to time, but an extended outage like this hurts...especially if you just spent money on a multiplayer based game.

I know Sony is doing its best to get the network back up, but it really should do a better job communicating to us some sort of information about when the network will go back up.

4900d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

Of course annoucning new hardware today that will debut in two years will hurt sales today. For anyone, anyone thinking of buying a 360 will consider waiting for the new hardware. And a lot of people might sell their consoles, games, not renew Live because they want to start saving. It's too far out. If they announce it this year, it has to drop this holiday season.

4931d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment

Does anyone else think that it's a little misleading to just have Duke Nukem Delayed as a title without stating how long it's delayed? The way the title reads you immediately think it's delayed indefinitely based on the game's history. It's a delay of about a month for those that actually care. Granted, you don't want to hear about delays when this game has been in development so long. But to be fair to the devs, it's only a one month delay...for now

4931d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

So wait, they had no exclusives to talk about other than Gears, and the guy from Kotaku actually commended MS for not making it known what other exclusives they'll have this year? Wow. Might as well do the 3rd party game segment with the MS segment because these guys had nothing to talk about. At one point Pachter said MS would like every 360 owner to own a Kinect. Say word?

4969d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is this word called were. It's not we was; it's we were. It's not they was; it's they were.

And is HHG going bald? That hairline is pushed like Lebron.

4985d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

PC gamers must be the most insecure people out there. I think it's common knowledge that the PC version is visually superior to the consoles. There's no need for you people to come rushing in here to state that because all of us are aware of it!

4988d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Where was all this passion about the deficit when Bush was fighting an unnecessary war? Or when he sat back and watched the economy implode due to his lack of oversight?

4991d ago 28 agree8 disagreeView comment

Hope the Secret Service looks into some of these people. It's one thing to voice your disapproval of the job he's done and it's another to suggest that someone kill him.

4991d ago 11 agree1 disagreeView comment