Loving LIfe


CRank: 6Score: 78485

The Review reads like its missing the first page.

4869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MW2, I bought day one. less than 2 weeks later I was back to COD4. Black Ops purchased day one, and I eventually left for BFBC2.

Not falling for this again. The hacks, glitches, bugs, etc are just too big a distraction. Activision got me twice, but there won't be a third time.

I don't think Bad Company 3 will surpass MW3, but I do think it'll do well enough to make Activision get a little nervous.

4873d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

Here's how it'll go on the Factor with Oreilly:
"It's a video game, which means it's aimed at our children, and in this game you're constantly scanning the bodies of naked women! Not to mention the gratuitous violence and cursing, this game is yet another instrument of the eventual collapse of our moral society! Now pardon me as I go harass my assistant."

4873d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

blu-ray is needed? That's basically what they're saying, no?

4875d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Is this just the EU boxart or will the North American version look the same? It's different all right. Not sure how I feel about it.

4875d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Okay, so the lack of blu-ray held Team Bondi back. Semantics guy. Point remains: we lost material so a 360 version wouldn't be a six disc game.

4876d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Hard to disagree with your logic Mikes. Six discs would have been a costly endeavor, even for R*. So I guess they cut some material to make a 360 release feasible. I think the PS3's installed base is such that they can release a game like GTA5 exclusively on PS3 and still make a good return.

Sorry guys but the lack of a standard HDD and DVD format is holding games back. Hope MS opts for blu-ray with its next console because DVD or digital distribution won't work.

4876d ago 23 agree6 disagreeView comment

I've never seen so many people complain about a gift. What's funny is that most of the mainstream media types that were trying to incite a riot over the PSN being down were the people that NEVER play their PS3s. The guys that always play on 360 were the ones doing the most bishing about the whole thing. GTFO!

PSN is a FREE service that went down because Sony was attacked. Sony acknowledged it didn't have the most up to date security or encryption (whatever the bl...

4876d ago 24 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sony went above and beyond what any of us were expecting. Even the people that said Sony should do something (me included) have to be surprised that Sony went this far.

As someone that has most of the PS3 games on that list I'm still stocked about the PSP games and the PSP plus for a month.

C'mon guys. When MS went down for an extended period they gave everyone the same game. Sony is giving us a choice here. Does it suck if you have all those games?...

4876d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

The PSP games alone are enough for me. Kinda bites already having all the PS3 games they're giving for free but I can't be mad because they really went above and beyond what I thought we'd get. Heck, I would've been good with a month of PS+. But to get a free movie, 2 games for my PSP, along with everything else is crazy.

Kudos to Sony.

4877d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well of course you'll get them via digital download. That's why we have to wait for the store to come back up. Did you think Sony was going to mail physical copies to us?

4877d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Scared to read any reviews because of spoilers. An 8.5 is surprising. Not because it's a low score (far from it) but because R* has been on a roll as of late and this looked like it was going to continue that trend.

Still got my copy coming tomorrow. Hope none of you change your mind about this one because it didn't get "AAA"

4877d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Pre-ordered and paid for in full. Been avoiding any PMs or articles on the game because I don't want anyone spoiling this one for me. Would be so nice if PSN was up by the time the game came out. Not for multiplayer (obviously) but so I could get any day one patches R* releases.

Anyway, can't wait. GOTY contender for sure.

4879d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Guy needs to work on his delivery. He sounded like Magic Johnson reading a teleprompter. Gotta respect a guy that takes the time to put a vid out there for us to criticize, but if you're going to make a statement like that you gotta have more proof.

Sorry Nick but we don't believe you, you need more people (Jay-Z voice)

4881d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Didn't read! LoL

4888d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Can't Wait!

4888d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Disc swapping isn't like going to the dentist, but it is an irritant. Given a choice between enjoying a seamless and immersive experience or having to break the tension by swapping discs, I'll chose the former every time.

Rockstar already voiced their gripes about lack of space on dvds. I wonder if this will impact exclusivity of the next GTA...hmmmm

4888d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

America....F YEAH!!!!

Can't wait. One of my favorite games growing up.

4888d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Day one....day bleeping one!

Finally some Saturn games are getting remade. Panzer Dragon should be next.

4888d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't get how any one could speak for a group of people who, by their very name, are anonymous. How could someone even keep tabs on whether someone or a group of members didn't take matters into their own hands.

All the circumstantial evidence points to them. The threats, the subsequent hack, and the note at the scene of the crime left in a server.

Anon, you did it. Classic example of how best intentions go wrong. Now do us all a favor and don'...

4888d ago 24 agree1 disagreeView comment