CRank: 4Score: 20310

why is this under multi?

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Peter moore is still the head honcho at EA hmmmmmm

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its barely 08 yet and im already looking forwar d to 09 cuz of this game

6080d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess square is to nintendo like capcom is to sony GENO FTW!!

6080d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

too bad every gamer doesn't like FPS (gasp) yeah I said it

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

assassin creed<uncharted....I call BULLSHIT!!!!

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

0o0! Duuude I know!Im like freekin maaaan! Whats next a a black wii? Like that will ever happen ROFLLAWLSLMAOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLO L PWNAGE!!! -_-"

6080d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

as cool as this may sound this is only going to really piss me off. I can see it now

go to bar order drinks(game has stupid blurry effect) niko starts to stumble hits on a couple of flusies tries to sleep with them but he needs a car (for some odd reason) just to do this. So he drunkenly walks over to the nearest car but right before he takes hoopty he throws up onto the hoochi mamas gold spary painted high heels so they run away. Pissed with a bad case of blue balls niko s...

6080d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

so help me GOD! I will piss on their cat then light it on fire and beat their illegitimate children with it!

6080d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment
6080d ago

what does it matter if the 360 sales does decline? Honestly, does looking at these charts change your opinion of how fun the 360 is? Or is it even about the 360 anymore but more about your pride and your self esteemed being lowered when you put too much faith personal feelings into a object?

6080d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

you just can't help yourself can you?

6080d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the PS3 sold is still around 8.8 mill no where near 10.4 mill if it was sony wouldn't have lowered their sale goal from 11 mill to 9.5 mill but all in all the PS3 outsold the 360 world wide in its launch year and second year. Why doesn't the media dwell on that? Besides the PS3 only flaw, the Price. I blame the da economy and that hipity hop music >_<

6080d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

nice list prolly the best most look forward to 08 lineup list I've seen from a website yet and funny that its coming from usa today >_>

Still need some re arranging -__-

4.killzone 2/resistence 2 (both ^_^)
5.little bigplanet.
10.tekken 6

6080d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

but why does yung suen(how ever you want to spell that) look like a gallon over suger in his tank butt pirate 0.o

6080d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

it was soooo freaking repetitive and tedious on top of that it froze on me a couple times ON BOTH VERSIONS! This game was an epic fail I could have rated the game it would have been 7/10 better yet a 6/10 for the re tarted guy pushing me in2 the water constantly.

6081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah I kinda figured that 2 cuz i made multiple accounts anyway but it would be fullofawesome if u register for your server then when ever you please you go on like idk a virtual plane or sumtin and you go to spain and you'll have like a flag icon above your head showing where your from what language you etc and like you chit chat or play some games. I think that would really help break culturally blockades and make gaming even more diverse then it already is.

6081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

who approved of this anyway?

6081d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

as I posted in the gamerzone. I hope that they have home so you can go to any country like japan and interact and make friendships or sumthin. If sony did that then they would have done something no gaming company has done before, make the world seem small. With that sony can really differentiate it self from other friend sites and xbl live.

6081d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really hope that they have home so you can go to any country like japan for example and learn about each other cultures and gaming interest. If sony did that then they would have done something no gaming company has done before, make the world seem small

6081d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment