CRank: 4Score: 20310

Stereotype:The reflection of ideas that groups of people hold about others who are different from them

Prejudice: Predetermined judgment based on nothing/extreme discrimination

racist: A person/people who considers his/her race superior over others.

Racism doesn't necessarily mean you absolutely hate one race over another it can simply mean "that Japanese guy over there thinks hes better then this white guy because he is Japanese".But Racism ca...

6047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

good to know about that African american thing im not African American either i'm American too! On a side note i am also mix 1/2 black 1/2 Mexican, so I get sh1ted on alot in the media lol but those games are not racist and me as a minority know they aren't racist. But it kinda hurts hearing you say your ashamed about being half black I felt like that about both sides too but Not all black people are " paranoid, anal, Politically correct retards" in that think you should also be ...

6047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

bubbles up

6047d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

.... IF white guys kills a whole bunch of white guys no racism/murder
If white guys kills a whole bunch of black guys racism/hate crime

see the difference? Okay these things are still happening but back in the day racist people had these things called"lynchings" Where they get a large amount of black people and just kill them for no real reason. When racially conscious people see a game where a heroic white male shoot many Africans in the head (despite being zo...

6047d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

but the thing is that didn't happen those Hispanics you were referring to draw a fine line between white and Spanish people if they didn't speak spanish no one would have ever known. For the Resident evil 5 I seriously doubt if the protagonist was black African Americans wouldn't be b1tching right know.But alot of them are seeing this as" its not enough that aids are killing them off but know there is a super white guy speeding up the process" thing. Any racially sensitive person w...

6047d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

I usually go to gamecrazy because i get a better deal on my trade ins and what not but if it is (sigh) i already pre ordered it so I hope I get a call or a code or something but no matter what im getting into that beta >_<

6049d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

but will prolly won't get as much as twice the original price since we have been playing it and what not but in 10 years there is my son or daughter college fun lol

6049d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I can see the PS3 version with the sixaxis like when the cop tries to arrest you shake it really fast or something to escape or somethin

6049d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought they were going to wait a little while like when lbp comes out and they were going to package it with that maybe they still will. But I see this bundle with gt5, or a another movie and the dual shock 3 controller. Good deal

6049d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its almost disgusting of how real this game looks >_<

6049d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

it should be coming out mid or late 09. For the whole waiting thing I found a way to make time go by faster if you rub a stick of butter on the back of a albino koala bear while sing the national anthem in Sudanese then there will be a time skip to june 12 08. The reason why this works is because the cost of going to austailla is expensive an dmoney takes time then you find a albino koala bear which sucks so you get a can of white paint and dump the koala but not for too long or the bear wil...

6049d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

xbots,wiitards and sony droids(always wanted to type that lol) can't deny the greatness of this game its a shame that Kojima didn't ask for a 100gb layer br disc if he did then damn the possibilities but for the little things like original Japaneses voices, or dare i say the infinite ammo bandana ,i can see a psn section just for MGS4,MGO with those things downloadable. Hearing kojima say that 50gb wasn't enough only makes me more excited of how full the game is and how big MGS5 will be on 1...

6049d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

but there is going to be some stiff competition but this is how the rewards will prolly turn up IMHO

best racing game:gt5 or burnout

most innovation:lbp or wii fit hard to say money n lbp

best fighting game: SSBB or soul caliber 4

best FPS: i think resistence may come out on top with this one if not killzone 2.

best handheld : gow chains of olympus or criss core but money on gow

best TPS:gears of war 2 if resident ...

6049d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you can steal hellis i thought rockstar took it out because of the removal of aircrafts assuming they meant helicopters too. my bad ^_^

6057d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

You can't even steal helicopters in GTA4 0.o ohhohhohh those silly Swedish journalist

6057d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I didn't know the game looked that good from the other videos it made it look like crap but wow. It would have been cool if the environments had the same cel shading look but other then that its a week one buy I can finally have a collection of next gen fighting games this year ssbb,tekken 6,soulcaliber 4,kof12,blueblaz,UFC, and know this man where am i going to get the money maybe i have to pick up some part time jobs like robbing liqueur stores,pimping and stripping cuz my job just doesn't ...

6057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

isn't that like mid summer? Is there honestly no other kind of game expo coming out until then?

6057d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

they want to spring it out on us all at once with home and I don't even think they know when its coming out themselves but I really hope that they understand it needs to come out before gta4 or mgs4 it really feels like they are keeping us in the dark for too long.

6057d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

ff13(prolly),uncharted 2,jak 4,ratchet and clank sequel,ico game,heavenly sword 2,warhawk:campaign,folklore 2(maybe),onimusha 4(capcom you owe us) sly cooper, zone of enders 3, and some unannounced games. So it seems like 08 isn't year of the PS3 its the beginning of the next few years of the PS3 lol

6057d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Im not so sure about the can't carry a gun around cuz of snitches how am I going to manage looking like a russian bad a5s walking away from a sunset with a ak-47 in my hand when avergae joe is chirpping to the police saying
average joe: hello? is this the police?

Police:yes, what is your distress?

acerage joe: yeeeeeeeeeah theres this Russian guy carrying a very big gun walking slowly on the beach and every once in a while he kneels near the bench and make it ...

6057d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment