CRank: 4Score: 20310

I can see it now

Snake: dude raiden even though your a ninja now your still gay -_-

Raiden.o.0? WELL FCK YOU SNAKE >0<!!!



Awkward silence:.........

Liquid ocelot:SNAAAAAAAAAAAK oh did I come at a bad time o.o?

Me playing the game: this game fking owns life itself

6044d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

buy a PS3 or a blue ray player either sale your 50 movies for 10 dollars or give them away as complementary cup coasters. Then with your HD DVD put two bricks underneath each side of the absolute player and sell it to a crack head thinking its a time machine if not then use it as a foot rest while watching super bad on blue ray while eating a banana thinking "d1ck shaped foods are the best food".

6045d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope he has the same impact on atari as he did for sony. It would be nice for him to even push the game developers to make some new exclusive ip's for sony and also make sure that fcuking alone in dark is released on the ps3 this year and not just for the 360 and pc hardware troubles my ass >_<

6045d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

whats with the slump in sales for the PS3 from 35-40,000 to 15-20,000 did japan just stop liking the system lol this has been happening since SSBB surfaced that really overshadowed everything i think. But that game is a MEGATON for the wii i know im getting SSBB on the first day. Didn't yakuza 3 come out where the hell is that at 0.o?

6045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

how did this get approved is this not a duplicate 0.o?

6045d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and you forgot home,tekken 6,soul caliber 4 darthvader(it matters to SW nerds),resistance 2,GT5p bundle,killzone 2, there are so many games i prolly forgot something to 0.o

6045d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

honestly they should just drop the arcade sku completely if they only have the premium and the elite then you would have more developers making games for the 360 without worry of it having a hardrive or not like burnout,gta,crysis, etc But i am pretty sure they will drop the premium and elite near the release day of GTA4

6045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and does anyone know when crises core is coming out 0.o?

6045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the 360 did pretty good with hardware and software the PS3 went down -5 its strange maybe all the talk of gears of war 2 and the MGS4 bundle but its still VG charts >_>

6045d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

1.I rather the game takes place from 100yrs to 500yrs but depending on who is the main character if its Kai just 10 years the third game could have a decedent of Nariko in modern times or the far future.

2.I rather the main character stays female for the whole trilogy, who ever they pick i think throwing in some hand to hand combat can be a good change of pace from time to time ^_^

3.If the game only takes place in 10 years then yes kai as a woman would be cool as lo...

6045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Come now even though nariko was hot she didn't have a personality like with alot of hot chicks. If they bring back kai and she matured atleast 10 years she prolly wouldn't be as crazy or immature while still keeping a unique likable feel to her. Even if its not kai if they brought out a chick who had bigger breasteses and related to nariko would you still not accept the game?

6045d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its shaping up to be a bag full of VICTORY!!!

6045d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

There saying you would be to basically take your PS3 where ever you go like how you were able to play lair on the PSP not sure how this would work for the online service though >_< and this sounds to good to be true the only way i can watch youtube on my psp is through remote play i want it all the time in the psp browser

6045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

1.I rather the game takes place from 100yrs to 500yrs but depending on who is the main character if its Kai just 10 years the third game could have a decedent of Nariko in modern times or the far future.

2.I rather the main character stays female for the whole trilogy, who ever they pick i think throwing in some hand to hand combat can be a good change of pace from time to time ^_^

3.If the game only takes place in 10 years then yes kai as a woman would be cool as lo...

6045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

aaaaah no blade if anyone played that had black vampires and white vampires if you could actually make them out because the game was trash

GTA san andreas Cj killed black guys,white guys,asian guys,mexican guys
not exclusively white guys thats prolly why it wasn't called out. If it was GTA Beverly hills where you had a black guy shooting all the residents, then yes you would hear a uproar. Again not saying Resident evil is racist because its not and the overly sensitive pe...

6045d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony should have made a "early" contract with Rockstar just imagine if it was only on the PS3 like kojima they would have maxed out the blueray disc and wouldn't have nico only in new york but in vice city,LA etc the game could have been a bigger deal then it it now. But its is still a day one purchase for me there is always hope for GTA4 part 2.

6045d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS obviously wants those gamers more they wanted those more gamers last gen but they couldn't get what they want. Even in their e3 07 presentation they aimed for those same gamers when they were boasting about "madden,halo,GTA4" So they flash their green backs at companies like assassin creed,GTA4,DMC4,etc.Sony was too slow or arrogant and let it happen so the only franchise they saved from M$ was haze....The only game people really didn't care which way it went. GTA 4 is prolly goi...

6045d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

please tell me one game where the black guy is the protagonist and has to shoot alot of people that happened to be white? Until that game comes you can't really call foul.

6046d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Racism doesn't have to be obvious and in your face to be racist. I will give you two scenarios. first being obvious- white boss returns a resume to a black applicant just to see the word N1gger all over it.Sutle racism the black man is denied of the position with the white boss in response "were are currently not looking for new employees) while a white man walks in right after him with half the credentials and gets hired. Even the suttle one is obvious as long you keep a opened mind ...

6046d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMFG I forgot all about that like really it was really late into the game and top of that those you know whats were white two at one time and point bubbles up!

6046d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment