
CRank: 5Score: 16610

Both strategies can result in the same outcome, reducing or outright preventing the availability of games on a competitors platform for a period of time or indefinitely.

573d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

While I can see the rationale for the two system console generation I always thought the S's lack of a disc drive combined with limited storage space was a major weakness, if a user only played a few games at a time it could be doable but not ideal. It is ridiculous the prices Microsoft changes for the expansion cards.

I wonder what the PS5 and Xbox Series X will sell if prices don't drop significantly over the course of the consoles lifecycles. There's a lot of...

573d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

If Forspoken had of been delayed and a better managed development cycle it could have been a far better game.

Hopefully SE learn from Forspoken and their latter games don't repeat the same mistakes.

I don't think SE should be a one trick pony but at the same time they weren't developing the Tomb Raider and other IPs they owned themselves so it did make some sense to sell the IPs off.

573d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment


It's still a bit sad as this'll likely mean less creative freedom in future.

573d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Here's hoping FFXVI is a success.

I'd hate to see Japanese developers/publishers getting bought by Tencent and other Chinese companies en masse.

573d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

FuRyu Aren't a massive developer, if anything lucky the game is coming to the west period.

Hopefully it does well and they continue bring their games to the west and maybe other platforms.

The PS4/PS5 are likely the lead platforms and PC an afterthought which is pretty par for the course with Japanese developers sadly.

573d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Reading about this game made me think of Final Fantasy Versus XIII. While I'd rather this have been a spinoff and the mainline FFXVI be more traditional JRPG I accept that SE aren't interested in making a more traditional JRPG because they think a modernised RPG will sell better and they're probably right.

573d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You've got to hand it to Sony and Microsoft for continuing to support the PS3 and Xbox360 respectively even if only with system updates and online (obviously some servers, aspects of games and online only games with servers removed are no longer functional). At this point in time I would have thought PSN/XBL would been discontinued for the PS3/Xbox360.

573d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

You're reaching hard.

Crymachina is being developed by FuRyu that has a track record of not developing for Xbox platforms.

Assuming the game is similar on all platforms the Switch version will limit the games ambition and is a massive loss for all the other platforms, far more then fanbois would try to delude themselves and mislead others into thinking about the non-existent Xbox versions that would supposedly somehow cripple the game.

573d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

In the past I would have thought it'd be a timed exclusive but given Forspoken and a few other recent SE missteps I wouldn't be surprised if Sony has stumped up a lot of funds for FFXVI's development.

The series started drifting away from the classic formula with FFXII and while I don't think any of the later Final Fantasy games I have played were average I do feel some are massively overhyped by some people for what they are.

It's pro...

573d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


655d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Microsoft were never going to make inroads into Japan and cut their losses.

Sakaguchi was probably always going to return to small scale projects but I wish he'd partnered with Nintendo for a sequel to The Last Story or a different Switch project.

657d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Considering all the early tech issues Unreal Engine 3 had combined with Japanese developers working with a foreign language engine Lost Odyssey on the PS3 would have been a tech disaster if it had used UE3.

Lost Odyssey's long load times and framerate drops are evidence of just how hard it was working with early builds of UE3, it's a miracle Lost Odyssey turned out as well as it did.

In a perfect world Lost Odyssey would have launched on the PS3 b...

657d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I used to much prefer physical discs when games were complete on launch like the PS1/PS2 console generations.

Now discs are often little more then DRM with a license to download and play the game which is awful for game preservation but obviously game publishers/developers have a vested interest in this approach as it makes games on older platforms less accessible if there isn't backwards compatibility on future console generations and they can upsell gamers to a new ve...

657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a COD fan (most COD games I've played were average mostly at best with the original Modern Warfare being the series highlight IMO) but if it's the same version across all platforms it's going to be massively crippled on PC/PS5/XSS/XSX to fit on the Switch/Switch v2.

What's next, maybe the next Elder Scrolls being crippled to fit on the Switch/Switch v2.

Maybe I'm just biased from my disgust about Blizzard being a shell of i...

657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

$70USD is $104AUD, I don't think I've ever spent that amount on a standard edition of a game.

I would not be surprised if at some point some of the new games on Game Pass are released as starter editions and the paid versions contain extra content or features.

I rarely buy games on release now due to all the bug fixes and quality of life changes that come within a year or two of a games release, I am more then happy to wait for a better experience...

659d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's more likely COD and now Need for Speed Unbound used PS5 as the lead platform which makes sense as the bulk of sales will come from Sony's platforms (PS4/PS4 Pro/PS5 for COD and PS5 for Need for Speed).

The Need for Speed series gained prominence on the PS1 and achieved the majority of series sales on Sony platforms so it makes even more sense to make the PS5 the lead platform.

EA have a deservedly poor reputation for rushing the release of ga...

660d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stadia got mugged by reality even harder then I expected.

It doesn't matter who lead the project you cannot overcome simple physics.

The internet in most areas simply doesn't have the performance, consistency or reliability to make a service like Stadia viable.

Leaders/Managers being paid huge bonuses for failing/failed projects isn't anything new.

662d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While I'm not going to crap on there being more platforms for obtaining a game/games I'd be surprised if many people would opt to download games on the Microsoft Store over other PC content delivery platforms like Steam.

A lot of the decisions taken with the Microsoft Store are baffling especially when there's so many other long existing content delivery options like Steam that do the same things so much better and offer other features not available on the Micro...

663d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Given the state of the game it isn't worth supporting until Blizzard show Overwatch 2 is more then a cash grab.

I happily spent $79AUD on Overwatch 1 and got thousands of hours of gameplay for my money.

Almost everything about the monetization has been done poorly, with the Battle Pass it may unlock items you couldn't care less about and the items in the shop are insultingly overpriced compared to games like Fortnite that have better items for les...

663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment