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I get an 'Uncharted" feel every time I see SP gameplay of Revelations. That is a good thing. The past games really haven't had any big cinematic moments. This one however appears to be more of them. There seems to be a LOT more action throughout the game.

Revelations will for sure be the best Assassin's Creed game to date.

4784d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lol what the heck? This has to be a joke right?

I must be misunderstanding this. Aren't they basically saying the PC version has matchmaking only? So what is stopping players from leaving a game and just finding another one?

I don't care much myself since I'll be getting the PS3 version, but something like this will probably piss a lot of PC gamers off.

4784d ago 8 agree15 disagreeView comment

I also thought this. There must not be enough RAM on the PS3 to run both a game and a cross-game chat feature.

Like fluffy said though it is NEVER a good thing to make new versions of a console more powerful than the original. It would piss a lot of people off and would divide the whole user-base. I'm still pissed at Apple for making first gen iPod Touches useless now.

4784d ago 17 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have no clue why. ALL of the time news that is old is approved on here. This site needs better people to approve articles.

Anyways the trailer is nice and all, but I prefer gamepay over CGI ANY day of the week. None the less the space gameplay shown so far is pretty amazing.

I'm really hoping Starhawk because a household name like Uncharted, Halo and WoW.

4784d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lightbox has already said that there'll be two different flying modes. I believe the second is Pro.

Anyways I've always been interested in getting Warhawk. However I've held off because there have always been rumors about the sequel being out soon.

I'm for sure getting this on day one.

4785d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The issue for them is that their actors are stuck in a chair unable to move at all. It is pretty hard to express emotion without moving anything.

ND lets the actors act everything out with their dialogue. That way they get the real emotion in their voices. That facial animation is all done by hand though, which just blows my mind. It is just unbelievable how real the faces are.

The tech behind LA Noire is great though. It is just too limiting right now IMO....

4785d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment

Everyone agreeing with this idiotic statement just shows how stupid the people in this world have become.

You are ALL pathetic.

4785d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Seriously choosing games over one's education is one of the DUMBEST things a person can do in life. It isn't hard at all enjoy tons of hours of gaming while at the same time keeping a high GPA.

If you can't do both then give up the games.

Anyways the trailer is amazing, but do we need multiple articles for the SAME trailer?

4785d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

I myself don't care about spoilers much. To it doesn't matter how or when I see things.

I know there are some that don't watch or read a SINGLE thing about the game before they buy it. I am a person who'll watch the whole campaign on youtube if I have nothing better to do right before launch.

Dark Souls and Uncharted 3's MP should keep me from watching leaked SP footage online though.

4785d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Same here. I always thought Highrise could be a great map. However the low health in Uncharted 2 makes the map almost unplayable.

I'm sure it is going to be an amazing map in Uncharted 3 though now.

I would like to see Temple return. I always liked it for some reason.

4785d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


True CG trailers are just a waste of time IMO. However how does this relate to the article. BOTH games and their corresponding Gamescon trailers have all been in-game.

Stop being such a pathetic PC fanboy. Both games are AMAZING. Some will prefer Uncharted 3 others will prefer BF3. PS3 gamers however will be able to enjoy both no matter what.

Stop being so ignorant.

4786d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well for me I'll most likely enjoy Uncharted 3's MP more. I'm just a tad tired of FPS's myself and overall prefer TPS's over them.

I'm sure the majority will say BF3's is better. Both will be amazing, but I see myself spending more time in Uncharted 3's. It just seems like there is more lasting appeals in Uncharted 3's MP than there is in BF3's. There is just a LOT more content to mess around with and unlock in Uncharted 3's. ...

4786d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

Lol don't worry.

Anyways I'm done with Turtle Beach myself. I've had TWO pairs of PX21's break on me. NEITHER of them have been mishandled at all. I always put the headset back in part of the original packaging inside a box.

Once I get my money back on them I'm going to invest into those there as long as they get some good reviews.

I just want something that lasts.

4786d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He looks the same. He is just older with some sand on his face.

I actually like the ND spent to time to make it look like the characters are aging through the games. It just makes them feel even more real.

Anyways I have ton congratulate Sony Bend. They've done an amazing job and giving their game the "Uncharted" feel. Whenever I see ANYTHING about this game I can just tell that it is a true Uncharted experience.

This'll fo...

4786d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment


Anyways I hope they show some gameplay soon. The pics are nice, but nothing can beat direct gameplay footage.

4786d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game is just AMAZING looking. I'm amazed that ND somehow created a game that is even better looking than Uncharted 2.

Anyways I'm still hoping there'll be a trailer or something of some brand new footage that hasn't been shown before. The plane sequence is nice to finally see, however I've known about the whole thing since E3.

I want something BRAND new. There is much time until the MP comes out. I'm hoping ND shows us som...

4786d ago 10 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yeah Sony seems to always be late lately. However it doesn't really matter. What they show is always worth the wait.

Update: They just said it'll be starting in TEN minutes from this post.

4786d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

At the earliest it will come out in April, however I'm pretty sure it'll most likely come out in the fall of next year.

4787d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

360 fanboys are just blind. They believe whatever M$ says is the truth and don't doubt it for a second.

Xbox Live isn't as secure as they think it is. It gets hacked everyday, but is isn't on a very large scale.

It is quite easy to get into an individual account, but no one has yet to get into the whole database and brag about it.

In the end NOTHING is 100% secure.

4787d ago 14 agree18 disagreeView comment

Yeah. I would've preferred direct gameplay instead of CGI that has the game's art-style.

It really doesn't matter though because it still looks great and we'll be seeing live gameplay in just a couple days.

4787d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment