CRank: 5Score: 51700

What the hell is this? I submitted this over 12 hours ago. Why is this approved?

4684d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I myself really like this trailer. It sets a completely different mood from the other trailers released. IMO the song choice works well for the game. It is odd not hearing the game's soundtrack during a trailer though.

I get more hyped for this game everyday.

4684d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It only took me 93 hours to platinum Demon's Souls. I'm hoping there is a small reward in Dark Souls for having the platinum in the first game. None the less I'm for sure going to platinum Dark Souls.

4684d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game makes Arkham Asylum's world look pretty small. I myself didn't enjoy adventuring around the island because it was just too slow and boring.

In Arkham City though it looks pretty darn fun to get around from place to place. The world is just huge, but the player is able to move pretty fast around it.

Rocksteady has done an AMAZING job with this game. I truly wonder what they'll do after this game. Expand on Batman more or do anothe...

4685d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There was only three bits of new info from it.

- Atlus (destroyed in General Knoxx DLC) and S&S (replaced by Bandits) are gone.

- New Siren is named Maya (phasewalking is gone).

- There will be a trading system in the game.

Other than that everything they talked about was already known. They only showed about ten seconds of off-screen gameplay, which was a bummer.

Overall the presentation was pretty poo...

4685d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

The map is supposed to be at least three times as big as all of Demon's Soul's levels combined.

I myself can't wait to see all of the environments. The dark forest will for sure be my hunting grounds though. I'll invade so many people there.:p

Also the music is even better this time around. I really enjoyed the soundtrack in Demon's Souls. From has for sure not let us down in ANY area.

October can't come soon enoug...

4685d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't see how that DLC will work. We would have to start from Lv 1 then and won't be able to carry over any guns from our characters in BL2.

IMO the way Gearbox is doing things is the best way overall. Everyone can learn more about the past characters and introducing new abilities is canon with the fiction.

4685d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


That last sentence of yours is probably why the Vault Hunters are no longer main characters. Gearbox doesn't want to force players to choose a certain character in order to experience all the game has to offer story-wise.

The way they have it now allows EVERYONE no matter what type of playstyle they have to be able to learn about every single Vault Hunter.

Also due to Borderland's fiction some of the characters couldn'...

4685d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The new Siren doesn't have the phasewalk ability.

IMO the way they have it is better. We're now able to learn more about the past characters. Plus it would be kind of dumb to have the past characters all of the sudden have new abilities for now reason.

This is the way I see things anyways. It could have worked either way, but playing as new characters is nice IMO.

4685d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lol do they really think that anyone who cares about CoD doesn't have the first two MWs?

I bet they're going to put some special bonus with it that will cause idiots who already own the first two games to buy this just for the bonus.

4685d ago 10 agree2 disagreeView comment

What do you mean end? ATM there is n o end in sight for the series as a whole. This game will be the last we see of Ezio and Altair, but there is still a lot left in the series as a whole.

4685d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does no one remember when Activision threatened to stop supporting the PS3 just because their games didn't sell as well on it?

How about how they canceled MULTIPLE games and closed down their studios just because the games didn't sell as well as CoD.

How about the fact that they wouldn't let IW work on a new IP. Thus that is why a lot of the IW leads now work for EA at Respawn Entertainment. This guy says that the industry needs innovation, but ...

4685d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well I don't play the game enough to justify spending money on the DLC.

However I will be enjoying Moon whenever it comes out for the PS3 since I'll be getting it for free.

I'm glad that they thought about CE/PE owners.

4685d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought I saw one earlier, but it isn't in the pics on that site.

Anyways I'm really liking how the Khajiits look and will for sure be one for my first character.

4685d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Many games have already proved the MP does NOT effect the SP experience at all.

Done right MP will ALWAYS out last the SP in playtime. Also the community isn't always right in these decisions.

Take Uncharted 2 for example. It is considered to be one of the best SP experiences in gaming. No one wanted MP in it fearing it would mess the SP up. In the end the MP just added on to an already AMAZING game.

Bioware is a very talented develo...

4686d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

Does it factor in the FACT that the next-gen Playstation and Xbox will be out by then too? I'd figure the demand for them would be greater than the current gen consoles?

I don't really care though. It is nice to see that Sony is doing much better and is now making a profit off their hardware.

The PS3 has always be the best console this gen for me and always will be.

4686d ago 15 agree12 disagreeView comment

Well the game isn't complete, so I'm sure it won't be as bad in the full game. I don't really notice it much myself, but my vision isn't the best.

Also that could work, but I find the stealth to be fine myself.

My biggest complaint would be the AI. They still don't see to be that smart. The player can run right past enemies at a times and not be noticed at all. IMO the AI should be much more alert to the player making a bunch of no...

4686d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment


How is the Creepy Crawler kickback cheap? It doesn't last long at all, is hard to control and has a hard time traversing the environment.

All one has to do is climb up something and they're safe from the kickback.

Please don't speak unless you know what you're talking about.


The kickback is an exclusive PRE-ORDER bonus. It is just an early unlock code. EVERYONE can unlock t...

4686d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Man I really need to get a Move soon. I can't believe what MM has pulled off with it. Hopefully devs will see what Move can really do from this and start using it in their games in move innovative ways.

This has to be one of the best DLCs ever.

4686d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

I myself don't care about what Crytek does at all. I am a console only gamer myself (PS3 mainly). I was excited when I heard Crytek was opening to consoles and was going to start developing. Now I see that all Crytek cares about now is making M$ happy by supporting the 360 the most.

They've basically said "screw you" to their original fans on the PC. I will NEVER support a company who screws over those who helped them get were they are now.

4686d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment