CRank: 5Score: 6080

^^^^ I so agree w/ dedicateds statement...

M$ has already proven that they don't care about the gamers, so I'm still not on board with everything. Why trust them and hope they don't later impose restrictions when the PS4 is everything gamers wanted from the start.

4111d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't think they had much choice. Steam allows offline play and trading, so M$ just decided to take the 10 sharing partners away. But I could care less about that, I'd way rather have the ability to lend, trade and give away any of my games rather then designate only 10 people. That and it's something we've always been able to do, so why screw the M$ gamers over in the first place?

4111d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I guess some people just need that extra help huh LyonKing? Thanks for helping the kid with a helmet eat his soup though, that was a good Samaritan thing to do lol.

4113d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great job at pointing out your own faults, how exactly do you think the software will run through the XBone? The Xbox won't see it, you are correct on that. The M$ servers will. Congratulations on literally being the complete idiot you think you're not.

4113d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wow, so you're mad at Sony fans because the the intelligent 360 gamers are hating on the XBone. Basically you're not a gamer 54, you're a fanboy. You're taking it without lube from M$ and not even asking for your quarter afterwards.

Hey, whatever floats your boat. Go ahead and castigate Sony, it just shows how confused you are and how blindly you just follow. The smart 360 core, will stick with Sony only next time around while you wonder how everything went so...

4114d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't have the HD space, can't you just lend me the disc so I can play it?

4114d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment


I like your stance, so let me take the opposing stance.

Sheep will follow their system regardless of how much they get bent over, maybe because they like it, I dunno. But M$ is offering less for more, with a ton of new restrictions that any true gamer should stand against. But again, sheep will follow regardless. It sucks because as a gamer of any system, the 360, the PS3 or the wii, as a sheep you're telling these companies that it's ok ...

4114d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sweet, can I borrow the new Halo when you're done with it...... ohh wait, nm.

4114d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

These have to be bogus articles. The XBone is about everything but games. They've done everything they can to suck out a few more bucks in every possible manner without actually offering anything worth while. Then they add all these additional restrictions and red tape for what?

Sorry, M$ has already proven they will do anything required to avoid negative media, so I'm thinking these articles are fake or paid for, because there's no way things just turned around t...

4114d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

Honestly, that has to be it. Sony had the 1st and 3rd spot on Amazons list. Then MS had Amazon basically take down their poll on which system people wanted to get because the X1 was losing badly. That literally just happened. So something is up regardless.

4114d ago 14 agree7 disagreeView comment


Yeah, this was detailed awhile ago, even before E3. Why do you think there are so many pissed people. Hell Sony capitalized on this Indie ditching that M$ has done, and gave the creator of Minecraft a golden PS1 as an invite to their E3 conference. But yeah, this is just a piece of the problem puzzle that M$ just created for themselves.

4114d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment


PirateThom said it best... The Kinect has been available w/ the 360 for a long time now, it's not making any great sells goals or doing anything wonderful. Not to mention that your thinking is backwards. Casuals don't purchase the sheer amount of games that hardcore gamers do, so the casual audience should not be the focus. Why is MS' business model to ditch their hardcore base they already have? The trade in focus is not the way for them to be successful. ...

4114d ago 13 agree1 disagreeView comment


Uhh, you do realize that the 24hr check-in M$ runs will see you've hacked your Xbone, then ban the system and user name? So even when someone figures out a hack, it's going to be pointless. That's why M$ has the 24hr check-in and DRM restrictions.

So put your helmet back on because it sounds like you fell again.

4114d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Reply @Utalkin2me

A sell is a sell, correct. But more PS4 users means more PS4 games going through Amazons hands which means more money for Amazon. If they do become an authorized reseller for the XBone, then they can sell used Xbone games, but not at the same profit as the PS4 used games since the Devs and Pubs will be taking a piece of every pie.

So, it would be far more profitable for Amazon to sell PS4 games then the XBone counterparts.

4114d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I think the DRM problem is just one in many issues for M$. The $100 additional cost wouldn't be a big deal on its own though. I remember when the PS3 came out, I reserved one, but was not able to get one on the release day. I paid $499 + tax where my 360 cost $399 + tax. The cost difference wasn't really an issue as this generation is seeing the price points reversed.

But, the $100 additional cost for the XBone is not the same situation that Sony was in with their PS3...

4114d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment


Honestly, you spoke pretty eloquently for being drunk. I admire your stance and perspective on things and I think there are other people who feel the same as you do.

I for one though am not one of those people. I grew up with a Coleco Vision and Atari. Physical media is not just about owning the game to me and many others. It literally is the piece to the puzzle that brings me back and tells me that it's mine. If I want to loan it to anyone, I ca...

4115d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well said. I think it would be a lot smarter for them to delay the system and make a major overhaul. I can't see them doing that though, and I think it's going to have a major impact on them in the future. Regardless of whether you're a PS3, 360 or multi-platform gamer, one of the major gaming companies having this many issues is bad.

It's great to have competition between companies and as gamers we're the ones who benefit. Better prices, better games and...

4115d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah I agree. They've already stated that nothing Sony announced has made them think of changing a thing, so I don't see them making changes because the consumers are angry.

Either way, I think Sony deserves support from the gaming community. Much of the Sony upper management said they were listening to the consumers and making sure that gamers came first. That speaks volumes to me. I have a 360 and PS3 now, but the PS3 has really only received around 10% of my time a...

4115d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yeah I stopped enjoying Halo after the 2nd one. 3 was just weird and didn't feel like Halo to me any longer. Halo Reach was just worthless online, the story was just ok at best. I prefer more accurate battles with modern weapons, so insert any military shooter into that statement and that's what I prefer for an online FPS.

Halo 1 was the epitome of multiplayer battles, obviously it required linking multiple Xbox's together, but the maps were perfect as were the we...

4116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Reply to UNGR

Uhh, the 24hr check-in takes care of modding, so banning an account is going to cover behavior issues. Unless you of course mod your system and only plan to play for up to 23.99 hours afterwards, then yes, I'm sure the ban will cover that as well. But to say this is to stop modding is plain stupidity. I think there should definitely be something in place to curb annoying players, but not this.

What happens when dad's at work and his son ...

4116d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment