CRank: 5Score: 6080

The user claims that they were not prepared for all the issues with Battlefield 4, and that no one EA or DICE has ever said “F*ck it, let’s release it anyway.”

Annnnd yet they did exactly that with the release. Sounds like a bunch of excuses for rushing a game that they thought could be fixed with early patches.

3830d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I hope this starts turning the trend around of companies putting out unfinished games and expecting to just patch them to make them playable. Games should be playable on day one, not this huge mess that is BF4. I do know that the single player campaign on PS3 only crashed 1 time for me, I'm curious to know if any other PS3 players had fewer crashes as well. I know with the next gen systems it was a mess. Any other PS3 BF4 players have only a few issues like I did.

3830d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

@jeffGUNZ... It's the implication of the statement. If I really need to explain that, then it's pointless to talk about it as you're not going to grasp the simple idea. You're taking everything literally when "iamnsuperman" and I were just making implied statements based on sells numbers.

3833d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I heard the "Betsy Wetsy" doll was number two on the Amazon wishilist, so not sure how the Xbone got on this list as # 2.

3833d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

^^^^ What "iamnsuperman" said. How does the logic work when the PS4 sold more units and was given as a gift more often? Not to mention, how does wanting something mean anything? I want a PS4 and Xbone once MS works more of the issues I have with it out, neither of those equal a purchase.

3833d ago 12 agree6 disagreeView comment

Welcome to the future. Now that companies are able to push a title out in a set amount of time while still working on bugs to patch on day one, you'll see this happening more and more. The bonus piece will be expansions to a game that was shorter then it should have been in the first place just to line their pockets a little more. We're not just seeing this with Battlefield 4, but lots of games have similar tactics.

Forza 5 reduced cars and tracks from their previous ...

3840d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Saying a game is junk is just personal opinion, but lumping an entire genre is just stupid. Just because you classify FPS's as junk, doesn't mean they're garbage. Might as well say that about any genre then, because that's just opinion and a poorly observed one at that.If FPSs were junk, then they wouldn't be some of the top selling games of all time on recent generation consoles.

A story driven game is great, but most story driven games only offer a singl...

3840d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah no warrant is needed any longer. The Patriot Act allows for spying, search and seizure without approval from judges. Agencies can do as they see fit based on their assessment of threat. Do they abuse that policy, probably. But most who are in power do. Covering the cameras doesn't work, any I.T professional can activate cameras and mic remotely without knowledge of the parties, I've watched a friend do it.

3841d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah that's what people were doing, rigging the wires and making their headsets work like they did with the 360. I was hoping to find the agreement online that MS was having people click to use on their Xbox ones. That would be the 1 agreement I actually read all the way through to see what they state about the Kinect. I'm not a tinfoil hat kind of person, but I've watched a friend that runs an I.T department turn his friends laptop cameras on remotely without them knowing. So I&#...

3841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LoveofTheGame, Does the Kinect work as a mic if you turn kinect off in the settings?

3842d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Prime157, Just as I'm entitled to my opinion. Consoles are not made by how well their release sells go, it's a longer game then that. You're saying it's an idiots decision or blaming the inability to budget on non-early adopters. You are not making a grey statement, but a blanket statement in black and white. You think every consoles life is made in the first year? That's not how it works, especially for the bigger fish. I completely agree that you're entitled to feel ...

3842d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Uhh, inflation is not that rapid Prime157. Prices go up and down, but gas is pretty much where it was 5 years ago. Go back 13 years and yes, prices are completely different, but console life cycles don't tend to extend 13 years before the next release.

The author is completely sound in his reasoning. These new consoles don't really offer that much more over current gen to warrant having a need to jump immediately. The author stated he was in his mid 30's, I as wel...

3846d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I bought them for sound and mic, not only to hear everything crisp and clean, but to let my girl sleep when I have the sound up. I play a ton of multiplayer games, my headsets are not able to be used on the new Xbone unless you rig the wiring. I don't play a ton of PC games and most of my online friends have been on the 360. Having a mic is pretty important if you want to chat don't you think? So unless an adapter is made then you either tear up your headsets wires to be compatible, o...

3846d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm glad I learned my lesson for first round purchasing.

1- No rechargeable battery packs & no battery strength indicator for Duracells.
2- No HD space indicator.
3- No ability to use my $300 headsets from my 360.
4- No recent player list??? (Huh) Why is that gone?

Even with patches, I can't fathom purchasing another $300 headset for the Xbone. Since my Triton AX Pro's work on my PC, 360, and PS3 I'm still getting l...

3847d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I knew this was a bad idea years ago. Day 1 patches for bug fixes, micro transactions for every possible thing, HD space being chewed up. I think companies are being rushed to meet deadlines and have to put out games that obviously require fixes. But there are to many CEO's, owners and stock holders that only care about that huge payoff. So instead of just pushing the title back or having a realistic deadline, they push it to market and you get unfinished games.

The large...

3847d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment


If you waited in line (and most did to be one of the first) and dropped over $600 after all the other BS prior to launch. Then MS needs to overnight a return box and send you a replacement in less than 14 days. That's also 14 business days, so you're really looking at more like a total of 3 weeks minimum.

The issues isn't the options, it's the fact that the world economy isn't amazing, most people probably stretched just to g...

3852d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Seriously, I should have stated it was sarcasm first? I guess some people just don't pick things up on their own.

3852d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment

#1- Go to Youtube and watch people turn their "Xbones" upside down and beat on them, just to get the drives to work properly. Immediately turn on your PS4 afterwards and enjoy playing games.

3852d ago 17 agree11 disagreeView comment


This article is completely false. MS named the new Xbox the "Xbox One" to highlight the systems ability to be a single top box unit to replace all other source units. When Don Mattrick was still with MS he gave an interview stating the Xbox One would replace cable set boxes. But like everything else MS has gone back on everything. This is absolutely worthless for anyone wanting to cut back on devices stacking up next to the T.V.

Why would y...

3852d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

The article points out that Microsoft never promised to replace set top boxes, saying that was the hopeful notion dreamt by others. "Not true"... MS named the system the "One" to specifically state it's ability to be a one stop box to take care of all the entertainment needs. I remember seeing an interview with Don Mattric about the Xbox Ones ability to replace set top cable boxes. That was MS's obvious intention all along, it just doesn't come close to that. T...

3852d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment