This is good... Isn't it?
CRank: 5Score: 56990

Gamers owe A LOT to Adam Orth.

He unwittingly clued us in on what was to come.

MS was going to hit us with a three-minute internet check-in before Orth-gate made them back-peddle to the 24 hr check-in.

But Orth "left" MS over spilling the beans and costing MS control of their message.

I wonder what will become of Mattrick.

4008d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This guy sums it up nicely

4008d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Nah, you won't be able to sue MS supposedly due to the ToS.

And while I don't think MS would re-flip the switch, I'm not exactly sure they won't.

I was glad MS reversed their crappy anti-consumer policies, but since then it seems they've lost their way. Some call it the Xbox 180, but it's more like the Xbox MeToo!!

Xbox used to have their pulse on what the core audience and developers want, but since MS went full overl...

4008d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

OMG, people are so quick to pull the fanboy card at the slight insult / preference towards a system.

What did vigilante_man say that was so offensive?

It's widely accepted that Xbox has fewer but more marketable blockbuster exclusives. We all know what they are.

It's also widely known that Nintendo has been churning out Mario / Zelda and their other properties with little help from 3rd parties to bolster their game libraries for at l...

4012d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

PS4 X1 right here :D

Now people are pissed that features were taken away. Too bad. I value my rights over a few features.

But the real question is, will those Xbone drm apologists that were touting these great advantages and features of the future skip the x1 now?

Their loss, I guess

4014d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I get it, but let's savor this sweet sweet victory for now.

Tomorrow, we'll start in on MS over that price >:)

Congrats gamers!

Screw you, apologists

4014d ago 26 agree6 disagreeView comment

From gaf

4014d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

MS actually did it!! :D

They pulled the policies! Oh snap!

Glad I was wrong that MS wouldn't change besides some "gamers" praising them for f'd up restrictions.

Be glad "Sony fanboy sky is falling complaining loudmouth" true gamers are around ;)

Now we can all enjoy X1 wit...

4014d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Official word from MS is you can sell back to their authorized dealers.

Official word from Sony is you can sell it back to anyone.

That not misinformation. That's just the way it is.

Publishers can impose online passes or can make their game online only, but the can't dictate where PS4 users sell their game.

It's not hard to understand. You're spreading lies right now. And if gamers don't hold ms account...

4014d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Dude, stop spreading BS.

Used games are not the same as Sony's.

I can sell my used game anywhere with PS4 for the best price. I'm not restricted to who MS says is ok to sell to.

This is why MS won't discontinue their policies.

They'll tweak and adjust and each time more people will say wow this is great and spread falsehood to others.

Xbox gamers refuse to take a stand and are hyping any tast...

4014d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

@ Andrew

I don't think you're trolling, but people see ohh numbers or read the text book definition in school or some website, attempt to decipher them, bend logic, and ignore what is now widely accepted. And what is generally accepted that ps4 is at the very least a bit more powerful than x1, suddenly becomes x1 is the same or more powerful than ps4.

Which system is more powerful it doesn't matter to me. I own all systems this gen, and I like t...

4015d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Damn you Microsoft!!!

For real though, wait on this update. I try never to update on the first night of a ps3 update to see if there was any fallout in the morning.

Don't be a victim

4015d ago 18 agree10 disagreeView comment

What's funny is that many current Xbox 360 gamers are looking specifically for Xbox 360 version 2.

Calling ps4 that will probably make them jump ship even quicker

4015d ago 31 agree0 disagreeView comment


ok I'll bite

From the article you linked:

"The PS4 has 8GB of GDDR5 RAM, providing 176GB/s of bandwidth to both the CPU and GPU. The Xbox One MOSTLY ameliorates this difference with 32MB of high-speed SRAM on the GPU, but it will be a more complex architecture to take advantage of."

Simply stated, the X1 can theoretically almost bypass the difference in ram (due to ESRAM and Move Engines), but there need...

4015d ago 25 agree8 disagreeView comment

It's in Kojima's best interest to downplay the differences.

People thinking this proves they're the same are not thinking this through.

Besides, I would doubt there'd be that much difference in near launch titles anyways. But it will show soon enough.

People can like MS exclusives, that's great. But please stop trying to delude others that plainly see the ps4 is not just more powerful but also easy to develop for.

4016d ago 16 agree7 disagreeView comment

Jason is no longer with ND, had nothing to do with ND's Uncharted boom, and Yes seems a bit bitter

4017d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This was my absolute favorite part about the X1 conference!

I said before that I'd pay extra to be on servers with older players or reputable ones. This is great news. I hope Sony has something like this in mind also or just outright steals the idea for themselves.

Say what you will about Xbox now, but they've been the leaders in console online gaming. I hope Sony continues to learn from them and implements the positives.

4018d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Ps plus gives free games, discounts, and exclusives to all systems with one subscription including Vita.

I don't have a Vita yet, but I have collected every game released for it on ps plus so far. And they're heavy weights Vita titles too like Gravity Rush and Uncharted.

It should help take the sting off for putting online play behind the pay wall.

4018d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know

With all the controversy and negativity swirling around MS these days, this may be the wrong time to announce something like this.

Imagine walking in one of those stores to see Kinect overlords ruling over their human employees dressed in tattered clothes.

MS slave in hushed whisper to customer: Help us...

Kinect Prime: You. I heard that employee 131284. I hear all. You dare ask a customer for help?

4019d ago 4 agree10 disagreeView comment

They were reputable insiders on neogaf who leaked that Xbone e3 games would be decidedly better than what would release to customers at launch.

This was supposedly due to games running on machines not representative of Xbone's now reduced (downclocked) specs.

Also some suggested "enhanced" temporary versions were shown at e3 to mask the fact that games are as much as six months behind in development, among other reasons.


4019d ago 36 agree2 disagreeView comment