This is good... Isn't it?
CRank: 5Score: 56990

His Dark Souls fix is great too. He does what these publishers should do in about an hour's time.

Gaf has some crazy talented members over there.

3882d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Green

"Cboat and most Neogaf members are nothing more than trolls. Of all the info coming from Neogaf and their "insiders" No positive news and/or more exciting/important news is ever revealed. Nothing from Sony is ever revealed."

You do realize famousmortimor (the one behind this leak along with CBOAT) is the one who comfirmed the Driveclub delay, and even had a ban bet with the mods if the DC rumor turned out not to be true, right? He ...

3888d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

Honestly, when has a "Get the facts" campaign ever not been in the center of totally crappy situations?

It's usually for used for stuff like the dangers of smoking or drugs, teenage pregnancy, STI's (STD's in my time), and the like...

The fact that MS has to use a "Get the facts" campaign speaks volumes. And it could actually be making things worse.

I mean if I hear "get the facts" connected to a prod...

3889d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Went there looking for Kefka.

Didn't leave disappointed :)

Good list

3911d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

regarding Deep Down being "stab, stab, stab"...

Was I the only one who saw that one player counter the dragon's fire breath attack with a Whirlwind spell of his own so the others could attack?

That bit of strategy / interaction was crazy and got me excited for the game.

It reminded me of a mmorpg where you have a dedicated stunner in the party whose primary goal is to knock the boss out of his super move.


3921d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow, I think you guys just sold me on it

A Dragon Warrior comparison is a great thing

3932d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love me some Galaga but this got lost among other game releases for me.

PS+ rectifies the situation :)

Hey, anyone here try Dragon Fantasy Book II? It's discounted for PS+ this week

3932d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yup, entitled gamers indeed

No more older titles without trophy support now, because they whined about that too. Which I personally feel sucks. There are a lot of good games that came out before trophies, like PS1 titles that used to come with plus before people whined.

These "gamers" said they had no reason to play these old games without trophies as incentive.

Well they should be happy soon, if the rumor regarding ps1 and ps2 ga...

3939d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Between getting this from PS+ and with The Shoot for $10 at Best Buy right now, that's a whole lot of fun for Move owners.

I have a couple with the gun adapters. It so takes me back to my light gun days :)

Move may be an acquired taste, but this type of game is where Move really shines. Especially if you grew up loving games like Duck Hunt and Time Crisis (which is also great with Move).

3939d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was going to wait for infamous / infamous bundle to drop, but a cheap(er) vita bundle may make jump quicker.

Thanks to PS+, I have all these vita games on my saved download collection waiting to be played :)

I wonder how vita and cards will be priced come Black Friday?

Either way with PS4, PS+, indies, and better pricing, and all of a sudden vita seems to have caught its second wind.

3939d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Eww. So so wrong

3940d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

You know I probably would have, but she was damn spiteful. And crazy too

She probably played it to death with other dudes, burned the damn thing, and then put the flames out with her own urine imagining it was my face.

I wouldn't put it past her unfortunately.

You ever break up with someone, and she climbs through your window to tell you she won't allow it? Yeah...

3942d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great news. Happy for the confirmation.

I fully installed every game on 360. I think it helped preserve my system. No RROD yet.

But now I'm afraid to turn it on because I might have just jinxed myself. Oh boy...

3942d ago 22 agree5 disagreeView comment

Don't let it go.

Me and my ex broke up when she still had my SNES like twenty years ago... And I NEVER forgot about it. Most likely never will.

You learn from my pain. You man up and go get what's yours, dammit! Do it for the both of us! :'(

(no killing or arse-beatings though. That's illegal)

3942d ago 32 agree0 disagreeView comment

"He's just another Sony PR gremlin"

Honestly dude, I've seen you pop up on more than a few websites praising MS while downtalking Sony like it's your job. Seriously, multiple websites.

And you call him PR gremlin. LOL, ok man :D

3945d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

What? Besthesda were fail on ALL platforms. PC included.

In fact, the PC mod community bailed them out as usual, helping to fix the mistakes in their games.

The only one sounding fanboyish right now is you

3945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

LO is the my favorite rpg on 360 next to ME1

3945d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Gotta love it when gamers say they don't mind this, but when Warhawk released earlier this gen, people were all up in arms over paying full price for a multiplayer only game (that even came with a Bluetooth earpiece).

Some journalists were even deducting points off their review scores due to pricing; and not due to the quality of the game itself.

Sony couldn't catch a break back then. Shame too. Warhawk was one of my favorite gaming experiences this...

3946d ago 29 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think guy is all sorts of used car salesman-y, but I LOVE his response when asked about Sony's well-received E3 performance.

"I guess I just have a fundamental belief that gamers buy games consoles to play games, and they don't buy them for press events."

Love it. And it's a big departure from the reveal.

I plan on getting a PS4 first for a number of reasons, but not at launch. While I love (and have always loved) Son...

3951d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think MS' choice was to either downclock for better yield (that's if you believe it's really hardware issues as rumored), but couldn't due to ps4 specs. Or to put up with lower yield and the delays.

Can't say MS made the wrong choice here. It sucks but if they can avoid a RROD scenario, they'd better. It does give Sony an advantage though, and brings X1 hardware reliabity into question.

3956d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment