This is good... Isn't it?
CRank: 5Score: 56990

Respected insider on Gaf (CBOAT) told everyone these delays will happen but due to the ESRAM. Even told the mods to take "rumor" out of the thread title, that it was happening for sure. And here we are.

Now the delays are happening and people are trying to spin it as good news or a non-issue?

I don't expect MS to tell anyone that it's hardware related. Do any of you? Seriously guys.

Sony denied disk read error, just like...

4054d ago 21 agree7 disagreeView comment

"Not everyone thought the original policies were bad"

I'll tell you something. I was one that thought MS were crazy with their original X1 plans. I bitched for changes. Damn near celebrated when the changes were made.

But I'll definitely acknowledge that X1 was a more exciting product before, because at least it was doing something different than the competition. I know it seems hypocritical, and I still think the changes were needed to ...

4055d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't know man

All of the back tracking has come in stages as the vocal potential consumers complain about each feature.

I think if it was a plan B scenario, MS would have just announced All changes it was intending to make at once instead of suffering months of continued bad press.

People's number one concern was drm. Then drm was removed.

People been blasting them about Kinect always on. They finally announce th...

4055d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Man, you knew what he meant Chess-Nazi :)

MS definitely needed to change things, but not into PS4 version 2.

They have no vision now that their original vision has been cancelled (or put on the backburner - dons tinfoil hat), and are just copying at this point.

But why wouldn't you just go with the original PS4?

MS needs something to really separate it from the competition, especially with that price difference and now So...

4055d ago 12 agree4 disagreeView comment

ah well. to each, their own

I thought the level conveyed a sense of grandness, and there was an allure of trying to navigate the layout.

After the shortcuts are opened, it's a short run to the boss. I'd just advise any new player to be careful until then.

I'm not saying your feeling towards it isn't valid (others also seem to share it). I'm just saying that this being a Souls game, I don't have a problem with the bon...

4057d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

The two Anor Londo snipers seems to be most people's most intense moment in the game (Maybe O&S fight, and 4 Kings ng+ are up there with it).

I cheesed them with poison arrows. Because screw rolling / fighting on tight ledges to fall to your death while being shot at by two bowman with arrows the size of spears. :)

4057d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

For the lightning damage complaint, you do have shields to mitigate the damage as you've pointed out. So why not just use it when fighting the winged demons?

It's not like in Demon's Souls where you had both item AND equip bonus to manage, so take it with you.

As you're a Souls fan, I'm sure you know much of the difficulty in these games can be overcome by patience.

You don't even need to be "dedicated" to yo...

4057d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because Major Nelson wasn't in that Angry Joe interview telling lies about DRM that couldn't be removed easily if ms wanted to that was proved wrong like four days later.

Get off your soapbox white knight. They all defend their product.

4061d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Kratos in Asgardian GOW incoming?

I think so :)

4061d ago 9 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think it's about depriving someone else.

I think some would rather exclusive games to take advantage of that console's strengths and also to have a good case to own multiple consoles.

I love console exclusives. Maybe that's just me though

As for third party exclusives Mystwalker's Lost Odyssey for 360, and Demon's Souls and MGS4 for PS3 are among my favorite games this gen

4069d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bah, meant to agree.

I'm glad ms decided to join the fight. They've really turned it around lately.

Things are just more exciting when it's not a one horse race.

On topic

It will be 5.5 gb to start, with Sony sitting on a gb ready to implement any hot feature it can copy from a competitor.
And if that feature doesn't come, it will be allocated to games.

Also you'd have to think bo...

4074d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh my goodness this list is good

I'd add Battle Arena Toshinden to that list and a new Warhawk (with ps1 style single player and ps3 style multiplayer)

I have a soft spot for BAT, Ridge Racer, and Wipeout. They remind me of magical ps1 days :)

4076d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"I Want his time machine!!!!"

Not I.

Mess around and end up in some weird arse alternate dimension where Kinect becomes sentient, initiates Prism Phase 2, overthrows humanity, and rewrites all history books to detail Xbone's 3-1 victory over Sony and other propaganda to control the masses, leaving only the Sony Defense Force and the last remnants of the Nintendo Brotherhood to fight against them.

No thanks.

4078d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah, whatever you say rep management. LOL

Join date 19 days ago :D

I believe you ;)

4082d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just real quick since I'm on my phone, I think he means things like...

Announce that drm can't be turned off during Angry Joe interview then turn off the 24 hr check-in a few days later, is one

Cloud makes certain games possible; but now those games are perfectly fine offline after drm policy reversal

Announce No supply issues, but why the limited number of launch units, might be another (but really, why announce you have supply iss...

4083d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sony's making all the right moves for the start of next gen.

It's crazy when you think how things started for them this gen.

4084d ago 34 agree0 disagreeView comment

Those training methods were funny

I never thought of Gandalf as a xp whore, but that stunt with the Balrog makes more sense now

4084d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude, Forza and GT ARE in the same genre but they play differently.

What's so hard to understand

Just like oblivion and demons souls play differently though still in the same action rpg genre.

You were too busy arguing and trying to "win" (what?) that you didn't want to really listen to any one else's point.

All I said was Forza and GT are both quality titles with different flavors, which you were trying...

4085d ago 21 agree3 disagreeView comment

Wha wha what?

The great Septic resorting to insults? For shame :'(

Septic "I lost therefore you don't know how to argue. Please my adoring public, PLEASE, don't notice I didn't have a valid response of my own." :D

Oh how the mighty has fallen. How did you sink so low?

Maybe it was a waste of bubbles for you, but I had fun ;)

I hope the lesson learned was to find humility. Lets ...

4086d ago 20 agree3 disagreeView comment

Ok, go to the the elder scrolls IV: Oblivion wiki and then to the Demon's Souls wiki. They both state the games are Action Role Playing Games.

Which makes them Oh My God (septic dramatization) EXACTLY THE SAME GENRE!!!11!! :0

So I guess they play the same too right, buddy?

Like I said, you're drowning in your own argument. And begging the mods to bail you out of it is pretty silly. ;)

Oh I forgot to add more septi...

4086d ago 24 agree2 disagreeView comment