
CRank: 5Score: 8420

Killzone2 does something that no FPS to date has done. It created the most engaging shooter experience ever period. This is not a game you fly through you are in a fire fight. The enemies use real Team work to flush you out of cover, flank you, and rush you. They dont stand and take shots either they run, hide, and counter you. When in a fire fight its never one dimensional you have enemies fireing from all positions you have to watch your left your right and keep on the move. They will even ...

5685d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

He is not being a fanboy he is just creating a discussion and keeping it going. He was trying to force those involved in the conversation to give thoughtful logical responses not just fanboy B.S. like saying this game or that game cant be done on system a or b just because it is on that system.

5693d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No other multiplayer comes close in offering what WarHawk does. The different strategies at your disposal are nuts. My personal favorite is using the APC with two buddies with rocket launchers as a mobile air defence unit. I also like using the drop ship to let a tank off at an enemey base to wreak havok while I steal their flag.

5699d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

What Nintendo is doing is great for the industry overall but spells doom for the hardcore gamers. Nintendo tapped into a huge market of casuals and people who used to not play games at all.They so greatley outnumber us hardcore that we may no longer be seen as a profitable market as games and consoles become more expensive to produce.

5702d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Co-op in this game would not work because it would slow down the pace of the game. Besides that would feel right in a God of War game.

5702d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You want trophies so darn bad why dont you just make your own achievements to accomplish. What the heck are they good for? Absolutely nothing. You are really missing out on a great game for some stupid trophies. It has plenty of replay value without them and is awesome or at least I think so (as well as 2 million other).

5702d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to know how the game works not what they dont like about it.How does them telling me what they dont like even though it has nothing to do with how the game plays help me as a consumer?

5703d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The response is not off. This issue has been adressed already and made clear that this is not a fast twitch game and has a different feel. Play the game and get used to the controls or dont bother to buy it.

5704d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

This is not an insult but a challenge to everyone on this site. We can change the culture of this site to a real site for gamers not some silly nerd battle ground. This article is stupid and we all know it Sony has become the Brittany Spears of the gameing world and these self absorbed insignificant sites take advantage of the situation that Sony is in at the time to get themselves attention. I tend to liken them to leeches. The Wii and 360 dont get these kind of articles becuase they wouldnt...

5706d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Do you see what I am getting at though? Most people on here, even those upset about the score really shouldn't be angry at the score but the fact the game wasn't even reviewed. That's what has me upset. Also maybe you are right, maybe I am delusional for thinking that a professional website like this would do their job properly and effectively. For the sake of the medium though MetalGamer I hope I am not an this is just a slip up.

5706d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

First of all @Idontcare and all of the stupid fanboys that followed your post, it doesn't matter what his opinion is. I want to know how GOOD the game is or how Bad it is. There is no room for opinion here. I want to know if Killzone 2 is the first person shooter they said it would be. Telling me about Ricos potty mouth and not even skimming the surface on the GAMEPLAY which is what will tell me whether or not the game is good is not doing your job and doing those waiting for the game a disse...

5706d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Your delusional if you thought this was a review. He didnt even touch on the gameplay. He didn't mention pacing, whether the cover system worked or not, what about enemie AI, difficulty, level design or any of the other important factors that would tell us whether or not the game plays well. Instead he decided to devote 3/4 of his review to how much he doesn't like Rico or the story. The score doesnt matter, but what does is that he gave it without actually reviewing the game it is obvious th...

5706d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Does anyone here play Eye if Judgement?

5707d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess no one would know that better than you. I bet it hurts that you flopped so hard and landed right on top of KillZone 2's d*ck.

5707d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

What the hell is someone who supposedly follows a pacifist religion, based on the beliefs of a man who never lifted a finger towards another human, even when he was beaten and nailed to a cross doing playing an ultra violent video game? Is this not irony or hypocrisy or he is a Liar.

5707d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They absolutely need to be called out on that and provide an answer for their fanboyish review because they are doing a complete disservice to anyone who wants to play the game and are looking for reviews but only getting stupid fanboy opinions. No opinions have NO place in the review of a videogame. If whatever the reviewer has a beef with doesn't detract from the gameplay and ability to enjoy the game as it was meant to be,than it is just opinion and has no place in a review.

5713d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

Look here, a re-hashed version of an old title from Capcom, never seen that coming. You guys should know better about these reviews anyway, its all politics as usual. I will say this though, resident evil 4 was the sh^t. Then came dead space and they kicked it up a notch with that game. So naturally I expected Capcom to one up the competition and I guess that was asking too much. They decided to give us a blast from the past.

5714d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Someone please explain to me why after two years of market domination SONY is supposed to just quick because their current system isn't outselling the competition? Did nintendo or Microsoft quit producing hardware after the Wii, 64, and the XBOX were rendered irrelevant by the PS1 and PS2? NO they didnt, so why does SONY not have the option of trying again next time around?

5723d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks really fun do you guys recommend it?

5729d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Heavenly swords combat system is far deeper than both of these game could wish to be. Each stance holding its own combos and then being able to mix the stances gives you even more options. Not the mention the fact that you can counter being thrown and knocked down but your enemies can counter you. Hell there are enemies that can counter your counters. Not even NG can touch that level of complexity in its fighting system.

5756d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment