
CRank: 5Score: 8420

I own a PS3 but I for one can tell you that the character design in this game is off the F@cking hook! The blue monsters look like they would whoop master chiefs a$$.

6244d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They are not even playing the game. They are watching it being played. I doubt that the following reviews will be bad. 7 at least. Final fantasy is boring as hell to watch someone else play and it looks very repetative.

6244d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I would love to play it but I have a PS3. One reason why the PS3 doesn't need any new titles now is because there are a F*ckin ton releasing this fall. Including Drake and Ratchet which are both going to be monsters. Warhawk will kick our a$$e$, and then PS3 owners will go into debt with the addition of heavenly sword and Nine fields. By the way does anyone other than me see that new card game for the PS3 being an enourmous hit? Just think if they did a Yu Gi Oh or Magic the Gathering game fo...

6249d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment


6249d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am not going to get into a bible fight but thats just what I know ( that we are supposed to eat fish). As a matter of fact did you ever in your reading of the bible recall jesus feeding anyone anything other than fish? Any ways my point is and Jrome you hit on this as well. We do all sorts of things to animals we shouldn't do don't make Vick seem like the first and worst to do this. There are people that F*ck horses( men and women) and post it on the net.

6249d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We are all just as bad as Vick because technically according to the bible whether you read it or not we are all suppossed to only eat fish as a source of meat. Most of us don't follow that rule so I guess we are all cruel.

6249d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I am not arguing he isn't wrong becaue he is, even he knows that. He just got ratted out by some shady muthas who have probably been leeching off of him and his riches as well and then want to turn around and snitch him out. Thats a different story though. My beef with what you just posted is this, one he does it for the money not the pleasure and two you have no room to judge him because thats predjiduce. If you feel that strongly about those animals than why not go post against bull riders,...

6249d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I find it gut busting to hear people bashing Vick like this. Anyone who bashes Vick over this is retarded and should shut the hell up. If you were so concerned about the safety of these dogs and health of these dogs and think its wrong what happens to these dogs than you would also spend your time raising hell and condemning Greyhound races. Huge numbers of greyhounds are killed each year by their owners just because they can't run fast enough to compete. Perfectly healthy dogs put down and g...

6249d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

It has pretty much been confirmed that anyone who bashes another system doesn't own that system. I myself am an exception as I am sure there are others because I own PS2, PS3, and the utterly amazing PSP. For all of you that don't know, the PSP/PS3 combo is awesome on so many levels. If Microsoft releases a handheld that has the same connectivity to the 360 than Xbox gamers will understand what awesome is as well. I just thought I would say this because I am a member of Playstation undergroun...

6251d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Could someone please tell that kid above who dissed MGS4 and then went on to say "What makes it so good?", to shut up. I dont care if you have been a XBOX fanyboy all your life there is no way you can deny how utterly amazing MGS is. The bosses in this game are sick and will blow your mind. Seriously if you want to know what is so good about it, pick up the first one play Psycho Mantis and then we will talk. True Splinter Cell is more realistic but if you played both you will see MG...

6252d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

IF you can't tell from the previous post i'm big on good character designs.

6253d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have never played a Halo game so don't know the story of it. What I do know though is that the giant golden bird armor thing standing next to the main character has got to be the baddest mother F@!ker I have seen. He might be able to take on the other three characters in the picture with him in hand to hand and clean house.

6253d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm all about the peace and I do own a PS3 and PSP, but when I play a game that I find I like alot I have to share it with someone. With that said has anyone here played Suikoden 3? If not do yourself a favor and go get it. It's a rpg. ( also Zone of the Enders 2: the Second Runner is the most slept on game of all time)

6258d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ghouls and Ghost is hard as hell. I too pumped out ridiculous amounts of quarters to this game.

6258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That has to be one of the dumbest comments I have ever read. You are really looking for something to pick at huh.Monolith you can probably barely read. Please explain to me how that makes any sense what-so-ever? Are you legally retarded? To assume that This white guy who is being attacked by zombies IN AFRICA, Not aids infected Africans is racist is stupid. Why would you assume they have aids you dumb f*ck? Are you trying to say something you ignorant inbred cow.
Now that I am a bit ca...

6264d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

How can you look at the history of Africa and the relationship of Africans and white colonist and slave traders and not understand how she would be upset. This is an issue of history. You do not want to be reminded of a time in which your ancestors were hunted, traded, and bought like animals, had their country invaded and divided up by foreingers. Capcom knows first hand how explosive this is and did this on purpose. They have experience the same thing just with other Asians. They would neve...

6264d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

The environments dont have to look that great because it's about the cars. I doubt anyone playing either game is going to be so worried about how the tree look they are going to forget the race. If thats the case than get a game about trees and background environments. GT handsdown looks better and it is going to kick all of our a$$es.

6264d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

This game will do better on the PS3 I would assume. Not because of it looking or running better or anything like that, but because gamers who have owned the PS2 and any Sony console are used to playing a variety of games. Sony gamers are more accepting of all types of games.

6266d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is Phil Harrison the tallest person on the planet?

6268d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whats with the name man?

6269d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment