
CRank: 5Score: 8420

This site sucks balls. Honestly when was the last time anyone discussed gaming without it turning into a huge flame fest? Its like a site full of Dhalsims fighting the Human Torch in this b*tch. This is the last time I will use this site. It doesnt have any real gaming news on it. All the articles are tweets and blogs and this person said this about this guy and these graphics are better than these graphics. Peace N4G your hate has defeated me.

5269d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

You mean like turning Jaffe's tweet into an article? Yeah you moron.

5269d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Make a better show or shut the f*ck up. You guys are stupid computer desk analyst. Dont comments on his site dont comment on his vids it really is that simple. Are you that desperate for attention? HHG is like an opportunity for bums like you guys to have your voice heard. Every time he has a video up people I have never seen on here start posting trying to get all philosophical writing page long reviews on grammer and sh*t. I did not know this site was full of english professors.

5269d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Why the heck does this game have multiplayer? What happened to good single player games?

5280d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Stop trying to hack the PS3 and this stuff wont happen. The system wasnt meant to be hacked Sony doesnt want your stupid custom firmware updates on it leave their business alone and this stuff wont happen simple as that. You realise that any features that they were going to release may not be released now because of possible exploit.

5291d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

you guys blaming Sony are morons for getting mad at them for protecting their product. The effects of pirating can be devastating look at the PSP. So what he said he wasnt going to pirate, he made the exploit damn near readily available for anyone who wanted to. Sony stands to lose alot of money with a potential hack and they made the right move here and would eat this punk alive in court.

5293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Why did they end the game the way they did
The story in this game was horrible and made you hate Kratos. He basically was the cause of all the problems in the game and did nothing but either kill people that tried to help him or just plain killed people. How the heck are you supposed to like a character like that? Every time he killed someone I hated him more. Especailly Hades who's wife was killed by Kratos. What was his motivation for all of these murders? Why is he seeking revenge o...

5300d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

The story in this game was horrible and made you hate Kratos. He basically was the cause of all the problems in the game and did nothing but either kill people that tried to help him or just plain killed people. How the heck are you supposed to like a character like that? Every time he killed someone I hated him more. Especailly Hades who's wife was killed by Kratos. What was his motivation for all of these murders? Why is he seeking revenge on Zues when he himself is actually the bad guy? ...

5300d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like the edge review everyone said was biased was not biased at all. Instead of blaming the reviewers for the lower than expected scores. Why dont you blame the game that is not only incredibly linear but has pointless summons and makes you wait an entire 30 hours before it starts getting good. 30 hours is a long freakin time just to get to something good. 13 chapters and the first 11 there are no side quest.

5316d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

The game is not getting a lower score because of graphics. I really havent seen a PS3 cross platform get lower scores because of lesser graphics. If the games play the same than it is no problem if one looks better. If one played noticebly worse than the other like Bayonetta did than I could see one version getting marked down. But does the graphics make the gameplay? No it doesnt they play the same and the 360 version still looks good even if not as good as the PS3 version.

5316d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I talked to Zlatko who has the game and he say he likes it but what he described to me isnt worth 60 plus dollars. He said there are 13 total chapters and that the first ten are all linear with no leveling or anything the game does it for you even choosing what summons go to who. He also said that for the first ten chapters the summons are weak and their strength doesnt surpass the main characters. He did say the last three chapters were fantastic though but three good cahpters out of TEN is ...

5326d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What he said is so true. Most of the time your favorite games end up being like 7-8 rated games. Most of the games that score high like 9 and tens are not nearly as good as they say.

5343d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I live here in Cedar Rapids Iowa and I assure you that Cedar Rapids is as safe as they come. We recently have had an issue with alot of people coming in from Chicago to 1.) escape warrants 2.) and to go somewhere where they think they have easy targets. There is even a satellite police station that sits on the end of first avenue now. This sucks becayse these crazy a$$ niggaz are fighting in school and sh*t. It sucks because this town has fantastic people and we love all types but now people ...

5351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Of course this damn game sold alot. Not just because it is good as I am sure it is. It was advertised like nuts. I was watching the Saints Vikings game and the damn updates and stats were all plastered with damn Mass Effect two ads. The announcers several times mentioned "halftime updates brought to you buy Mass Effect 2". Not to mention every other commercial was one for that game. Tons of websites had Mass Effect 2 all over them. Not one Sony game this gen was that visible. The on...

5351d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I saw a Thundercat in there. Its Panthro!!!

5355d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Says the 15GB of game left out of Final Fantasy.

5357d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

This game is a hardcore shooter that does require alot of coordination so alot of people will be turned off by it. That is why alot of people jump off of Warhawk because they try and play the lone ranger and end up getting their @sses handed to them by the other team that is actually coordinating attacks.

5358d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This game makes you feel like you are in a real war. There are, or can be I should say alot of freaking people. It gets pretty intense. It is alot like WarHawk to me and I love that damn game.

5358d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know I misspelled some words in my previous post.

5367d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

We were talking about Marvel Ultimate Alliance being such a huge waste of opportunity given that they made what could have been had they made it an open world sandbox game like Infamous was. We talked about how the technology limitations of the 360 hindering the games on the PS3. It was brought up that there is no reason that any game should not have every idea that a developer comes up with in it because the current consoles minus the Wii are so powerful. The 360 is powerful, and may be as p...

5367d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment