
CRank: 5Score: 46430

wow death penalty for hacking, um no, jail time and being bubba's girlfriend, that's justice.

4454d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

i could see double xp that weekend just to piss these guys off, the consumer, yes, they don't care if they piss us off, we gave money for MW3, and Elite already. Not playing on the server is gonna do nothing, nor prove anything. Besides its 420, not as if most of us gonna be on anyways.

4461d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

OK, so we completely ignore Deadly Premonition, Haze wasn't that bad, it had nothing new compared to any other shooter, but Its not worse than Deadly Premonitions. Hell, I'd rather play Leisure Suit Larry than play Deadly Premonition.

4462d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

BF3 is defiantly a great game.... but so is mw3... I own both and will admit i usually play mw3 more than i do BF3. I get more games/rounds out of mw3 than i do bf3, honestly i probably get 3 tdm rounds in mw3 compared to 1 rush/conquest in Bf3. MW3 is fast arcade style game, were as BF3 is more realistic gameplay. I hate when people compare these games cause their totally different game play style. The only thing they have in common is being a fps.

4507d ago 5 agree20 disagreeView comment


4514d ago 16 agree2 disagreeView comment

yeah i just wish the ps3 was up to standards, once your a good 80 hrs in, the game is just unbearable, i spent 4 hrs 1 day just trying to get to a location, the game kept freezing and i had to start all over from my last save.

4514d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

being 30 years old now, and been playing games longer than this dude, I decided to start exercising and eating healthy as of the new year. These type of stories freak me out, but they also usually have some type of condition we don't know about or isn't reported. I'm glad at least this article stated he had some type of heart disease and was declining treatment. At least the blame wont be pointed wholly towards gaming.

4514d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I want to live in your world were everything works, it would be amazing... then you prob sober up, and real life smacks you in the face. If you think that everything should not break and work 100% of the time, sorry but that's a fairy tale world. Nothing out their is 100% guaranteed to work at all times. And if you got rid/wont play ps3/360, your missing out on a lot, and the next gen will be just as crappy as this one.

4515d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

what the hell are you on, can i get some of that... everything is redownloadable... my god 1 glitch and you act like its permanent.

4515d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

i don't like online passes. I buy new all the time, and believe the devs deserve the money. I however lend my games to friends when I'm done with them and online passes ruin it for them cause they can't go online. If someone's opinion/experience on a game is solely on the single player which he finished already. Its doubtful they will get the game for multiplayer.

4521d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah everything on psn is listed price, no taxes, i use my credit card to buy everything i want on psn. I heard stores charge taxes on the psn gift cards. I have not bought one myself so not sure.

4524d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

was it just me or did the newest trailer seem dynasty warriors stylish a bit.

4566d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

mines getting full, and with multiple skyrim saves at 4 megs i gotta be borderline to full, haven't checked thou

4566d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

it sucks, and its the hackers fault, yes we all point the finger at Sony cause they took it away, but they took it away for a reason, i doubt they took it away just for the hell of it.

4571d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I play cause its my TV. People watch TV to entertain and relax. Well playing games is the same for me.

4573d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

yeah i built armor and gloves of each type up till ebony, and 3-4 amulets (gold/silver etc, each one has to be different)and rings all with the smithing ability mine was 16% at the time. Used the multiple armor glitch and equipped them all then went and upgraded my weapons, they are all way overpowered. I regret doing now cause its too easy, i even switched to the hardest difficulty and still too easy.

4575d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

i have no idea why you got 2 disagrees... guess some people cant handle the truth.

4584d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

there is a good point made, but not the right one. I personally would like to see 1 console. Gaming giants have always said they make money from the software, not from the hardware. So why not 1 console. Developers will save money making for 1 system, rather than up to 3 or more. We'll get more quality games, developing for multiple systems takes time, their not all the same infrastructure. The community would be larger, example 360/ps3 communities into one would be huge. Consumers would ...

4586d ago 6 agree21 disagreeView comment

if this is true, last time i ended up in a hacked lobby my stats were reset and lost everything in mw2 along with 2 of my friends, and IW told me they weren't responsible for other peoples online actions. Yes i was stupid enough to get MW3, but now with a paid online service for elite, IW cannot cold shoulder us this time, or at least i hope. Suggestion to all, get in a hacker server just leave, actually hold ps3 logo/xbox logo and quit or pull the power, dont let any stats upload. Found ...

4586d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

i don't recall a 14+ hour scheduled maintenance, i remember mw3 being down so i played bf3, cpl games later my friends were playing mw3, and no problems with psn, utter bs imo

4591d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment