
CRank: 5Score: 46430

re6 was a first day buy, guess its a "when its cheap like 29.99 or lower" buy now.

4393d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow just wow, this shit happens all the time on computers and even the 360. I dled borderlands and installed it, no problems, as I am sure the millions of other people had no problem doing the same. 1 person, even out of 10000 dls is not a major issue.

4394d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

It may not have been the best analogy , but It's just the way I feel about the situation with the Dawnguard DLC. The same can also be said for exclusive titles too, but I'd rather see all games across all consoles than see the shit MS pulls now. I personally don't like MS business practices with timed DLC and what not. Because I chose another company I have to wait, while others get to enjoy the game, yeah its business, it just pisses me off and I know I'm not alone in that.

4402d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If a movie theater opened early with no wheel chair accessibility and claimed it would be "Installed Later", WTF kind of shit do you think would hit the fan in that situation. DO you think someone who's in a wheel chair be "ok" with that, no they wouldn't. That's how we should be responding to Bethesda . MS is paying Bethesda (or any other timed dlc companies) to essentially discriminate another group to benefit itself.

4403d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

this is why video game journalism is such a joke. We'll never be taken seriously with this trash roaming around.

4407d ago 37 agree7 disagreeView comment

what i find funny is all these articles, why the 360 better than the ps3, why the 360 controller better than the ps3 controller... etc etc. If it is "so" much better, why are you trying to convince me or are you still trying to convince yourself its better.

4410d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

about fin time, ive maxed my storage in less than a month

4421d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ Dante112

this site is full of doomed article after doomed article of sony gonna fail. The xbots control this site, that's why.

4424d ago 20 agree7 disagreeView comment

I can't fathom why people still pay for xbox live gold. All that did is prove to everyone that were willing to pay to play online, well some. Granted ps3 is free online, but next gen, ps4 wont be free online. So enjoy free online gaming for ps3, ps4 won't be.

4425d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ Jazz4108
wow dumbest comment ever, you've taken an opinion piece and think its actually news. Good job you fail.

4425d ago 14 agree3 disagreeView comment

he didn't wait long enough to regenerate his health... poor skillz for a cod player.

4427d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

kid plays none stop for 4 days, maybe 5, hell the parent doesn't even know how long. yes this is all the xbox's fault as it always is.... at least the parent stepped in after the fact. Hey parents next time, step in sooner, its your responsibility.

4427d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

parents will always blame something else. Any parent that has to deal with a troubled kid who resorted to violence or committed suicide. They will be wondering if they did something wrong, maybe they didn't, and it may just be a little bit easier blaming their problems on external source. I def agree, kids shouldn't be playing M rated games, theirs a rating for a reason. Just shake your heads on this and hope it goes away. Was it not long ago violence was blamed on rap music and rock ...

4429d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

this is why i never got gay pride parades, like wtf is the point, now they want gay game conventions, what next, gay Olympics. For a group of people who are trying to get equality in marriages and what not, they certainly go a lot out of the way to make the point their different.

4429d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

who approves this crap, the 360 trolls, all I ever see on this stupid site is ps3 fail that, sony fail this, etc etc etc... I don't think i ever seen a 360/MS failed article, they just don't get approved. If sony was doing so bad as all these stupid articles, they would be outta business, but there not. PS3 owners are getting exclusive after exclusive, and we still play online for free. But i guess everyone wants to pay to play online, pay for your internet, power bill... Hey lets thr...

4431d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

thats just totally random, and no

4447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if chuck norris boss, game equals unbeatable, might as well divide by zero and get it over with

4447d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

even if MS bought activision and limited cod to 360 only, they would lose out on so much money, cod makes alot more money being multiplat system game than being exclusive to the 360. With BF3 out there or another BF coming, killing cod on 1 system would mean those exclusive ps3 players find something else to do. But this is a sale of shares not the company which means MS may have little say in anything.

4451d ago 27 agree19 disagreeView comment

i hate the idea with cloud gaming, cause even a lot of places internet is not guaranteed let alone if it just goes down, u can't play any games. im personally still on buying disc based games as you don't need internet to play the game. Let alone, my provider has a bandwidth cap, if games are quite large your gonna spend more money not just for the game, but all the bandwidth you use for dling the files required each time you play it.

4454d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

why would they patch a game 4 years later with trophys, it should of been done day 1 that trophies started. This is being done cause a 360 version of some sort is coming. Konami is not a exclusive dev to sony. Id be shocked if this update came out of the pure heart of konami, but don't be surprised to see a substance MGS4 for 360.

4455d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment