
CRank: 5Score: 46430

@ Blaze929
alright blaze, Your in a race, I get 1 full lap ahead before you and bob can go. After six laps bob passed me and stays ahead by about half a lap and steady. You caught up but lost by about 3 seconds to 2nd place.

Now answer me, Should I be in 2nd Place?

This question applies to Zir0 below too...lol

4821d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

to stop this nonsense, don't buy their product period, same with EA's. If you don't buy, they'll stop. You can't make money back from "used sales" if no ones buying your product in the first place. If you go out and buy Resistance 3, or any EA product, your supporting this stupid pass. I'm calling the next step, guess what its going to be, passes for the whole game, like on PC. Then were stuck indefinitely with a game we no longer play.
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4823d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ bwazy

another example of people commenting without reading/watching articles

4830d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bioware Proves Exclusives Are Dead

PS3 Magazine: Microsoft’s loss is Sony’s gain as Bioware finally goes multiplatform. Bioware has revealed that it’s major IP for years will be bucking the trend of Microsoft exclusivity and making its way to the PS3.

***************************** ***********
wow its like so easy to write fanboy crap. Why do these articles get approved. I never see crap articles about 360 exclusives going multiplatform. (not that i wa...

4832d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

i canceled cable tv cause of idiotic stories/tv shows. Absolutely nothing to watch that is worth while, and fox is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to "entertaining television".

4835d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

yeah true, has no effect to me, but what about all those lazy parents who don't watch their kids play, or listen to them... Parenting; its a government job to monitor them, I'll just cry in front of the cameras when my 8 year old sees a penis on live/psn.

4835d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

what I'm most terrified of is if developers somehow start getting money from trade ins/ sold used copies... whats gonna stop RIM from asking me for money when I sell my blackberry on ebay, or if I sold my old Chrysler and we have to pay Chrysler their cut. When you buy a product, its ours, not someone else s, and no one can tell us otherwise what we can and can't do with that product.

4836d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

and here i was hoping never to see articles about this tard...

4836d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

like to see the mod with real people i can run over...

4839d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow, just another day, 360 fanboys trying to downplay KZ3 somehow, the worst is comparing it to bulletstorm, oh god... you could at least try a little bit rather than grasp at straws. Why are we even comparing it to a multiplat game, shouldn't you like be comparing to an 360 exclusive....oh...that's right...well good job. I still remember the same ol downplays on KZ2 when it was 2 years old. How N4G never changes..

4839d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ Kalowest

yeah like the most racist comment ever. That's one step down for humanity.

4840d ago 15 agree4 disagreeView comment

ive never heard of bait and switch, this is basically false advertising, they can cry all they want its a misprint, but they have to honor it. They try to do the correction at the register, but only stupid people accept it.

4841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the flyers/ads are still up, you get 2 for 50. Company can say all they want "oh we meant to write buy 2 and get a 50 gift certificate", but if the flyers are still up, its false advertising, you can't leave a flyer up if its misprinted. Sad thing is companies get away with the correction at registers cause noone calls them on it. All it takes is asking for a manager at the store, if still refused, then contact consumer affairs and if you have to, contact a lawyer. It may see...

4841d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

there's a big difference between BF3 and MW3 when it comes to online. BF games are huge, opened ended maps which allows players to do what they want and work as a team (provided they do). Cod on the other hand is small, fast paced maps whereas, yes, 1 person can make all the difference. Neither game is better than the other, it comes down to what we want to play.

4841d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@ egidem
best pic ever and sums up everything

4842d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

wow, one of the reasons i stopped buying at Gamestop/EB games. When they refused me 5 dollar match on MW2, when the store across the street was 5 dollars cheaper. I walked across the street and never went back.

4844d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

I got 90% done and finished the good side already, i just going through dark side now. The voice was way too different and could of been better, my guess they replaced the original voice actor cause he prob wanted more money. Unless someone else tells me otherwise. I still preferred infamous 1 over the 2nd.

4848d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

i wouldn't blame anyone for getting upset at dante's new look, like cmon, he was so badass you wouldn't mess with him. Now your some emo looking kid who got raped in prison.

4849d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

@ coldfire

whats with people and bad analogies. That is still stealing. A glitch in the system, or mistake of a person who programmed it is a legitimate sale until laws say other wise. If a company advertises something and they don't come through what happens, they usually get sued. This however is a mistake in the system, someone in the company is responsible for this mistake. With no teller/salesperson to see an obvious mistake the sale it legitimate if you happen to ha...

4850d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@ ct03
that's stealing and a very poor analogy considering the article. Better would of been going to buy a car and the owner handed you the keys without getting the money.

@ cold fire
that is not stealing or piracy, if you walk in a store and they have a game priced at $9.99, yet it just came out and you know it should be $59.99, its a legitimate purchase.

4852d ago 8 agree3 disagreeView comment