
CRank: 5Score: 26960

how do you review a mmo game with nobody on the servers yet?
"well the world was huge'well put together and quite a bit to do, but there just werent any players playing when i reviewed it so it felt extremely empty - 5/10"?

2383d ago 10 agree4 disagreeView comment

Best news ever about this game now ive jumped from PSPro to Xbox1X - no clans (yet) in this game but..... "to gather together a band of salty sea dogs, you can either play with friends or join up USING OUR HANDY MATCHMAKING SYSTEM" (or similar words at least, the important bit is in caps... Game now sorted for me! I was hoping for clans but this will do nicely.

2383d ago 2 agree13 disagreeView comment

This has Switch and Vita written all over it and will be the only places I'd pick this up on especially the Switch. Very odd omissions.

2383d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

if this is what I was looking at last night, it is much improved over what I played a month or so ago. Game is still fun as well so thats a bonus

2396d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I care enough to comment but I dont care anymore about the game sadly. I hope Bungie read these things so I'll keep reposting this at every opportunity - sorry if its boring and repetitive people, but hey so is D2 so if you are reading a D2 post you know what is boring and repetitive and you dont seem to mind (Lol)
Sequel Rule #1 - The 2nd is at least as good as the 1st if not better
Sequel Rule #2 - Tho shall not change how weapons work - Primary Power Heavy for one of ...

2398d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

hahahahaha. Nothing can save destiny at the moment.
They cant even put in all the features of Destiny 1 into Destiny 2 so how the hell they would manage this would be a miracle at best... hahaha what a silly article!

2403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

just goes from strength to strength with Bungie doesn't it. I really regret paying full price for this and the season pass without rethinking the whole thing. 1st game was really quite good in the end so it led me astray I guess. D2 is too different and filled with weird decisions from Bungie where you are left scratching your head.

2403d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cool finally came to their senses and went back to Primary, Power, Heav........... oh don't worry about it :(

2404d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Xbox X it never logs into an online session and you either have to start solo and attempt to log in at a later time or just couldn't be bothered and go solo :(

2410d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

^ What Septic said OR buy Ass Creed - Black Flag and save yourself $50 ?

2412d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats great and all but I have had them limp for 20 minutes some times. So it becomes a need to be close and then you fall asleep waiting for it to finally die. It's just long winded boring. I'm sticking with it and hopefully i gets better kill times as I level up but I'm not holding my breath.
Without health bars, dont call it an MMO.
Am I missing something by playing single player here. I'm assuming the monsters just level up the ïnvisible health bar&q...

2412d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Slow paced and really unnecessarily long boss battles with them moving to location after location. i feel like im fighting a lion with a table fork.

I'd understand if the rewards with the RNG were better and the weapons levelled up faster making the battles much shorter, but the grind feels very long winded and the creatures not having an energy bar makes it feel more tedious as you dont know how close you are. You can be laying hit after hit into these things for 40 mi...

2412d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

@maximusprime_ because Sony has done it badly and it clearly works with the switch. If the Vita had have been supported by Sony other than having the very good Borderlands 2 and N-O-T-H-I-N-G else it would have left the 3DS in its wake. The fact of promise and no delivery really hurt Sony here. I dont think Xbox anywhere would have this issue if they chose to go down this path and I believe it could very well leave Sony in its wake and now have a portable market that Sony envy so much.

2414d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

$$ and Nintendo Switch success so far proves if the games are there, it is very viable. Xbox anywhere with a portable machine is a bonus many gamers wouldn't pass up.
Imagine playing Horizon on a Vita 2... Geez I'd be in immediately, however Sony failed to even push 1st party games at the Vita 1.... But a Xbox anywhere service with a portable opens up a whole new level of support.
We would be having a very different conversation if Vita actually got supported by the...

2414d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

gawd i hope so. Really hoping for a steam portable to be honest. proper PC games on the go would be a god send! Mind you I'd be stuck playing Portal 1 and 2 pretty much all the time... Portal Portable anyone?

2414d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

They can't fix the game at this point no matter what they release.
Destiny 3 will be the next time I even think about looking at it and it better have the same feel as Destiny 1 PVP because as it stands, D2 is a completely different shooter and boring as hell!
Bring back the gun fun! And bring back the gun grind!

2416d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The Fireblaster 1.0 haha

2417d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

March 27 is a long way away from the supposed "Weapon / Ability Sandbox Changes", hoping they get this back to D1 setup but not holding my breath..
I have said many times, making a sequel and changing the gun play is generally considered poor form. This Pea shooter, special pea shooter and everything else really takes away from the game, and shows that their balancing issues from D1 was just thrown into the too hard basket.
I'd be more inclined to keep playing ...

2419d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

and also thats why we love you :)

2420d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

@Mr-Dude You are one of the countries I didnt mention in the "Bar 2" comment. Thanks for jumping on board so quickly to kick me in the balls lol. You still have more issues than us unfortunately that I can tell. but still.. Middle Holland (Netherlands area) is one of my 2 mentioned places I would have been extremely lucky to be born as a human in, at least in this day and age . Love to visit your great country one day :)

2420d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment