
CRank: 5Score: 26960

wouldn't being a leader mean they would have been the 1st to adopt it. Stupid title !

2184d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

what an ugly month for both PS and XBox. Rubbish games not worth the $10

2187d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Played PubG about 30 times, it's not bad but feels raw. Played Fortnite and got a WWCD in game 8 and stopped as I cant be bothered playing hide and seek for 15 minutes at a time, it's boring and the guns are terribly implemented.

Blackout has me interested however and may be a longer term solution to a "nothing to do saturday night" game. Is it the more adult / competitive game to play of the 3. Considering the gunplay mechanics are better than the other ...

2194d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So much to do. Activities for any occasion. Want to play PVP and PVE - Gambit also has that covered. The fun is finally back

2203d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Monster Hunter World bored me to tears. It takes forever early on to bring down those bloody things and I left button mashers behind in my 20s thanks. I'm more ok with giving it a go but leaving it alone and not completing it. I love Fallout and Fallout 4 is not as strong as the 3s however I haven't completed it. I want to but it's not urgent.

As long as I dont tally up 100s of incomplete games like the Underpants Gnomes and their undies with no goal in site, I&...

2211d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This wont be the case. Their ability to get on board with MS for cross play would have already pricked up a few ears in the developer world. If a developer / publisher needs to choose between platforms for future cross play style games would be stupid not to develop for the switch if they are developing for MS already. The player base is growing at a rapid rate and they are the newest machine for this gen. Sure they may lose out to PS5 / XBoxTwo in terms of games that it cannot run, but how m...

2224d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

I kinda like the original dark and gritty look. Oh well, not going to but it anyway and am far happier with 3 as it is.

2231d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think its time Xur started to sell other items. After a few months of each year you pretty much have every exotic. Maybe some rare Legendary guns, legendary guns and armour sets of the Nine would be a far better idea.

2232d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

walk slowly for 10 minutes as the map shrinks, avoid other players. Get to top 6, hide till you're the last of 2, quickscope with a rifle, or rocket/minigun their tower and WWCD.

Not hard and its not really much of a game TBH. I did it the way i mentioned above in my 1st 4 matches I ever played and got a WWCD. Haven't played it since as it seems like thats all you do and I'm not addicted to building mega towers (nor would I know how). Hopefully this fad dies soo...

2233d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love the old games back in the C64 days.... These should all really be on mobile by now though. Won't really want to be playing it on the PC regardless of the nostalgia it brings.

2238d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'd give this a good run if it was on console. Not sure I'd have the PC to run it these days. Seems like it's been in development forever though which is not helping as the other two have a firm grip, people will try if for a change but COD have their version coming out soon as well and that will make 3 games to compete with.

2239d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I still think it's even funnier idiots keep commenting on games they supposedly don't play. Why they bother clicking the link and then adding a comment like they think they have the most revolutionary thing to say that everyone needs to hear is self fluffing at its highest!

2258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

IB is boring. The fact that they don't cycle the rewards makes you not want to grind it out. Got the sniper rifle and it was meh and dont really want anything else as they are all way lower then meta.

This and the fact the lag switchers aren't being punished as it would seem. Ive had a few games where I thought I was in Monty Pythons Holy Grail - Over the hill scene and it ruins the experience-
2260d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

and un-watered down version of this needs to be made for 3ds. Pull the visuals down and bump off the 3d option and go all in.

2287d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Borderlands 3 is sadly missing

2288d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People keep devaluing platform juggernauts like Microsoft, Nintendo etc Good god man, Sony is a TV company stop thinking they have the games industry all wrapped up and STFU. Cant people just enjoy gaming these days :(

2295d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Anyone can make a game look better after it releases. What is the point of this comment? These excellent modders most likely want their game to be top tree or want a job in the industry. They make life better for all of us. But a game has deadlines and timeframes and allocated elements, the modders do not. Anyone can make a game better after release given enough time or the right tools.

2295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Theres no way this guys voice is real! In other news I'd like this if it was as much as a game. any more would ruin it

2295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No Borderlands announcement makes this an easy purchase for blowing up stuff fun. Doesn't look like there are many guns though.....

2295d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Geez this is a slow game... If you even call it a game. It feels like a quick unfinished experiment. Anyway, overrated in this review especially for a phone game..

2308d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment